
Dawn of Mystical Era

Like the surge that subsides after it's time, the era of Gods and Devils is returning, how far will a person go for his ideals in this mystical epoch? Please post review and vote support me at ko-fi.com/krishnayadav https://www.patreon.com/krisna97 There would be 5 chps updated weekly If there are 50 stones it would go to 7 chps Each review means 1 extra chi on the already 5 chps

Krishna9u · Fantasía
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77 Chs

22: Mentor

Hearing his name come up first Wade went up first without hesitation so as to not get on the woman's nerve.

"Hello!" Wade greeted the woman.

"Bring the crystal ball here!" Clearly, this woman was not having any of it, and her voice was still indifferent.

"Fourth Grade? Not too bad!" the wan said after looking at the Crystal ball, it seemed that his aptitude improved her mood somewhat.

"As I said before we have categorised the aptitude of the apprentice into five grades, with the first grade as the worst and the fifth grade as the best. You are in the fourth grade, a high ranked grade!!!

So your chances of becoming a Sage is 70% so work hard and do not miss any opportunity to gain knowledge as only then can you become a Sage, Ok!!" the woman looked at Wade to confirm whether he was listening or not.

"Yes, Ma'am!!" Wade replied.

Nodding the woman continued her explanation, "In the aspect of elemental affinities, you have the highest affinity with the Shadow and Dark elements, after that is the Fire element, and you also have a fraction of affinity with the Earth element!

As I said before! Sage's are able to use every kind of energy! But only by following the element you have the highest affinity with, can you progress the furthest!

Lastly, for your ability to make a clone, you have to research on it yourself as this ability can be harnessed by any Sage or Apprentice after they get proficient in the shadow element but as it is your innate ability it might contain some other secrets in it so you will have to find about it on your own.

Alright! Your time is over. Walkout from the back door and you will be given your next instructions" saying this the woman started to call out for another person and so Wade vacated his chair and went out of the back door.

As soon as he entered the room an aged voice came, " Wade, Come over"

Following the voice, Wade saw an old man with a white beard was seated at the wide, black office desk. He was scribbling something with a Peacock pen, and beside him was a stack of parchment paper.

Behind him, there were countless bookshelves of over tens of metres tall, and parchment paper and even crystal balls were disorderly arranged on them.

While Wade was looking at him the man said, " Since you have already won the tournament and achieved the criteria for the contract, you are an Apprentice of our Black Academy now. Right now, you will begin with the selection of your professor!

There is only one method to choose a professor. The first is to choose by placing your name inside the crystal ball and I will pick a professor for you! This method is absolutely free of charge.

But you know that this may seem fair but I don't think so, I think that the student should have their own right to select a field.

So I will give you a special privilege you look just like my grandson and let you choose a field!!" even though what the elder said made it seem like he was giving a special chance to him.

Wade could see his had gesture which only meant one thing which was..to give a bribe, but Wade knew that if he didn't take this opportunity he would regret it later so he took out 2 magic crystals out of the 7 that he had taken from Larry's Walt, and handed it to the old man.

Seeing the magic crystals the old man was over the moon and his smile became big enough to fit a watermelon.

He looked at Wade and asked, " Which field would you like to enter?"

"I choose Alchemy, Sir!"

"Alchemy?" The old man was a little surprised, "You wish to become an alchemist? The effort and resources invested are extremely horrifying! Do you want to change? I think Necromancy suits you well!"

"Thank you, sir!" Wade earnestly bowed, "I have a history with alchemy, and have also acquired some knowledge in this field beforehand."

The old man shook his head but, seeing Wade's resolute gaze, he couldn't help but exclaim,

"Since you have already decided, so be it!" After speaking, the old man took the crystal ball and started to look in it.

After some time of searching in the crystal ball, the elder finally revealed a smile and said, " Since you are the first student of this batch to come to me I will give you a relatively easier and harmless professor, this is his information" saying that the old man slid the crystal ball towards me.

"Mentor Fred, Department of Potion making, specialises in potion making, herbalism, conversion of energy, department of souls."

Able to provide information on 2 topics free of charge.

Requirements: Apprentice must always help with the cleaning of the experimental lab, preparation and handling of various bodies, and at the same time, assist the Sage in carrying out potion concoctions. (Apprentice Live-3, Dead-0)"

Looking at the data Wade was first shocked because of the counts of life and death behind the Mentors name but he knew it was better not to ask and looking at Mentor Fred's past history it seems he was quite safe so without any hesitation, he said, "I choose Mentor Fred!!".

Hearing his answer the old man nodded and then took out Wade's Academy token from the drawer which he had gotten from Mina.

He placed the token in a black bowl by the side and them he slowly whispered a spell. Wade did not know for what reason the spell was cast but then slowly Wade could see two red lines in front of his eyes.

The first line was slowly cut off from the token but instead of it vanishing it moved towards him and then got attached to him without him being able to do anything to resist it.