
Elsword's Worst Nightmare

Meanwhile in one of Elsword's nightmares, Crescentia was wandering around with her resin sword, when suddenly, her former best friend Rufina's paternal cousin Aidan appears behind her. He said to her "Crescentia, listen. Everyone, including my cousin Rufina, is looking for you." She refused to listen to him, instead the Dark El tried to corrupt him, but he managed to dodge the curse, and said to her "What is this? Could you explain this to me what this is?!"She responded to him, saying "This is something that was stored inside my sword! I can't help it!" Aidan replied "Drop that sword!" Rufina appeared next to him saying the same phrase as him, and so did the former's husband Deimos and daughter Creola. Instead of listening to her family and friends, Crescentia ran away from them when suddenly, she was stopped by Rumo, a runemaster, who used his rune magic to trap her, making her unable to run away from her loved ones as well as the people she knew before.Shortly after he trapped her in his runes, Rumo saw Elsword walking in and telling him to free her, to which the former obliged, and apologized to him before walking away to see Aidan, Rufina, Deimos and Creola to inform them about what happened, with the remaining two characters in the scene, facing each other.As soon as they started to face each other, Crescentia drops her resin sword, before summoned multiple icicles, in which one of them almost stabbed Elsword in the chest, to the point he managed to dodge her attacks and tried to fight back against her by rushing to tackle her shoulder, only for her to attempt throw him to the ground without realizing that he's taller than her, causing them to fall to the ground.Unlike him, who fainted, she got up and walked up to him before trying to grab him by the collar and attempting to stab him with her resin sword, only for his right hand to grab her left wrist, causing the black background to be transformed into an white one, with the two of them getting up, and as they hold hands together, Crescentia started talking to Elsword, and as soon as the two stopped talking to each other, he asked her if he could free her from the Dark El by kissing her, and she initially refused, before giving him the light El shards she found while on her way to the Daystar Purgatory.Soon after, Rufina and Aidan walked in and began to cheer the two up on helping reconcile their relationship, when suddenly, after hugging him, and just as they were about to kiss, Crescentia pushes Elsword away and tells him "Are you kidding me?! You need to realize that you're married, and so am I!" before throwing one of her shoes at his face and running away as fast as she could, without realizing his true intentions to save her from the Dark El by resonating with the El itself and help her reconcile with her loved ones, until she fell into the ground, with her resin sword breaking, causing the energy of the Dark El to disappear from time to time, and soon, she started to resonate with the Primal El and went back to normal, surrounded by her husband Deimos, their daughter Creola, as well as Rufina and Aidan.Soon, Elsword started to walk away from the scene, and just as he headed for the door to go back to the reality, Crescentia was standing in front of him, and apologized to him, to which he slowly forgave her and the two eventually hugged each other to the point of kissing each other, and later, he was now back to the reality, as he found himself all alone in bed, at his own house.He woke up and soon thought to himself "Wait, what was this all about? Looks like I need someone to kiss me the way Crescentia did to me in my own dream...", when suddenly, Frostine opened the door and saying "Good morning, sir.", before seeing something in the blanket, getting shocked and she said "Wait, what is this?!" Soon, he noticed he was hard and replied to her "Wait, this is not what it looks like!" while his entire face was blushing before telling her "Oh, sorry. Frostine, I'm pitching a tent right now. Could you help me with this?"As soon as he said something to her, Frostine tried to look back, but upon seeing that he was still pitching a tent, she played along with the joke, but little did she knew, she ended up in his bed, covered by an blanket, to which he told her not to worry about everything around her before taking it to the next level under the blanket, until they were cuddling each other.Soon, her older brother Froid, accompanied by his niece Starla, the daughter of his older sister Naria, were knocking the door of the house, saying "Hey, where's Frostine?", to which Frostine opened the door, and the three entered the house, to said niece's shock that Starla said to her aunt "Auntie, are you okay...? Who did this to