

follow the story of Cain, a thief who after stealing a neckless for a couple of crooks nearly dies, only to awaken a spell tree that contains D&D spells as well as other spells from Diablo 4's sorcerer and druid class. follow to find out if Cain uses he new found spells to continue his journey of stealing various powerful artifact across the globe or even the multiverse while being aided by his spells or end up in some old tower crouching on some old books 4/?? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning!!! at the beginning everything would spells, the spell progression as he would focus in improving what he has before adding a new spell and each new spell will start from rank one and will need spell points to level up, the spell can also be used to unlock spells so he has to decide where he wants a new spell or improve the ones he has. also no harem, as i find it difficult writing one love interest, so i wont break my mind trying to incorporate more woman. as for the single love interest, i am torn between Morgaine le fey or salina kyle.

Lythan_Page · TV
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40 Chs

am i a monster who eats babies?(chapter 30)

Chapter 30

In an unfamiliar dark forest, twisted trees stood like sentinels, their gnarled branches casting eerie shadows. The figure leaned against a mountain base, a fusion of human and dragon features. Cain, now in his human form, bore wounds that oozed crimson, and his eyes, though struggling to open, revealed both pain and determination. With gritted teeth, he raised his hand three times, a silent oath resonating within, "I will get stronger." As the system interface materialized, he affirmed, "I will."

[Name: Cain O'Brien]

[Level: 21 (424/18,000)]

[Spell-Points: 0 ]

[Mana-Charge: 3/21 (each spell requires a single charge unless specified; charges can be regained with meditation)]


Magic-Field: it can only deflect 2 attacks, rank 2 (2 spell points) Cost: 1 charge

Arcane-Blade: three ethereal blades are summoned, rank 3 (4 spell points) Cost: 1 charge

Short-Warp: You jaunt through space for a short distance (150 metres), rank 3 (4 spell points) Cost: 1 charge

Almighty Strike: You clap your hands and create an almighty aura that sends a blast wave out in a 30-foot sphere centred on you, rank 1 (one spell point) Cost: 1 charge

Arc: 2 balls of lightning attack that can jump between foes. Rank 2 (2 spell point) Cost: 1 charge

Duplicate: you can create a duplicate of yourself that only last 1 minute and 30 second, rank 3(4 spell point) Cost: 1 charge )

Golem's Heart: you can create a golem that last 30 minutes, rank 1(1 spell point) Cost: 1 charge ) 

Shady Visage: You obscure your own features, for half an hours .Rank 1(1 spell point) Cost: 1 charge )

Dragon Form: You assume the form weather full/half form of a western dragon, gaining the ability to breath fire, possess tough scales that negate 25% of all incoming damage, gain two wings to fly, and see through illusions for 15 minutes,Rank 1(1 spell point) Cost: 5 charge )

Direct Lightning: You fill a 20-foot sphere around yourself with sparks of lightning.Rank 1(1 spell point) Cost: 1 charge )

Teleposition: You and your victim exchange places, 1(1 spell point) Cost: 1 charge ) ]

Shadow army: turn the soul of any creature you kill into a shadow soldier, summoning the shadow creature for the first time varies in mana charge, but you can summon them without using mana charge, [0/1] rank 1(1 spell point) ]

Accelerate Self: you feel yourself speed up, to you, the world seems to be moving at a snail's pace for 15 seconds, rank 1(1 spell point) Cost: 1 charge ) ]

Reflection: Warding yourself with powerful defensive magic, you gain the ability to reflect spells back at attackers for the next 30 seconds, rank 1(1 spell point) Cost: 1 charge ) ]

The surroundings whispered of the forest's ancient secrets, the air tinged with an otherworldly scent. Cain, amidst the looming trees, focused on the interface, revealing an arsenal of spells. A fleeting smile graced his face, driven by a singular purpose: leveling up. "I should focus on just leveling," he resolved, a clear goal etched in his mind. Strength, an unwavering shield against threats.

-scene change-

In the heart of another mysterious forest, where colossal trees touched the heavens, shadows waltzed, impeding the movement of skeletal beings. Clad in fur armor, a figure stood surrounded by three blades of arcane energy. The blades danced with a life of their own, swaying and striking skeletons effortlessly. The towering trees created a mystical ambiance, and the skeletons, adorned in various armors, brandished blades and bows.

The figure, an adept warrior, maintained an unwavering stance. The blades moved in a calculated choreography, seeking and dismantling any approaching threat. However, the relentless horde of skeletons grew, gradually overwhelming the blades, which showed subtle cracks from the ceaseless onslaught.

The figure's shadow, almost sentient, emerged into the third dimension, transforming into a colossal, dark bear. The spectral bear charged ferociously, its paw swiping through the skeletal ranks, scattering them like fallen leaves.

Yet, deeper into the forest, a diminutive figure lurked. Smaller than a toddler, with green skin and ragged clothing, it clutched a razor-sharp dagger. The creature, with a large, pointy nose and bloodshot eyes, advanced cautiously. With swift agility, it leaped through the air, avoiding the blades' attention. Gleeful that the arcane blades and the spectral bear ignored it, the creature seized the opportunity for a sneak attack.

Only for the figure to reach out, catching the green creature in place, who immediately launched an attack on the figure's hands. The dagger clanged against the figure's grip, creating a metallic resonance in the air. The figure tightened its hold on the creature's neck, revealing a large, scaly hand that swiftly ended the creature's existence. The green blood dripped, marking the demise of the forest-dwelling creature.

This event marked the end of the skeleton onslaught. The last skeletal remains crumbled under the relentless swipes of the spectral bear. Cain, now revealed as the hood of his coat was drawn back, approached the bear, congratulating it with a pat on the head. "Good job, tank," he commended, fostering a unique bond with the ethereal guardian. The duo continued their journey.

*BOOM* A sudden disturbance in the sky drew Cain's attention. A woman, propelled by flames shooting from her hands, soared across the heavens. Cain, in his contemplative manner, muttered, "Humans," a hint of both fascination and skepticism in his thoughts.

*SNATCH* The crisp sound of a twig snapping announced the arrival of a new adversary. Emerging from the woods was a minotaur, brandishing a giant axe. While Cain wasn't taken aback, having smelled the creature before seeing it, the sight still intrigued him. "My first Greek-themed monster," he mused, the novelty of the encounter evident. With a swift strike, Cain dispatched the minotaur, its head toppling to the ground.

"1,000 XP away from leveling up," Cain noted, checking his status panel. The bear reverted to its shadowy form, and the arcane blades shattered. As Cain entered a clearing, he observed a woman with orange hair wielding magic and a man in a dark cape with brown hair wielding a maze-like chain whip. Together, they vanquished more creatures before preparing to board a decaying wagon pulled by two white horses.

"Ah, this one is different," the man remarked, spotting Cain in his draconic hybrid form. The woman playfully teased, "He looks quite good looking, actually, with the black hair and the two horns." The man, with a sarcastic tone, retorted, "Really, he is a monster who probably eats babies for lunch and old ladies for supper. You want to kiss his mouth?" He shrugged, adding, "Who knows, I might." The woman chuckled, leaving Cain bemused as he glanced behind, half-expecting to find the monster accused of consuming peculiar meals.