
Day By Day [MYNAME Fanfiction]

Seyong is used to getting what he wants when he wants it; especially when it came to women. His love life, if you could call it that, he wouldn't, consists of flings and one night stands in the bathrooms of clubs and bars. His simple playboy lifestyle becomes difficult when the idol in training, moves into the dorm with the other members. And Gunwoo's sisters. When Eunji denies his attempts to get her into bed, she becomes a challenge that Seyong is determined to conquer. Insoo met Jiyeon for the first time in a club bathroom. Where they had, what they thought to be, a one night stand. They met again at the shopping centre just days before they were due to move into together. Insoo was quick to put his playboy days behind him and focus solely on her. Eunji is a sweet, innocent, college student who was used to living only with her siblings who are very protective of her. She likes to keep to herself for the most part, and tries to avoid any form of conflict. Past events have given her fears that she's forced to face and sometimes relive because of him. Jiyeon is a very closed off person, she doesn't talk about her problems, and often finds it easier to pretend like there's nothing wrong. She's not known for forming emotional attachments to people except her siblings, she prefers one night stands with people she'll never have to see again. Until Insoo, unknowingly she falls for him and only discovers so when she faces something she never thought she'd have too.

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Character Profiles


Eunji is a sweet, innocent, colleges student, who appears to have been living a sheltered life, protected from the physical and mental threats that could possibly be directed her way by her two siblings. That's not exactly the entire truth, her siblings are overly protective due to the past traumas that Eunji has had to endure leaving her with both emotional and physical scars that she has never really had to face.

The unresolved trauma has lead to a life of avoiding conflict and drama. This has made her rather compliant and resistant to disagreeing which often gets her stuck in situations she would rather not be stuck it. She often hides her uneasiness behind her bubbly personality, choosing to preserve rather than letting anyone know she's uncomfortable from fear of upsetting them.


Jiyeon had to grow up at a very young age due to a lack of parental supervision, because of this she learned that it was easier to pretend that there was nothing wrong rather than expressing her troubles. She has also found it easier to not get emotionally attached to anyone because one way or another they will leave. Her way of dealing with life's difficulties and the only time she is ever intermate with anyone is with her string of one night stands with guys she'll never see again.

She comes across as cold and mean, but that is just another one of her defence tactics, she is actually rather caring and a little bit weird. She has a strong sense of protection for those she cares about especially her sister who she has basically become a mother too.


Seyong is an egotistical ladies man with a little dash of chauvinism. He is used to getting what he wants when he wants, especially when it comes from women. His personality isn't exactly unjustified, women never say no to him, actually they are usually the ones that throw themselves at him. This generated his endless record of flings and one night stands.

Seyong thrives for a challenge, he refuses to lose and when he sets his eyes on something his determination can be his and your downfall. There is a rare side of Seyong not many people get the chance to see, he can be sweet and caring and protective and those who he shows this side of himself too you can be sure that you don't want to hurt them because his temper is not something you want to be facing.


Insoo is what some would call Seyong's sidekick, he had a rocky childhood and feels indebted to Seyong for the things he's done for him. He is a positive guy, always smiling and always optimistic, which is probably why it's so easy for him to let girls down once he's had his playboy moments. Insoo is a close second to Seyong, but the nicer, politer version.

He has a knack for looking out for everyone else, protecting those that need protecting, and saving Seyong from himself. He jas incredible patients but also doesn't like to sit around and wait for things to happen and isn't a fan of anticipating what will happen next. At the same time, he has a habit of seeing things from the outside and noticing things others don't.


Zelo height can be a bit intimidating, but he is really just a sweet caring guy who may be a little more than a tad sassy but he is always there for his friends when he is needed. He is the type of person that even with a full schedule will find the time to bring his friends some comfort food if he thinks they're feeling a little down.

Zelo hasn't experienced a lot of things a guy his age, he started training to become an idol in his early teenage years and when he did finally debut his schedule got even busier. But that hasn't stopped him from spending time with his friends.


Ricky is another trainee turned idol, he is considered short in his group of tall friends. However, compressed into his tiny body is a large personality, although he is a nice guy he is also brutally honest and isn't afraid to speak his mind.

Although his group isn't nearly as popular as Zelos he has the busier schedule and is barely ever home because if he isn't touring then he is doing musicals to help promote his group, he has many talents and hides basically nothing. He's an open book to his friends, fans, and even strangers for the most part.

The MinTwins

The twins are as different are they are the same. Almost indistinguishable physically, their personalities couldn't be more different.

Youngmin is caring and doesn't like to hurt anyone's feeling. He enjoys joking with his friends and would do anything to help them. He doesn't always agree with his brother's methods and is often apologising for his actions.

Kwangmin comes across as fun and genuine, in truth he is a little selfish and self-centred. He doesn't like not getting his own way and enjoys playing games with people and getting petty when things are going the direction he wants them too.


Minwoo is the baby of the group, he is short and pouty most of the time due to the fact he has to deal with the Min Twin arguing with each other all the time. He likes to pretend he is tough but he is just little and adorable in the eyes of everyone around him. He is also the mediator, always trying to resolve the arguments before they escalate.


Daehyun, tall, tan, and handsome. He is attractive and he knows it, he is not afraid to show off his looks. With all attractive males he has his serious side that can become rather terrifying if you're on the wrong side of it, but for the most part, he enjoys jokes and can be a little quirky. He has a habit of flirting with everyone, his friends, his members, and his fans.