
Dawn of an Empire

Waking up to a world entirely different from what he had lived before. Ethan Albrecht are given a second chance at life after his unfortunate accident which costed him his life. Thus, with the power given to him by God, Ethan set himself on the path of conqueror. --- The fanfic are based on the Game of Thrones world.

LokiFarsung · TV
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6 Chs

Third Chapter, Siege of Qohor

Once again, Ghal Maraz—or the Skull-Splitter in the language of Men—had shown its worth. The hammer is not something that a human could make. It is made by the Dwarves, gifted to Sigmar Unberogen by the Dwarf High King Kurgan Ironbeard as a reward for saving him from the Greenskins. Now, the hammer that signifies the Empire of Sigmar is at Ethan's hands. Its magnificence showing as it pulverized the Dothraki's screamer with each swing of his hammer.

The figure of Ethan is unmistakable. A man with a golden hammer stood on top of the wall. Shouting commands to the men both on the wall and below it. Many Dothraki had tried to kill him. But each time, it always resulted in their losses. It is as if they're not facing a man but a demigod instead.

One tried to stab him, but Ethan was much quicker, he jumped to the side and dashed forward almost immediately. His hammer swinging to the man's head and turned it into a pulp when it made contact with his hammer. Others tried to attack him from behind, but then Noriel came and killed one of them with a shot to the head, leaving Ethan with the other one who flinched when he saw Ethan coming straight at him like a raging bull.

"These Dothraki," Noriel started. Her eyes never leaving the hordes of Dothraki trying to climb the walls or breach the gates. Her bow, too, never stop firing arrows after arrows. "They remind me of the Dunledings."

Ethan snorted and kicked the headless body from the walls. The battle has only started for an hour but the amount of dead screamers has already reached the hundreds count. All courtesy to the Ranger of Ithilien at the start of the battle. Their impeccable aim with the bow helped thinned the initial Dothraki wave.

Still, even Ethan could see that the gate would not hold any longer. He already saw Myles and Leonidas with their men ready to spring the trap they had prepared before hand. Leonidas stood as impressive as always. His back straight even when the constant banging keep coming from the gate. If one didn't know any better, then they would've thought that the Spartans are a variation of the Unsullied due to how still they are despite the incoming battle.

He just hoped everyone would survive this battle.


Five hours before the siege start.

"So, they paid us with these.... weirdly shaped coins?" Leonidas grabbed one of the coins from inside the leather pouch. From a quick count, there are around three hundreds of it. Just a third of their supposed payment. The rest would only be given by the magister, Haryros Maren if he remembered correctly, when the city of Qohor has been successfully defended and they all survives.

"I'm not sure why they wanted to resist now of all times," Ethan then talked, more to himself than anything else. "They used to just pay the khalasar with whatever they wanted. But what's the reason for them suddenly wanting to fight back? They knew they would be heavily outnumbered, even with the Unsullied they had bought and the mercenaries they hired."

"They're merchants, My Lord." Noriel snorted. Clearly not amused by the magisters of Qohor. "They only care about their own profits, their minds more attuned on how to gain more money, not how to keep their city intact."

Still, Ethan would not complaint, this is basically God giving him a chance to build his own foothold in Essos. A place for him to call home soon enough. That is after he had taken the city from the magisters and abolished the slavery that had already established in this place. He despised slavery more than anything else.

"How's our preparation coming along?"

"Proceeding as planned, My Lord." Leonidas reported. "While my men isn't suited to be labor workers, they all still did their job. It should be finished in three hours, so that gave them two hours to rest before they went into battle."

"Good, keep going with the preparation then. I'll go check the others."

As Ethan walked away, with Noriel walking behind him, he approached Captain-General Myles Tones who are sitting on top of a crate. His eyes staring at some of the Spartans currently at the side, either resting or just standing guard.

"Your Spartans," he started. Not even bothering to look at the approaching Ethan. "They reminded me so much of the Unsullied. Tell me, young commander, they still have genitals down there, right?"

Ethan snorted in amusement, eliciting a laugh from the captain-general of the Golden Company. "Of course they still do." He answered shortly. "They're not slaves like the Unsullied, but free men who joined me on this endeavour at their own will."

Myles chuckled and nodded his head. Though the captain-general hadn't seen the Spartans in action. Just a look and he knew that the Spartans are not something to be underestimated. Each of them are experienced and have tasted blood before. Their discipline showing even when they're resting. Their weapons never far from their hands.

"Do you think we would survive the battle against the Dothraki khalasar?" Myles then asked. This time his head are turned towards Ethan who was standing beside him. "I'm confident if I had all my men here, but sadly I don't even have half of them right now."

