

follow the story of Cain, a thief who after stealing a neckless for a couple of crooks nearly dies, only to awaken a spell tree that contains D&D spells as well as other spells from Diablo 4's sorcerer and druid class. follow to find out if Cain uses he new found spells to continue his journey of stealing various powerful artifact across the globe or even the multiverse while being aided by his spells or end up in some old tower crouching on some old books 4/?? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning!!! at the beginning everything would spells, the spell progression as he would focus in improving what he has before adding a new spell and each new spell will start from rank one and will need spell points to level up, the spell can also be used to unlock spells so he has to decide where he wants a new spell or improve the ones he has. also no harem, as i find it difficult writing one love interest, so i wont break my mind trying to incorporate more woman. as for the single love interest, i am torn between Morgaine le fey or salina kyle.

Lythan_Page · TV
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40 Chs

cain vs the suicide squad (chapter 27)

Chapter 27

In a half-decaying apartment complex, where the sounds of loud music and smoke filled the air, a trashed apartment revealed a man hurriedly packing. With dark brown hair, clad in a camo shirt and trousers, a brown scarf around his neck, and a large backpack strapped on, he muttered curses under his breath.

"Shit, shit, shit," the man continued his frantic packing. "He should be here in about 20 minutes," he mumbled to himself, hastily grabbing items from a desk and stuffing them into his backpack. When he finished, he turned around to see a man in strange assassin attire standing by an open window. Stunned for a moment, he sighed deeply without relaxing his tense shoulders. "Hey, Wizard," he said, defeated.

"Tori," Cain acknowledged without saying more. "How much?" he asked, not budging an inch.

"They didn't pay anything," Tori replied, attempting to continue. "Hmm, and here I thought it was going to take billions for you to sell me out," Cain chuckled, the tone lacking any real happiness.

"See, there it is, your trust issues. I'm a contractor. Other contractors know everything about their contractor. I don't even know your name, let alone what you look like. You never trusted me to begin with," Tori stated, and Cain remained unmoving. "Because you have weakness. You have kids," Cain pointed out. Tori chuckled, "Which is why we are in this predicament. They have my kids, man. You understand, right? You're not going to kill me because I chose my kids over you?" Tori asked, but Cain remained stoic, leaving Tori facing him as if he were an enemy.

Suddenly, Cain looked away, chuckling. "Is this one of your other traps that you and Amanda Waller set up?" Cain questioned as the entire room began beeping. Tori looked up to the rooftop where a red alarm was sounding. "Shit, they're here," he said, looking toward Cain, who had vanished. Grumbling, Tori muttered, "Fucking Batman wannabe," as he backed away, only to be abruptly shot in the knee cap. "Fuck, shit, the fuck!" he screamed in pain.

[Scene Change]

On the rooftop of Gotham City, Cain moved effortlessly from one rooftop to another. Suddenly, a large beam of red energy shot towards him, but he didn't flinch. A semi-transparent shield appeared, absorbing the attack. Cracks appeared, but the shield held. Yet, the assault didn't stop as a blast of wind and a forceful impact pressed against his barrier, nearly pushing Cain. The barrier shattered, but Cain disappeared just as the shadow of a large figure loomed. The figure, wearing peculiar armor and towering over Cain, swung a fist with incredible speed. Cain barely managed to warp out of the way, reappearing 150 meters away.

As he observed the figure, his expression shifted to a frown. "Zod," he muttered, his demeanor turning more serious. He knew the dangers of facing this particular Kryptonian. Zod's punch had caved in the building below. He growled before flying out, and Cain, not idle, was already sprinting towards the edge of Gotham. Another barrier shattered, but he swiftly erected a new one. "18," he counted in his mind, contorting his body to dodge a Batarang suddenly hurling his way.

Chapter 27

Before leaping off the rooftop, a green bolt of energy struck where Cain had stood seconds ago. As he touched the ground, Zod's heat vision fired towards him, shattering both his barrier and the ground, creating a blind smoke of debris. Bursting out of the smoke, Cain continued to run. "Hello there," Harley Quinn's voice sounded above, and Cain looked up to see her descending with a bat in hand. Ignoring her, he dodged her attack, only to hear a large, animalistic growl as Killer Croc launched towards him. A blue semi-transparent field appeared, shocking both Harley Quinn and Croc into unconsciousness.

"How many spells does this guy have?" Deadshot grumbled over the coms. Focused on the Kryptonian shooting towards him and the green stream of energy, Cain smirked. He disappeared, swapping places with Zod, who was hit by the green beam from the Enchantress. This magical energy slammed the Kryptonians into the ground. "Did I tell you guys how much I hate sorcerers?" Captain Boomerang complained on the coms as he threw another boomerang, narrowly avoided by Cain.

"Does this motherfucker have eyes in the back of his head or something?" Boomerang grumbled as he attempted to throw another sphere while Cain stomped the ground, knocking back Killer Croc, Enchantress, and Harley Quinn. "Zod, I want him alive. Do you hear me? Otherwise, your head is gone," Amanda Waller's voice sounded through the coms, and Zod roared in anger, firing another blast of heat vision. Cain tanked it with his shield, continuing to move.

"Enchantress, can't you contain him in some sort of a prison with your spells?" Boomerang suggested, but Enchantress's attempt failed as Cain swapped places again. "Never mind," Boomerang said as he watched Cain vanish. "WHERE ARE YOU, EARTHLING?" Zod yelled, looking around. Cain was running among the trees, finally out of Gotham. "THERE IS NOWHERE TO RUN FROM ZOD, EARTHLING!" Zod roared as he flew towards Cain. Cain clapped his hands, seemingly doing nothing to Zod, who landed a powerful hit, sending Cain flying into several trees, breaking ribs, his spine, and caving in his chest. Strangely, there was no blood.

"COUNT YOURSELF LUCKY, EARTHLING. YOU ARE GOING TO LIVE ANOTHER DAY," Zod declared, noticing the smile on Cain's face. "You're smiling," Zod remarked as the dark, starry sky suddenly lit up with arcs of lightning covering the entire expanse. "Now, keep watching the skies," Cain said as the electricity rained down, creating a large crater in the forest.

Just out of range, the rest of the Suicide Squad watched. "Waller, you seeing this?" Quinn asked, and Waller confirmed, "Yes, there's no source of life other than the knocked-out Zod." Disappointment tinged Waller's voice as she ordered, "Get the Kryptonian out of there." The Squad expressed their surprise and relief. "He knocked out Zod?" Deadshot asked. "Shit," echoed the sentiment among the Squad. Boomerang added, "Well, at least he's dead. Otherwise, he would have been a pain in the ass to deal with." Deadshot questioned, "Is he? What if it's another decoy like the one before?" Boomerang sighed in relief, saying, "It doesn't matter. Let me worry about that. For now, get that Kryptonian out of there before I blow your heads off." Waller's reminder of the bombs in their heads annoyed the Squad. "Why does she have to remind us about the bomb in our heads? It's not like we will ever forget," Boomerang muttered.