
Dbz Naruto Self insert

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ivebeenrobbed · Otras
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3 Chs


"A what now?"

"A Saiyan,"

"Say it again?"



* Snickers

"This isn't funny Y/n!" king kai glares at me

I just smile

oh hello every body! My name is Y/n L/n! I am 16 years old, 6 ft 2 in Black hair, black eyes , a normal atheletic build for a guy who does sports I'd say its been about a week since I've been robbed from my home by kami! and meet Narut- ahem Narumi Sorry. She is an exact copy of kushina except with Blue eyes ! any way Uh I found out I was Adopted and My parents were actually saiyan ! you can imagine What My reaction is Like when you find out your the same race as My favorite hero!!! Crazy wait that could explain my eating habits!

"Okay…what do you understand?" I asked her

She looked me

"Well, I'm dead," she took a glance at her halo "dead by those stupid villagers.Who thought I was a demon. Which could of been avoided if..." She clenched her fist if My family noticed me, and trained me.she gritted her teeth "they ignored me cause they thought I was useless because I had no chakra... She took a deep breath

I looked at her surprised

'ok... Not like Naruto, More like one of those fanfictions I've read! and I could of sworn I saw her eyes flicker teal definitely not like Naruto'

"I...I ended up in some kind of white space,"She continued Snapping me out of my thoughts "I met My grandparents! and kami!... I think! " She told me how I was the child of prophecy and I needed to become Stronger to face an upcoming threat!"

She glanced at king kai who Nodded his head and turned his head

" she seemed to get an idea kissed my forehead and told me goodluck and next thing you know i find my self next to this red skinned horny man!

I grinned at her "Horny huh?" She glared at me "you know what i mean!"

any way I think his name was king Emma or something

"Yemma... but yeah" King kai nodded again

my smile then turned to a frown "Did everybody in your village treat you like crap!

she crossed her arms under her cc cup breast and tapped her chin in thought

"well No... theres mikoto kas san itachi nii san Sayuri chan Anko Chan Iruka~kun and My twin sister Mito ~chan "She smiled fondly

My eyes widen in surprise " I thought you hated your family"

She frowned

"I could never hate mito chan it wasn't her fault!... My parents on the other hand is another story!"

King kai sighed "Do you want to go back!"

"I have too, I can't abandon them! I plan to visit them during the chunin exams!"

"Anyway King yemma told me I was a special case, and I realized I had a tail her tail unfolded from her waist in response! they guided me to snake way- which is really long by the way "Then you said I'm a…Saiyaman?"

"Saiyan damn it it's not that hard to say!"

"I know I'm just messin witcha" Narumi grinned

King kais brow twitched as I Laughed out loud

"What is a saiyan anyway!"

King kai was about to respond but i intervined

"well a saiyan is an extinct warrior race! which is almost extinct. their are a few saiyans that are alive right now Most of them on earth!"

Her mouth gained an "o" Shape before she gained a confused look "wait a second how do you know this if your not from this dimension?"

I was sweating now King Kai smirked at me

"I uh...um...uh..uh...King kai told me!"I said the last part quickly

king kai frowned at me

She glared at me "I can tell when people are lying y/n!!!"

I sighed

"Look I - in his world we are all forms of entertainment our dimension is called dragon ball z and your world is called Naruto who is a boy counterpart from another universe" King kai interrupted Smirking as I glared at him

Narumi gained a shocked "Are you serious!"

King Kai grinned "Oh absolutely!" his eyes had Suddenly gained a mischievous glint

and I realized what he was about to say

"oh don't you d- and you know what else he probably saw fan made pictures of alternate versions of you -him naked as well !!!"

Narumi's eyes widen even more as a red blush appeared on her face !

I was sweating big time as king kai was smirking 'payback' he thought in his head

"wait Narumi i can expla- How did I look!-Huh? "


king kai and I stared dumbfounded at her as She looked at me with a smirk

How do I look!

"wai-wai-wait-hold on... your not mad!" king Kai asked

"no why would I be?I'm actually kind of flattered"

My eyes widen




Why would you Be Flattered By this!!!" king kai yelled bewildered

Narumi blushed well because I actually think he's cute

"My face grew as red as her hair "She thinks I'm cute"

and fainted

King kai Muttered "Damn it"

few seconds later

"Okay so um…"

"Go ahead and ask,"

"What's the point in training me if I'm…well, dead?"

"Because you will be restored back to life," King Kai said simply Narumi Nodded

"Yeah sure, anyway," King Kai decided to move on and Narumi focused. "Per Kami's instructions, you will be trained here for several decades then return to earth with some guy named Goku," King Kai shrugged. Narumi raised a brow but nodded anyway. "Now, lets get You and y/n out of this outfit,"

"What's wrong with My outfit?"


"I'm just messing King Kai! Go right ahead!" Narumi grinned and King Kai smirked as his antenna pointed at him to both me and Narumi's clothes glowed. When it was done, she was wearing a orange training gi with a dark blue short sleeved undershirt and black pants with black boots. i was wearing a red training gi with blue undershirt belt and wrist bands she took a look at her clothes and nodded she glanced at me 'hot!' she thought before she turned to King Kai.

I then awoke from my- nap " ugh what hit me!" I looked at down and saw that I was wearing new clothes 'king Kai' i guessed

Morning sleepy head!" a familar voice

My head snapped and saw Narumi and king kai smirking at me

I blushed

Now then!narumi grinned when do we start?