"Well, if we played it smart, then we would survive. Of course, casualties would be inevitable, such as the nature of war. But we'll get through this. As long as some bastards doesn't try to be bold and claim glory for himself and get everyone killed."

Myles laughed out loud. He had seen people do that. Trying to claim higher glory and charging headfirst into battle. Those who did came out alive became a well renowned person. Unfortunately, however, most of the people who did that never survived. And Myles is glad that Ethan is not someone who would try and do something like that. At least, that was from his observation alone.

Young might Ethan be. But Myles could see that the young man is a smart one. And he is also not afraid to shed blood. That much he could appreciate.

The two then passed the time talking to each other. Noriel had long since gone from Ethan's side to check up on her own men on top of the wall. Ethan and Myles talked about many things. Mostly about their past as both a soldier and commander. Ethan mixed a bit of lies in his story, considering that he isn't truly a commander that had watched a battle with his own eyes, only through the screen of a computer. But, Myles knew nothing about it, and Ethan planned to keep it that way.

Myles mostly asked about Ethan's past and the land where he had came from. He told them the story of Spartans in much greater detail, but changed the part where the three hundreds died. And told the captain-general of the Battle at the Black Gates. Where Gondor and Rohan joined force to confront Sauron in his territory.

Without them realizing it, two hours had passed, the two stopped sharing their own stories when they heard the faint scream of the Dothraki khalasar from the distance. The two looked at each other and nodded. A silent understanding where they both separated and joined their own men.

The Siege of Qohor has finally started.


The gates are finally breached, and the Dothraki khalasar charged in, only stopped when their horses got impaled by the wooded stakes placed behind the gates beforehand. Throwing the riders forward face first into the dirt. But before they could get up, they're pierced by the spears that the Spartans wielded.

Though the Dothraki did not recognize the Spartans. It did not stop them from charging forward. They cared not who their opponents are as they screamed their battle cries and waved their swords. But the Spartans stood unflinched. They had stood against greater odds than this. And always came up on top after each battle.

Now, this world would see firsthand what it would be like facing against a Spartan.

True to his reputation, Leonidas showed his prowess as the King of Sparta. He never stopped moving for a second. His shield blocking any attacks and knocked the Dothraki away. His spear always lashing out at the nearest Dothraki. He is like a piece of boulder that is breaking the tidal wave that is the Dothraki horde.

His Spartans did not let Leonidas disappointed however. Their shield wall held strong against the relentless assault of the screamers. Their spears repeating the same motions all over. Never once stopping.

As Leonidas saw more Dothraki cavalry coming in, however, he looked towards Myles and nodded his head. "Fall back!" The Spartans retreated in orderly fashion. Never turning their backs against the enemies as they slowly split up into smaller groups. Entering the smaller pathway as they lead the khas into death traps.

Meanwhile, Ethan attention are focused on the Dothraki that had chosed to climb the walls. He clicked his tongue as he saw no end of them. But he fought on nevertheless. Ghal Maraz hammering anyone foolish enough to try taking down Ethan.

"We have to do something about their reinforcement," Noriel remarked to Ethan. Her two swords are dyed in red. No doubt from the Dothraki she had killed. "Or else we would die from exhaustion alone."

Ethan knew that too. But, he doesn't have any idea on how to do that, yet. He could however, summon a company of Imperial Handgunners. But it would be hard to explain from where they came from as Ethan had never introduced them in the first place. But he would not let himself be killed on his first battle.

He opened the System and went straight to the Shop. There, not only showed military units that he could summon and the supplies needed to maintain them. But also a special tab where he could buy powers for himself.

Ethan chose something related to combat, more specifically to a skill called 'Enhanced Combat'. A skill that not only would increase his skills in battle—but also his physical abilities too. For now it would be enough to deal with the endless horde of Dothraki coming straight into Qohor.

Three thousand and five hundreds point gone in a blink of an eye. Ethan then kneeled as the sudden painful change of his body took over him. Fortunately Noriel covered him as Ethan are too preoccupied with the pain that came from his body changing into an enhanced one. Something that surpased peak-human physiology he had before.

Five minutes went by as Ethan finally recovered. He could feel his body rejuvenated, the wounds he had before are gone, and Ethan could feel himself actually getting taller. The power coursing through his body then demanded release. Turning his head to the left, he saw a group of Dothraki's screamers staring at him. A smirk appeared on his face as he patted Noriel's shoulder.

Noriel flinched and almost swung her sword to his neck. But quickly held herself as she almost decapitated her own lord. She sighed in relief and backed away, getting ahold of herself and regulating her breath as she saw Ethan slowly marching towards the Dothraki.

