
DC: Absolute Deal!

Nothing in the world cannot be resolved through a transaction. If there is, then conduct a pure transaction. You might not believe it, but those who have traded with me are spread across countless realms and worlds. Trading is a great endeavor that benefits physical and mental health, making it irresistible!

SkyImmortal_ · Cómic
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27 Chs

Chapter 15 : Wisdom

A second!

In just one second, the spring water from the Lazarus Pool completely filled Bane's body.

His body began expanding at a visible rate.

"What did he do!"

Dr. Jones, who just realized this, sharply exclaimed in the room.

The captain of the western security team had taken her place just now, and she, along with two other researchers, paid no attention to what Adrian, inside the cage, was saying to Bane.

They thought they were "on the same side."

The security captain faced the door of the cage, her sight blocked, not noticing Adrian taking out the syringe. By the time they realized, it was too late.

Bane violently tore apart the device locking his hands, as if invisible hands had grabbed all the tubes on him, forcefully "ripping them out," splashing various liquids.

Adrian timely "spat" out an opened umbrella, blocking the splattering of unknown medicinal fluids.

Meanwhile, the device on Bane's back made a noise, absorbing most of the Titan venom in the pool. His body further swelled.

The device locking his feet even burst open forcibly, fragments flying everywhere. Adrian cleverly placed the umbrella in front, blocking some small shards.

By then, Bane's body had swollen to over three meters, one of his arms thicker than Adrian's thigh, transforming from a tall, dried corpse into a terrifying humanoid beast.

"Step back."

Freed Bane said to Adrian. In fact, Adrian was already very conscious and moved aside.

Bane roared and charged toward the cage's door, which, surprisingly, broke and shattered under his impact!


The security captain pulled out her gun in horror, stuttering, but her actions were swift. She aimed at Bane and pulled the trigger.

Bane roared again, his massive palm slapped, and the captain's body flew and crashed into an instrument nearby, contorting into an odd shape, undoubtedly unable to survive.

All the bullets lodged in Bane's body were squeezed out by his muscles' vibrations. A little blood flowed, then stopped.

Inside the lab, a piercing alarm blared, red lights flashing continuously.

After knocking down the captain, Bane naturally wouldn't spare the three researchers, striding over and smacking them like he did the security captain.

A slightly strong smell of blood began to spread.

Adrian covered his nose and mouth with one hand, walked out of the cage, and reached the elevator button.

To go down, they needed to pass through multiple checks; the elevator wouldn't open without a password.

But going up was easier.

Adrian went into the elevator first, Bane following behind. His enormous body completely covered Adrian.

This elevator also transported some large instruments; otherwise, Bane's current physique wouldn't fit.

The elevator doors slowly closed, beginning a smooth ascent.

Adrian "spat" out a high-end satellite phone borrowed from the penguin man, saying, "Hey, I found Bane. Come pick us up, I'm at the location where I came ashore."

The penguin man on the other end of the line ended the call oddly, and contacted his men again, having the yacht that was halfway back return.

He initially thought it would take Adrian some effort to find Bane, but unexpectedly, in just how long? About an hour?

Could it be that someone in the asylum was letting Bane out, coincidentally seen by Adrian?

"After getting out, head east, and jump directly into the sea. Penguin will send someone to pick us up." Adrian told Bane.

"Are you from the penguin people?" Bane asked but then realized, "No, you're not."

If Adrian were associated with the penguin people, why would he directly address them by name?

"I've traded with Penguin a few times; he's an old partner of mine," Adrian said.

Bane didn't speak. By then, the elevator had stopped, but the door didn't open.

Unconcerned, Bane punched out; one punch sent half the elevator door flying, followed by miserable cries outside.

Then the other half of the elevator door, accompanied by more miserable cries.

The asylum's security personnel reacted quite fast. When Bane escaped and the alarm sounded, they gathered here.

Then they were hit by the elevator doors one after another.

"Let's go!"

Bane turned around, grabbed Adrian, and placed him on his shoulder. Like a tank, he rushed towards the hospital gate.

No one could stop Bane's footsteps at all.

Not to mention an anaesthetic, even bullets couldn't make him lose fighting strength—his exaggerated muscles firmly jammed the bullets, incapable of affecting his movements.

Unless a large number of rifles were shot, it wouldn't harm Bane in his current state.

But this was just an asylum, not a military facility with plenty of firearms.

Speaking of which, the asylum's weapon inventory might not even match Adrian's mobile arms depot.

With Bane, who had broken free of control, absorbed water from the Lazarus Pool, and successfully taken drugs, he was now a true humanoid tank. With the asylum's security and their weapons, they were utterly unable to stop Bane's advance.

After the elevator doors caused severe casualties, the security personnel also reacted. However, for them, going up meant walking into death.

They were just paid employees; there was no need to risk their lives.

When did this monster Bane appear in the asylum, and why did he burst out from some secret elevator? Without the alarm guiding them, many wouldn't even know there was an elevator there.

God knows if there were any secret dirty dealings above; sacrificing their lives for such things was not worth it.

Bane's terrifying strength, combined with their thoughts after understanding the situation, completely removed any intention of pursuing him from the security personnel.

Bane easily arrived at the spot where Adrian had come ashore, directly jumping into the sea; the yacht was still a little distance away.

"There are sharks..." Adrian half-crouched on Bane's back, grabbing his tubes to prevent himself from falling.


Bane grunted; a burst of water splashed from his left side. After a moment, the half-body of a shark floated to the surface. "Don't worry."

"...With such power, who needs wisdom." Adrian thought that maybe he shouldn't have reminded Bane about the sharks just now.

He should have warned the poor little shark that Bane was coming.

"No, wisdom is the most important."

Bane said, "If I didn't understand the development of the Titan venom but merely used it, you wouldn't have come to find me."

"That's true," Adrian said.

While the two were talking, they had swum a considerable distance; the yacht had also arrived beside them. Soon, the two boarded the yacht.

Bane's huge body almost sank this small yacht.

Fortunately, Bane voluntarily removed a couple of tubes, spraying Titan venom. His body began to shrink, turning into a man over two meters tall. Although still exerting intense pressure, he was within the range of normal humans.

"Let's go," Adrian told the yacht's driver, and the yacht quickly left the area, leaving the asylum's piercing alarm behind.


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