you...?", to which Elsword tells her that it was him, to which Froid ended up getting enraged to the point he grabbed him by his collar, saying "How dare you do such thing to my sister?!"5 years later, at the palace of his own mother's homeland of the Arcane Realm, Frostine's son asked his aunt Naria if she had seen his own father. Soon, she tells him the truth from her daughter Starla that Elsword was indeed his father, so the son sets out to find him, only to saw him crying in a bench, shortly before he recognized him as his own son. Turns out, that was an nightmare of said father, who woke up in the same spot as the beginning of his previous nightmare 5 years prior, except that it was an mere illusion of his created from an parallel timeline.He said to himself "What was this all about? Why did I save Crescentia and sire a child with Frostine in the first place?" before going outside, where he saw a guild of assassins coming towards a strange location. Soon, his wife Aisha walks in, and said to him "I have a feeling that some assassins are headed for a hot spring." Rena noticed some of the assassins before telling Elsword and Aisha "I know some of these assassins, as they're from my village. It's better not to disturb them or else they'll kill us."Suddenly, as the trio were talking to each other, they found themselves surrounded by one of the men, accompanied by some of the assassins, when suddenly, Aisha used her new-found earth abilities to throw her targets to the ground, combined with Elsword's multiple fire geyser skills and Rena's piercing arrows, defeating them. As a result, the trio high-fived each other for their efforts in defeating the assassins, when suddenly, they met Qamar's mother, Crescendo, the moon queen. Soon after, her descendant Crescentia tried to ambush her, only for Qamar to stop her, telling his granddaughter "Crescentia. Stop it!", in which the granddaughter stopped, as she listened to him about her Dark El curse, which is harming her and the others around her, in which her husband Deimos appeared, and told her "Honey, drop that sword.", to which she dropped the resin sword and started crying, resulting in her three family members surrounding her while the villagers in Ruben looked at the three of them in an sad tone.After she dropped the sword, Elsword saw the resin sword before picking it up and purifying the stored energy of the Dark El, using some of the leftover El fragments he found a year prior to arriving in the Daystar Purgatory. Little did he knew, Crescentia told him that someone was behind all of this Dark El curse affecting her, and that the Dark El they found in this dimension was an imitation by pouring an demonic aura into the El fragments and the real Dark El was created around the same time as the original El prior to its explosion, as well as the fact that someone was known to resonate with the Dark El.According to Crescentia, that person who was known to resonate with the Dark El was none other than a woman, who was about a year older than Elsword, and whose parents were born near the El and had the ability to use the El energy and one of the few remaining Rubenians, although living in the demon world, whose mother was a fugitive on the run due to her involvement in a cult that was linked to the masquerade party held at Velder 2 days prior.Ain appears, and he said to Crescentia "I know who this person is." While they were talking about said person, they had no idea that this person was secretly eavesdropping on their conversation, and soon, she threw a shuriken, which almost targeted Rena, in which Raven grabbed it in time with his right arm, instead throwing it back at her, only for her to take the shuriken, and he said to her "Hey, who the hell are you?! Why are you here?"The woman introduces herself as Demetria, and says to him "Hello, I'm Demetria, the person capable of resonating with the Dark El." Crescentia responded to her "So, you're the one who corrupted me with that resin sword that this guy over there has right now?!" while grabbing her collar, when suddenly, the former resorted into threatening Elsword to give her the sword, when he refused due to her threats, resulting in an petty fight between the two of them until Aisha set the sword on fire and tells Demetria "Leave my husband alone, you dummy!", in which the latter started to play the victim and accuse them of being the bad guys while throwing insults at them in Korean when in fact she was being one over an melting sword, before saying "I'm screwed.", to which she ended up leaving the scene.Ain said to Elsword, Aisha, Rena, Raven and Crescentia "What a troublesome woman she is...", to which the five of them agreed with him, and together, they set out to find out about her true intentions.