
Dawn of gods

One day, a colossal meteorite struck the Earth, triggering a series of cataclysms. While humans were just beginning their process of recovery and planet reconstruction, an unknown energy began to spread across the Earth. Trees grew larger, animals became more powerful, threatening the survival of humankind. Fortunately, humans did not remain passive; they evolved as well, harnessing this energy to increase their own power. Among them, some received a gift from the universe from birth: a plane seed. Over time, as the Earth expanded, the rate of plane seeds among humans continued to rise, to the extent that almost every human possessed one. A new chapter in human history unfolded, with gods as the backbone of society. Some people will call it a new dawn; the dawn of the gods, Anonymous, May 28, 81395. (english is not my birth language, so there might be some faults in the traduction)

Myrdalein · Fantasía
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63 Chs

Chapter 19: Journey to a Low Plane

Liam worked non-stop during the week.

Either he was at school, or he was in his divine realm. He didn't take a single minute of rest since his grandfather's birthday.

With the powerful cognitive abilities of a rank 8 life form, he had already caught up in bloodline and anatomy classes.

At the same time, he progressed in his spear expertise and became a confirmed spear king.

His cultivation was slowly approaching the advanced-tier of rank 8.

He hoped to reach rank 9 before Christmas. (It is mid-October right now)

With the help of the power of faith, humans progressed very quickly.

As Mr. Idder had said, today the class would go on a trip to a distant galaxy, and they had to infiltrate a plane.

At that time, there was still some time remained before the start of classes.

He had been so busy recently that he hadn't paid much attention to his divine realm.

Since the addition of the demi-plane fragments, nearly 20 years had passed.

Even though there was still a gap, the newly added parts were slowly adapting to the ecosystem.

The trees continued to grow, and some were already close to fifteen meters high. Insects and fish were also reproducing well.

As for red-moon nagas, they had all become adults, and most had paired up.

There were now nearly a hundred nagas, and most could fight. That's the advantage of a purely warrior race.

As long as they became adolescents, they could join the battlefield.

So, out of the 97 nagas, 89 could fight.

The others were either pregnant or still too young.

Sylvera had successfully reached rank 3. He had even advanced several times and was now an advanced rank 3.

He was not far from the limit of his bloodline.

Apart from him, 42 nagas had reached rank 2. Three were at the pinnacle, 11 at the advanced stage, 21 at the confirmed stage, and 7 were beginners.

There were 48 rank 1 nagas, including 19 pinnacles, 12 advanced, 9 confirmed, and 8 beginners.

Any naga did "fail" to adulthood, and mortals were only children.

Normally, there would be more beginners than pinnacles, but due to the seed's intervention, every nagas added by the pearl were at least pinnacle rank 1.

Well In fact, not all of them. There was a female naga who remained at advanced rank 1. 

Liam just discovered it, but he didn't know what to do.

Upon closer inspection, he realized that she seemed ostracized from the tribe.

He talked to Sylvera about it, but the latter could only sigh. This naga was named Nevra. Since childhood, she had been clumsy and often put others in danger.

Slowly, she ended up being excluded from the group. No matter what he tried, he couldn't get her back.

She had even left the tribe and lived alone on the continent, occasionally going hunting for food.

Liam was quite intrigued by this situation, but he didn't have enough time to delve into it seriously.

He then turned his attention to the novarians.

Without natural predators, novarians reproduced very quickly.

There were now nearly 800 of them.

This reproduction rate was really fast, but it was to be expected.

There were about fifteen rank 2 novarian warriors, nearly three hundred rank 1 novarian apprentice warriors, and the rest were mortals.

Another positive point was that the nagas were slowly taking the dominant position in the tribe, especially since Sylvera reached rank 3.

If Sylvera were removed, novarians would still be stronger than nagas. It was the absolute advantage of numbers, and that was also why the gods used inferior races in the beginning.

However, a naga could easily handle five novarians at the same level, making them naturally the leaders of the tribe.

