.... Chen, Lee and Mia. the (CLM) made their ways to the mountain top in a fifteen sitter pick up truck. It was 'half dorm members per. truck'. only Chen and Lee where in the same truck, but they didn't know which truck master had followed.
Each dorm had to themselves two trucks. Despite being conveyed to the Mt. tops there was still a boundary line level,with thick layers of cloud and low oxygen where they couldn't be helped anymore, cause the pick up trucks used oxygen for ignition.
Captains of each dorms stood out in front of their members, in the first five trucks that led the way and gave little speeches to their mates. Their assistants, where equally doing the same in other trucks
At exactly 2:15 PM, all oxygen trucks abruptly stopped. The students instantly got the message.
The sound of this yet-to-be soldiers stumping, where heard as they hopped steadily out of the trucks.
"Noooooooo" was the sound that pierced everyone's ears as they alighted from the trucks.
A dorm four member had just been kicked from the border line level of the mountain and had automatically been disqualified. The student could even hold on to any edge cause he was so terrified of the fall.
"you don't have to be worried Akira this act wasn't prohibited from the beginning, and its a normal phenomena that happens during every military academy year" these words startled everyone, cause it was coming out from the mouth of the most quiet dorm captain 'iizen Ranchi' . He was the captain of dorm five, but no one knew even his fellow dorm mates case dorm five since the history of this academy had been the place where the most ruthless students camped. They where considered as students with no heart.
Tenso Akira glared at iizen for a whole full minute that it felt like she was going to castrate him with her eyes.
"You dare mention my surname, you low..."
"yeah I did, and so what?", he hushed her with his statement.
There was a flush of embarrassment scribbled all over her face. This was the one captain she had loved to listen to during their monthly captain sessions, cause he was timid and shy, that was why she developed a liking for him and she had sworn not to hurt any of his comrades. she wasn't in love but was fond of him, even though they never uttered a word to each other.
But he had crossed the boundary. Haha, she had no choice but to deal with his group first. she wasn't going to spare any soul.
"Akira you would make a good wife for any general, if only you weren't proud". iizen said while backing the whole students. His own flocks where in his front, they had began their own climb up the mountain.
"I love that expression of yours" he finally said as he continued his climbing.
All the female students of the academy all blushed at his statement except his female comrades and Mia. They where expressionless.
Tenso Akira couldn't even utter a word not to talk of thinking. she was speechless both mouth wise and brain wise...
Few moments later, she decided she herself was going to have to kill every last one of the members of dorm five. she was paranoid.
* * * * *
N.B: To readers:
when I say kill in the paragraph above I mean she would render them all useless to the army by destroying their cores.
* * * * *
Fin Ji observed from a tree one thousand feet away from the mountain top, the seventh dimension portal. The liquids it released were increasing moment by moment. she could clearly tell that the color of the liquids had changed since the first day she started observing it closely. All these had been seen by her for five days without any binoculars.
She used a certain lens that could magnify up to three thousand feet away.....