
Day 1

it was raining. the sky was gloom and raindrops pattered on the ground. the grass looked so alive with all the water they received, but it was a fact that if water can save a plant, it can kill it too.

that is life, i guess. you hold on to another person, become dependant on them in order to fit in. you make them as the steering wheel, while you yourself is the tyre. what about you though? have you thought of steering the world yourself? be brave to become lost and find your way out? no. no we dont. thats the problem. we are afraid to be solo.

i always wonder why people love to walk as a couple or as a group. i wonder when is the time they spend for themselves. also, for people who are alone, they will be stared at like they are the aliens. for me, people are weird.

dont you want to be unique? dont you want to be original? dont you want to be independant?

why dont you try holding the wheel and turn it to the right, even when everyone else spins it to the left?

whats the effect? will you die when you are lost? will you cough blood when you need help?

No. You will not. Your ego will be wounded a bit, that's all. However, your first question will be the first of the many baby steps you will make in the future to overcome social anxiety and introvertedness.

Cheers to the first baby step! 🎉