In terms of believers, Liam had now 1 saint, 49 fanatics, and 239 fervent believers. The others were all true believers, and only a few children were still pan-believers.

Liam gained a huge amount of faith energy every day: nearly 3 300 000 faith points with 2.5 millions coming from Sylvera alone.

He currently saved nearly 20 million faith points. Ha was still far from his second divine rune.

Seeing his troops, Liam was confident. He thought that with such believers, he should be able to easily rank in the top ten of the school.


Mr. Idder stood in front of the class with his usual serious expression.

"Well, as I mentioned last time, we're going to the G-8952-R galaxy. It's located about five hundred million light-years away from us. Even though it's still within the alliance territory, it's quite close to the front lines."

He clicked his watch, and a huge holographic projection appeared.

It represented a vast plane.

"This is where the test will take place. It's a relatively stable low plane, which has two continents separated by an ocean. Overall, there are about 40% marine territories and 60% land."

"Except beasts, there was three major intelligent races fighting for hegemony on this plane. They are the Drakors, the crow-men, and the Valyrs. For a long time, the Valyrs dominated the entire plane, but the other two races allied and almost exterminated them."

At the same time, he displayed holograms representing the three races.

"The Drakos are short humanoids. They will never be more than one meter and a half, and they are small, stocky, with six arms and huge hands. Their bodies are covered with gray and red scales, and they like to live in the mountains."


"The crow-men look like coming out of a horror movie and are tall willowy guys with crow wings, and a huge beak."


"The Valyrs are quite unique. They look like dark elves, with black skin, long ears and white hair, but they also have a pair of purple horns, a few purple scales on the neck, chest, and legs, and a long purple snake tail. They don't have the elf's talent for archery but they are skilled at casting spells."


"That brings us to the power systems and the strength of the natives. The main power systems used are magic and something called knighthood. Ranks 1, 2, 3, and 4 are respectively called transcendent, earth, astral, and celestial."

"Some time ago, there were about two hundred rank 4 beings, but the recent war has taken its toll. Now, there are only about sixty intermediate existences left and at least half of them are various marine or terrestrial beasts."

"Overall, the remaining two races have lost so much that they are almost disadvantaged against the beasts, forming a kind of balance."

He made the holograms disappear, and instead, a long list appeared.

"Now, let's get serious. The school made a contract with the will of the plane. It helps us for 100 000 void years, which is 100 exams, and we will help it to evolve into a mid-tier plane. This will be the 96th test. Among the many things we have agreed upon, there is that none of our intermediate and superior existences can take the initiative to attack."

"So, I'm addressing those who have saints and are considering bringing down an incarnation. If you start killing without being provoked, not only will you be disqualified, but you will have to pay compensation to the school because we will have to repay the will of the plane. Don't even try to play tricks because you'll lose. We will supervise the entire test. Don't think you can slip through the cracks."

He paused and began presenting the various quests.

"You have several thousand quests available. These quests have been created by the school and approved by the will of the world. You can only handle one quest at a time and cannot change in the meantime. There is no limit to the number of quests you can choose, but I remind you that a difficult quest is often worth more points than dozens of easy quests."

"You can undertake quests as long as the will of the world hasn't noticed you. After that, your score will be frozen. Even so, you can stay in the plane until the end of the test. However, be aware that the will of the world will send forces to annihilate you, so I still advise you to leave once discovered."

He extended his arms, and a ring appeared in front of each student.

"This is an advanced spatial ring. I know you all have fairly large spatial rings with you, but I advise against keeping your divine realm inside for long, unless you want to get a demi-plane where everything is dead."

"Those spatial rings are different. They also freeze time. This is one of the few gifts the school will give you. It can store your divine realm as long as it is not a mid-tier plane."

"You have an hour to retrieve your divine realms; after that, we leave, with or without you."


One hour later, a space frigate descended into the atmosphere and hovered above the school.

The students, waiting in the courtyard, cast strange looks at the shuttle.

It wasn't very huge, measuring only a few hundred meters long. It was a civilian transport made for short distances.

