
Dawn of an Empire

Waking up to a world entirely different from what he had lived before. Ethan Albrecht are given a second chance at life after his unfortunate accident which costed him his life. Thus, with the power given to him by God, Ethan set himself on the path of conqueror. --- The fanfic are based on the Game of Thrones world.

LokiFarsung · TV
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6 Chs

Second Chapter, Planning and Preparation

The reactions that he would get are of course to be expected. Where most important positions in the military are filled with old men or at least those who are influential enough. Ethan Albrecht are not both—he is somebody who are only twenty three years old, and a nobody in the eyes of people from both Essos and Westeros, though the Westeros doesn't know his existence yet.

"This is the leader of that strange mercenary group we had seen yesterday?" Ethan glanced at the one who had just spoken. His appearance are almost the stereotypical mercenary. A mediocre quality one too, at best. His face are disheveled, his armor are unlike his Spartans or even the one Ethan currently wearing. Which mean the man's armor doesn't look like it was maintained well. "And here I thought that we would see someone like Ser Myles Toyne—someone who would struck fear in the hearts of men. But instead we see someone that hasn't even forgotten the taste of his mother's milk."

Some of the mercenaries laughed at Ethan, but some didn't and just opted to watch the show. Ethan meanwhile did not reply the mockery. But instead just stared at the man. His bright blue eyes stared straight at the man's soul. And only then did the man stopped laughing.

"At least I know when to keep my mouth shut in front of my betters, unlike you lots." Ethan snickered and walked past the man. Obviously, the man did not take kindly to the insult, the sound of sword being unsheathed are heard but Ethan was faster. He turned around, one hand already reaching for the man's head before he slammed it into the ground faster than the man could blink.

"I'm a patient man, Ser. But even a patient man had his limit. Do 𝘯𝘰𝘵 test me."

Ethan stood up again and clapped his hands once, "now, what did I miss?" He smiled. As if nothing had happened. The people who insulted him before stood in silence, while the Golden Company captain-general, Myles Toyne, smiled slightly. Amused with the little show of power that Ethan had done to establish his position.

"Not a lot," Myles answered. His voice are deep and demanded respect. As expected of the captain-general of the Golden Company. "We only had just started the discussion regarding the defense of Qohor. But we all know one thing—we are severely outnumbered."

Ethan nodded. Agreeing with Myles just said. He leaned his body forward, both hands on the table acting as a support as his eyes are glued to the table. Where the map of Qohor and its surrounding area are displayed. Complete with little wooden figurines that signify their own forces and the Dothraki khalasar.

The only advantage that they all have is the city of Qohor itself or more specifically—the walls. The Dothraki may have overwhelming numbers that counts in the thousands easily. But they would still need to break through the walls of Qohor that is being guarded by the Unsullied, Golden Company, and the Mondlicht. Ethan purposefully did not count the rest of the mercenaries as he could not trust them. Just from one look, Ethan could see that when the battle is about to start or at least at it's thickest, some of these men would broke ranks and flee as fast as they could.

"How many men do we have?" Ethan asked. Staring at Myles.

"Around two thousands, the magisters has bought a lot of Unsullied just for this battle alone, but the bulk of our forces are still made up of my men. Yours, in fact, are the smallest of them all—only five hundreds men in total. Could we trust you with guarding our back when the battle started?"

"Of course," Ethan reassured the captain-general. "These men are Spartans, Captain-General. The heroes of Battle of Thermopylae. Of course, you might not know their reputations or their heroic feats where the three hundreds stood against hundreds of thousands, considering that we came from a land far away from here. But let me tell you, Captain-General. When I tell you that they will hold the line—𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭."

The Spartans actually did not hold the line on their own. They actually are supported by the Greek city-states. But the captain-general need not know that. He only need to know that the Spartans are not some random mercenary that they could find easily in taverns. But instead hardened warriors that are on par to the Unsullied and the Golden Company—perhaps more.

"That's good enough. Now, despite the qualities of men we have. Numbers would still play a big role. If—and 𝘪𝘧—the Dothraki managed to breach our gates. Then we need to lead them into smaller pathways. Break them apart to smaller groups before we kill them one by one."

"Destroy the 𝘬𝘩𝘢𝘴 by killing their 𝘬𝘰𝘴. Sowing confusion among their ranks before we finally move on to their 𝘬𝘩𝘢𝘭, huh? A textbook divide and conquer. Seems like a good plan as any. The only problem is—we could only do that if the khalasar ever breached the gate."