The Dothraki saw a single man walking towards them. He was bigger than the other men they had killed before. In his hand, a golden hammer that shined faintly. From where they stood he could feel the power emanating from the man. But before they could do anything, Ethan is already before them, one hand outstretched as it grabbed one of the screamers head. Smashing it to the ground as it turned into a pulp.

Though scared, their confidence are bolstered by the fact that Ethan is on his own. But their confidence would be their downfall. Ethan swung his hammer. Taking down three of them at the same time as their body flew from the wall and impacted the ground below. He evaded another thrust of a spear aimed at his head. His free hand grabbing the shaft as he applied force into it. Breaking the spear into half before Ethan grabbed the man's neck and lifted him up in the air.

The Dothraki that still lingered under the wall could see Ethan in his full glory. On his right hand, a golden hammer, while the other—one of their own. Never in their entire life they had seen somebody lifting other people effortlessly. And before they could realize what happened, Ethan had broken the man's neck as easily as snapping a finger.

Their reactions are as expected. Those who saw him did it quickly tried to scale the wall. But realized that it is more dangerous up there than down where they were before. Especially after they saw Ethan throwing men left and right with every swing of his hammer effortlessly. Some tried to turn back and run away, but Noriel and her rangers quickly took care of it. Giving them no mercy as they showed no mercy.

When the battle is over, words of a man with a golden hammer would spread around the Dothraki. Striking fear in their hearts as his legend grew with each passing time.


Leonidas stood before five Dothraki screamers. All lightly armoured and are screaming bloody murders. It amused him greatly. For him to be able to live once more and serve somebody else as a soldier. Though the past did not matter anymore for him. What matters is that he would serve his lord, Ethan Albrecht, with his all.

One of the screamer charged, waving his khopesh in the air as he charged forth. But one thing that the Dothraki has misunderstood is that the Spartans is like any other people they've faced before—weak and coward—but the Spartans are nothing like that. If anything, the Spartans is like a wall that would weather everything thrown against them. And when it is time for them to strike, nothing would be able to stop them.

The man swung his sword, but Leonidas quickly blocked the attack using his round shield and pushed back, the force from the push making the man stumble backwards. Which Leonidas quickly capitalized by stabbing him in the midsection. Ending his life in mere second as Leonidas pulled his spear out.

Leonidas didn't stop there, however, and charged towards the remaining men with his shield in front. Two of them got thrown back from the impact as Leonidas used his shield as a battering ram. The two that managed to dodge attacked him from both side, but Leonidas quickly used his shield to deflect the attack from the left before dodged the slash coming from his right. His right hand that was holding a spear quickly dropped the spear and pulled out his own short sword. Cutting the man's stomach and letting his intestine pour out. Leonidas did not give the man any mercy as he stabbed him in the head moments later.

The screamer on the left finally had recovered, but before he could do anything, Leonidas already dented his skull inward as he used the edge of his shield to bash the Dothraki's head in. Now only two Dothraki left that are still in fighting condition. Though, after seeing what Leonidas is capable of, even they started to hesitate.

Before any of them could do anything, however, a sword decapitated the two simultaneously. When the bodies fell over, Leonidas could see the figure of Myles standing before him. Blood on his armor and sword. Leonidas smiled widely and approached the captain-general.

"Well I'll be damned, Leonidas, looks like what your Lord said about you Spartans are true after all."

Leonidas snorted but did not reply. He grabbed his spear and walked past Myles, heading towards the two Praetorian Spartans that had been entrusted by Ethan to him. The two Praetorian's prowess had been shown clearly to others. With bodies laid sprawling around them, with either a slash or stab wounds to their vital parts, with some having their head decapitated.

"Commander," one of the Praetorian greeted. The two followed Leonidas, and soon are joined by other Spartans that are nearby. Soon their number reached fifteen men. Not a lot, when compared to their numbers initially, considering that they're all spread out all over the city in groups. But, for what he's about to do—it's more than enough.

The eighteen Spartans marched throughout the plaza and into the incoming Dothraki's screamers. Most had already dismounted, but some still on their mounts. It did not matter for Leonidas. He'll show them what it means to be a Spartan.

"Spartans!" His shouts bellowed. Despite the chaotic battlefield and the various shoutings and blood curdling screams. Leonidas' shout is still heard clearly by everyone else. "Shield wall!"

With practiced movement, the Spartans formed a neat line and placed their shields before them, with their spears placed within the gaps of their shield wall. It did not even take them many minutes to form the shield wall. And just moments after they finished, the screamers crashed into the shield wall. Their war cries trying to instill fear into the Spartans in their way. Swords and spears trying desperately to breakthrough the impenetrable shield wall.

But try as they might, the Spartans are known for their durability and tenacity. They had stood against the Persians while being vastly outnumbered, what is happening right now is nothing different to these Spartans.