"Come on, get in, hurry up."

Mr. Idder urged the two hundred students and flew towards the shuttle.

The students quickly followed him and didn't waste time.

As soon as everyone boarded, the frigate ascended and disappeared into the clouds. As soon as it exited the atmosphere, it activated the hyperspace engine and leaped.

Hyperspace engines worked like space channels, but even the slowest shuttle traveled at the speed of true gods.

Thirty minutes later, the frigate left hyperspace.

Through the portholes, the students saw a gigantic space battleship.

It was hundreds of kilometers long, was cylindrical, and the front of its hull was elongated.

The hull was dark gray and dotted with huge cannons.

Some were only tens of meters long, while others reached a kilometer.

The smallest of these cannons was enough to kill a rank 8 life form, while the largest could shatter true gods.

Under a prolonged orbital bombardment, they could even destroy small planets.

At that time, Mr. Idder spoke.

"Listen to me, we're going to our destination thanks to a military battleship that is heading to the front against the Zurka Empire and has kindly agreed to drop us off on the way. You know that at the frontline, the Alliance has not installed wormholes because it would allow our enemy to go anywhere in our territory, so we'll have to travel a few million light-years in hyperspace."

"The journey will take about a week. During this time, I forbid you to touch anything and mess around on the ship. In case of a problem, the school will deny all responsibility, and you will have to explain yourself to the military. Follow the soldiers' orders and don't try to act foolish."

In the meantime, the frigate had docked with the ship, and the students disembarked one by one. They looked around, curious about everything.

It was their first time on a military battleship.

Soon, a troop of soldiers led by a demigod approached them.

They all wore standardized robotic armor and black cold weapons made of an unknown metal.

Weapons like rifles and guns had long been abandoned because, unless they reached the size of cannons, they were useless against superior beings.

The only thing that differentiated the soldiers was the rank displayed on their epaulets and their name written on their chest.

Obviously, the demigod was a sergeant.

He gave a standard salute and addressed the students.

"Hello everyone. You will stay here for a week. My men will send you to your rooms later. During your stay, any room marked by these different panels will be forbidden to you, and if you break something, you'll have to pay for it."

At the same time, the students received a notification. As the sergeant said, it was a summary of the rules and places they could not enter.

"Alright, when you hear your names, step out of line and follow the soldier who will be your guide."

The soldiers were quite efficient, and soon it was Liam's turn.


In an unknown galaxy, the space quaked and a huge ship emerged from the void.

It didn't stay long, and after a few hundred silhouettes exited through a side door, the hyper-space engines ignited, and the ship disappeared.

Liam looked at the 1000km radius plane below and took out his divine realm.

The other students did the same, and with their wills, they surrounded the plane with their divine realms.

They weren't stuck together but were hundreds of thousands of kilometers apart.

From the plane's perspective, it didn't change anything. 

In his divine realm, he sent a prophecy to Sylvera, asking him to organize a huge ceremony.

As a true saint, Sylvera took his god's orders very seriously. In a few minutes, every naga and novarian was gathered in the center of the tribe, kneeling in front of the altar.

Sylvera stood in front of the crowd, a long spear in hand.

"Today, the Lord of the Azure Abyss has sent me a message. Today, we will launch the first holy war and invade another world. This will be an opportunity for all of us because God will send an emissary. If you are brave enough, he will help you become stronger!"

At that precise moment, Liam focused on Sylvera's faith link. Through this connection, he send a lot of faith energy.

Sylvera felt heat rising in his body. 

He already knew what to do. He planted his spear in the ground and raised his arms.

Using Sylvera as a medium, Liam spent 2 000 000 faith points.

The energy quickly traversed the void and emerged from Sylvera's hands.

Everything happened in microseconds, and before the tribe's astonished eyes, a new naga appeared.

It was taller than even Sylvera and was nearly eight meters long. However, its tail took up a slightly larger proportion of its body than the red-moon nagas.

As a result, it was about two meters when upright, like Sylvera.

It was Liam's incarnation.