"That's why you're here, Ser Ethan." Replied Myles. "I've noticed that you had men regularly going back and forth from Qohor to the Forest of Qohor. My men reported that your men are preparing some kind of traps for the khalasar."

"Heh, as expected of the captain-general. But yes, that is my plan. Though, if I were to be honest, you shouldn't expect much from the traps laid down by my Rangers. Now, no need to doubt the quality of their traps. But with the time limits and resources I have at the moment. We couldn't make more sophisticated traps or even more of them. Their only job is to hinder them, or reduce their number as much as they could at most. Though considering the khalasar numbers, I wouldn't hope too much."

The khalasar numbers are way too much for simple traps to even hinder them. But Ethan wouldn't waste every precious seconds given by the traps. They would need to build more defensive structures such as moats, pikes, and the likes.

"If we had more time, then I would propose for us to make a moat just outside of the city wall, and build wooden pikes just under the walls."

Myles just stood in silence, one hand rubbing his chin as he stared at the map before he finally spoke again. "We could." He replies. "But there won't be enough time for us to cover the surrounding land with moats and pikes. At most, if we really force ourselves, then we could create the moats and pikes for the front gates."

If it was up to Ethan, then he would probably use his points to buy enough defensive structures for the upcoming battle, but it would be hard for him to explain how did he get such things as there's no caravan coming to the Qohor. So, he unfortunately could only do this the old way, not like he could complaint much about it.

"I think that much would be enough," Ethan folded his hand before his chest. Eyes staring at Myles. "I don't think the khalasar would bother circling around as it would take too much time for them to do so. They would, however, try to breach through the gate as fast as they could to prevent their losses."

Considering what they're facing are a Dothraki khalasar instead of a kingdom military forces. It is very easy to predict how the khalasar would attack. Because, unlike the Seven Kingdoms or the kingdoms in Essos, the khalasar doesn't have that much in term of siege technology. Not like the kingdoms have any advanced siege technology either, because Ethan doesn't remember they had any when he watched the show.

"Then the gates would be our most important structure to defend," Ethan pointed out. "I don't know much about the khal, but let's just hope that he is a straightforward man and would prefer to attack the main gate with everything he has instead of going around and poke holes in our defenses. It would be easier for us if they just focused on the gate."

Myles nodded, he then called to his aide and whispered something to him. While Ethan couldn't hear much about what Myles is saying. He could guess from the lips movement, something about preparing the men for incoming battle and to prepare some tools to create the necessary things they need to stall the khalasar horde.

"Then it looks like we're done here." Everyone nodded at Myles' word. The towering man turned towards Ethan. The only young man inside the tent who stood unflinched before Myles Toyne. Something that amuses Myles greatly. "Tell your men to help in making the moat and wooden spikes. Get them to work in rotations so they can have some time to rest in-between work."

As chorus of agreement rang out and the people finally left. Myles held Ethan from leaving, one of his hand clasping at Ethan's shoulder as he stared at him right in the eyes.

"Who are you?" He asked. "I'm not asking for your names, because frankly—I do not give a damn."

"What I'm more curious is however how I never heard you nor your men before. What with your unique wargear and names. You're bound to get some attention no matter how small it is. Where do you really hail from, kid?"

"First, stop calling me a kid." Ethan slapped Myles' hand away and stared daggers at the man. "And like I said before, we came from a land far away from here. Ever heard of Gondor? Sparta? Or perhaps Reikland? If not, then like I said—far away land from here."

Ethan walked away and left Myles alone in the tent. Of course none of the people here would recognize the name of the land he had given. After all two of them came from fictional worlds, and the other came from Earth and are way too different from what they used to be in the past. The chances of people from here knowing about anything regarding any of the place he mentioned is non-existent.

As Ethan rode his horse back to the mansion he is staying. He could feel the gaze of many people upon him. Perhaps it is because he is now not wearing his helmet and are now showing how young he is. Someone who is in his early twenties but are leading a band of soldiers on some backward country. It was unheard of, and if they saw what he is and his soldiers is capable of, there would be no shortage of people who would hire their service.

A smirk appeared on his face as he thought of the future. Essos would be the first place he would conquer before he moved to Westeros. Of course, he wouldn't be hasty to conquer the world. Things like that need planning that are solid enough. It is not something he would be able to do on his own.

Ethan just hoped Westeros would stay divided when Essos is finally conquered by him later on.