

After returning home Drystan sat down for his regular post event self-reflection.

This time he didn't need to think much as he already knew what he needed to reflect on.

His mentality was subpar.

Even though things went according to plan to an certain extent and he was growing closer to the Bat family, he was also losing confidence.

He fainted under the effects of the fear toxin the first time he was injected with it and went on a mini rampage the second time.

But Batman just shrugged the fear toxin off like it was just a slap on the wrist.

The difference in willpower was clear to see.

The tough part was that willpower was one of the most difficult things to train, so even if he started training it now he probably wouldn't see results for a long time.

Plus, all of the most effective training ideas that he thought up would probably drive him insane.

They generally revolve around him inflicting some sort of extreme physical, emotional, or phycological pain upon himself.

Another way was to constantly experience tragedy.

Even if he became depressed he was sure that he would develop a stronger mentality afterwards.

But Drystan wasn't willing to go through either of those things.

Only someone insane would willing make themselves suffer just to gain a stronger willpower.

He could only hope that as he kept experiencing life his mentality would improve, but until then there wasn't really anything he could do.

The positive thing to come from all of this was that he got to punch his greatest fear in the face.

Drystan felt really good about that.

Who wouldn't feel good about beating their childhood abuser up.

It was quite a liberating experience.

The next morning Drystan got up and decided to visit his parents graves.

Recent events had dug up old wounds and besides his parents he didn't have anyone that he could truly confide in.

He got in his car and drove to Gotham Cemetery only stopping to buy some flowers on the way.

Upon arriving at the grave site Drystan sat on his knees and began tending to his parents graves.

"Mom... Dad.. its been a while."

*sigh* "I'm not gonna lie, I've been having a tough time the past few months."

"I feel like I have no time to be myself lately. I'm either an overly cheery and quirky professor or I'm a very solemn and intimidating cosplayer."

"But I'm never really myself."

"There was a quote that I remember that fits my situation perfectly."

"'Time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.' Steve Jobs"

"But for me I'm always someone else so when can I be me?"

"... That's not true. I can be myself when I..." *Creeeeaaak*

Turning around he saw an expensive black sedan drive through the cemetery gates and up the path, parking beside a grand mausoleum.

Bruce Wayne then got out of the car with an old man in a butlers uniform.

Drystan just ignored them and continued talking to his parents graves.

There was a time to talk to Bruce Wayne and his much more famous butler Alfred Pennyworth, but that time wasn't when they were visiting Tom and Martha's graves.

"I met James yesterday for the first time in about a year."

"He looked a little more haggard than the last time I saw him but that makes sense as his daughter was handicapped because of him."

"It wasn't really his fault but it was done because she was his daughter so the guilt is probably weighing down on him."

"Despite that I still think you would really like him, he's one of the good ones."

"I also wanted to let you know that I've decided to start looking for a girlfriend."

"It will be a long process as I plan to be myself and only myself when dating so it might cause some discrepancies when people investigate me."

"But I will find a way to make it seem like I changed. Dating does change a man so it shouldn't be to hard."

Drystan continued to sit on the grass in front of his parents grave for the next three hours telling them about his life and all the changes and events that have been happening since his last visit.

Then Drystan stopped for some takeaway before he went home to relax for the rest of the day.

When he got home however he lost all hope that he could possibly relax for even a second.

Standing in his living room were three beautiful women arguing about which one of the is the sexiest villain in Gotham.

Poison Ivy thinks its her because she has succesfully seduced a number of men including Batman and Superman.

But she mostly made use of her ability to control pheromones to so though.

Catwoman thinks it her because she has Batman lovestruck like a puppy.

But she is also romantically involved with Batman rather that just seducing him.

And Harley thinks she's the sexiest... Because she said so.

Drystan stood there for a moment before saying "Ivy is the sexiest, Harley is the cutest, and Cat needs couples therapy with Batman."

Drystan had gotten close to the three girls over the past two weeks as they kept showing up at his house in the middle of the night.

At first he was frustrated that they kept showing up but after getting to know them they were some of his favorite people.

They were also the only people hat he felt like he could be himself with.

"What happened that made you girls come visit me while the suns still shining?"

Its the first time they have actually been at his house during the day.

"Grey!" Harley ran over excited to see him, then tears started forming in her eyes.

Drystan got extremely worried extremely fast as whatever could make Harley cry couldn't be anything good.

"Grey, We got Kicked Out of Our Club!" Harley while pulling on his shirt .

Drystan breathed out a sigh of relief as it was something minor and not that one her hyenas had died or something.

If one of those things got hurt the person who made them hurt was going to die.

But he also got confused as who in there right mind would kick these three out of the Sirens?

"They kicked you out? Are they okay?" He asked in a tone that was both concerned and amused.

Catwoman pitched in from behind Harley "They're fine, just a little beat up."

"And who is they?"

"People from the bank."

"Did you not pay rent?"

Catwoman looked to the side avoiding eye contact and said "We never really paid rent in the first place. We were just... Borrowing the space for a while."

Drystan then knew what had happened.

They opened a club on unowned land and when the bank sent people to investigate the lot and found it occupied they sent people to ask them to relocate.

Then Cat, Ivy, and Harley beat them up and came here.

"So what now. I know how much you guys liked that club so surely you will buy it?"

Harley then started crying harder "We don't have no money, we're homeless now!"

Ahhh, that's a problem. Every since Harley became so unstable the Sirens is probably the most stable environment she's been a part of.

So if they cant use the Sirens club as a home and have to go else ware then they will probably start acting up again.

They haven't killed anyone in a while and if they started up again he wouldn't be able to be friends anymore as they would lead back to him.

Its barely okay for them to be friends now because even though they aren't as bad they are still infamous so it makes him less trustworthy.

He let out another sigh before saying "You girls can stay here for tonight and ill get the club back for you tomorrow, okay."

Harley looked at him with sparkles in her eyes "Really?"


"WOOHOO, Greys the Best!" She said while giving Drystan a hug and jumping up and down.

Drystan put a hand on her head to both to pat her and to keep her from bouncing on him as he didn't want her to cause a reaction.

Drystan and the girls then hung out at his place for the rest of the day before falling asleep on his bed.


Sorry for not uploading yesterday as my grandaunt had a heart attack.

She's okay for now but as she's old she could go at any moment.

As that's been going on I really wasn't in the mood to type this chapter so I apologize if it isn't up to standard.

Once again sorry and thank you for reading.