"Push!" With a grunt, Leonidas pushed with the other Spartans. The movement suprised the Dothraki that some fell down before being stepped over and stabbed by the moving Spartans.

"Hold!" Again, before the Dothraki could capitalize on the small window of opportunity to enter the Spartan's line. The shield wall tightened once more. Clangs of steel resounded throughout the plaza as the Spartans held against the tide of Dothraki screamers. But not one of them ever shivered in fear. Some even smiled in glee at the prospect of battle ahead of them.

"Push forward!"

This time, the Spartans charged together, with Leonidas at the very front of the formation. Leading the charge as he stabbed and weaved through the Dothraki. Killing any unfortunate Dothraki in his path as he cut a bloody path from the plaza to the walls. The sight of eighteen men holding against numbers greater than them emboldened the defenders of Qohor. Prompting many of them to join the fight as they pushed the Dothraki back.

Halfway to the wall, the remaining Spartans rejoined the main group. Unfortunately, they had lost a few of their brother in arms. Something that they would avenge sooner as the Dothraki are now the one being pushed back.

From where Leonidas stood, he could see the fear in the eyes of his enemies. Never in their life they had saw a resistance so great such as this. Of course, they had saw people trying to fight back, but they all ends up the same—either dead or surrendered to become their slaves. The one that scares them more however, is the man with the golden hammer on top of the walls, and the group of red cloaked soldiers before them. Fighting relentlessly despite being outnumbered.

And for the first time in their life—they retreated


Ethan crushed a man's head under his boot. He looked up and savored the look of fear in the Dothraki screamer's faces. As he stepped forward, they stepped back, but soon there's no more place for them to retreat. Leaving them no choice but to charge towards him.

Everyone on the walls had seen how brutal and scary Ethan is in a fight. His strength alone are enough to send a man flying with each strike of his hammer. For the Dothraki, it's as if they're witnessing a monster, a monster with enormous strength surpassing that of common men.

Soon, the surviving the Dothraki either retreated or being finished by the defenders of Qohor. As Ethan walked down the stairs of the wall to head out towards Leonidas waiting before the gates. He saw a lone Dothraki still stood just outside of the walls. He held two swords in his hands, of same design like the others. Fury written all over his place. Even from where Ethan stood he could see that the man is bigger than the Dothraki he had faced before. He must be the Khal that are responsible for this attack on Qohor.

"Do you want me to handle him, My Lord?" Ethan glanced at Leonidas, then shook his head. Despite the man not saying anything, he knew exactly what the Dothraki wanted. From what he knew, the Dothraki respects strength more than anything else, so it is no surprise to Ethan that the Dothraki khal demanded a duel against him.

"Are you the leader of those red cloaks?" The khal must've referencing his Spartans. Ethan nodded at that. "My name is Azzo! And I challenge you, Golden-Hammer, to a battle to the death!"

"I accept."

The Dothraki, Azzo, smiled widely. "When I'm done with you, I'll take that golden hammer of yours and have my way with the woman you fight with!"

Ethan need not hear any further as he already sprinted towards Azzo. Hammer swung as he manages to get close. But Azzo did not raise to the rank of a khal with nothing. His proof of being a khal are shown here as he manages to dodge Ethan's attack for he knew trying to block the attack are tantamount to suicide.

It was Azzo's turn to attack as the man swung his blades simultaneously. The man is fast, that much Ethan had to admit. Any normal men would've succumbed under his relentless attack as Ethan kept dodging or blocking the attack. Unfortunately for Azzo, Ethan is anything but normal.

With one swing, both of Azzo's sword are knocked out of his hands, breaking his arms in the process. As Azzo are screaming in pain, Ethan's hammer came swooping at his head. Officially ending the Siege of Qohor with the defenders coming out on top.

"Victory is ours!" The cheers could be heard even from outside of the walls. Ethan too cheered and laughed as he came back to his men. Some patted him in the shoulders, with Leonidas giving him a bear hug that almost took his life.

Noriel, though, just smiled and nodded her head at Ethan. Which he reply in kind as he knew the woman is not one for party like this. He just stared as Noriel went back to their mansion to get some rest. One that she needed after a long day of battle.

As the men are celebrating, Ethan looked towards the endless desert before Qohor, where the surviving Dothraki had fled to. Despite the victory today, he knew that the Dothraki would come in even greater numbers. Numbers in which even they couldn't hold with their current strength. Still, when the Dothraki come next, he would make sure that his Empire is already established and are stroung enough to weather the Dothraki.

Now, to conquer Qohor and retrieve his rewards.

Happy Eid Al-Adha for those who celebrate it.

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