
Dawn of an Empire

Waking up to a world entirely different from what he had lived before. Ethan Albrecht are given a second chance at life after his unfortunate accident which costed him his life. Thus, with the power given to him by God, Ethan set himself on the path of conqueror. --- The fanfic are based on the Game of Thrones world.

LokiFarsung · TV
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6 Chs

Fourth Chapter, Calm Before The Storm

As the battle was won by the defenders of Qohor, it came to no surprise that a great feast would soon follow. Every mercenary leaders responsible for the defense of Qohor were invited to celebrate with the magisters. Ethan of course did not reject the invitation since it would be good to know what kind of people he had to fight against later on.

For this occassion, he wore an 18th century nobleman clothing minus the ridiculous wig. The design itself is simple. But still unique enough to the people of Qohor and even the Westerosi—that is if they ever met him now. For this feast, Noriel would accompany him. Wearing a dress that while showing elegance would still allow her to move freely should the need arise.

They would be accompanied by the two Praetorians though their presence would perhaps be unneeded. Since Ethan and Noriel wouldn't come unarmed. For Ethan, he would bring with himself a sword-cane, a trick weapon that would prove useful if they got into a fight. Noriel herself brought two daggers with her. Where she hid it, however, is not something even Ethan know.

As the time for the feast slowly arrive. Ethan and Noriel quickly boarded the carriage sent by the magisters to fetch them. The two Praetorians following not too far behind. Attracting the attentions of the people as they saw how ferocious the Praetorian in a fight before. Earning their respect as the elite soldiers of the Mondlicht company.

"We're here, Ser." The door opened and Ethan stepped out of the carriage. He held out one hand to help Noriel getting down from the carriage. Which she appreciate as she slowly stepped down from the carriage.

As expected from the magisters of Qohor, the feast itself is being held extravagantly. In fact, those who had arrived early has already enjoyed the hospitalities the magisters showed. Feasting on the food and chugging wine like there's no tomorrow. Ethan could only smile wryly as he entered the mansion.

The figure of Myles Toyne could already be seen from the distance. The man figure is distinguishable from the others. Even in formal clothing the man is still exuding the dangerous aura around him. Not many dared to talk to the man except the brave few or the perhaps some of the magisters who are thanking him personally and trying to employ his services.

"Ah! The hero of the siege himself has arrived! Welcome!" Myles used the chance when Ethan showed up to escape from the magisters. The man hugged Ethan as he laughed. His eyes then moved towards Noriel. Where he is amazed by the black haired woman beauty even though he had seen himself how ferocious the woman is in the battlefield.

"And this is Lady Noriel, I believe? It is pleasure to meet you, Milady. I have to say, it was an amazing sight when I saw you killing those damned screamers like it is nothing. Never in my life had I seen a woman so dangerous such as you."

Noriel could only smile and nod. Attending a feast such as these isn't something she is trained to do. Though Ethan reassured her that nothing would happen. Especially after everyone saw how dangerous the Mondlicht is.

Ethan's eyes saw a familiar figure approaching from the corner of his eyes. Haryros Maren. Like the magisters overlooking the city of Qohor. The man hid as the city is being sieged. His mansion guarded by the Unsullied to prevent any screamers from getting in should they ever breached the walls. A coward in Ethan's eyes.

"Welcome! Welcome!" Haryros smiled widely as he approaches. On his two sides are scantily dressed women. No doubt there to accompany the magister. "Enjoy the feast that we, the magisters of Qohor, has prepared for all you heroes of Qohor!"

Even as Haryros praised the mercenaries leaders endlessly. He never stopped glancing at Noriel whenever the chance arise. Clearly, the man is interested with the Gondorian woman. But Ethan would always try to block Noriel from Haryros' lustful eyes. He wouldn't let anyone disrespect his people.

"Let us enjoy this blissful night without a care in this world! Eat until you're full! And drink until you're drunk! Don't hold yourself back!"

Ethan and Noriel could only watch as most of the mercenaries leaders indulged themselves. The magisters obviously didn't spare anything as they even brought exotic women to the feast. Some did try to approach Ethan, but they would either be turned down by him or discouraged by Noriel. Eliciting a laugh from Ethan whenever he caught her doing so.

Myles himself is nowhere to be seen as more people started to arrive. As the party goes on and more people had gotten drunk. Ethan decided that it was time for them to leave the party. With Noriel in tow, he quickly exited the mansion, where his two Praetorians are silently waiting beside their carriage.

As he entered his carriage, he could feel himself being watched by somebody. He looked back towards the mansion. Specifically towards the second floor where he could see Haryros is watching from one of the room. As he was caught looking at Ethan, Haryros could only smile before he closed the curtain, no need to be a smart one to guess what he is doing up there.


Morning arrived, Ethan stepped out of his mansion to see that his men are still doing their usual routine. Never skipping their training even when they're all already a veteran in their own rights. Seeing this, however, made him realize that he need to act soon. Already he could see a couple suspicious people from the crowds of people passing by.

Their attempt at being stealthy is laughable at best. But the increasing amount of people spying on them is alarming. But Ethan knew that they're people hired by the magisters to keep watch on him. He would need some privacy if he were to summon the Reiksguard and Empire Greatsword soon.

"Did you see them too, My Lord?" Ethan glanced towards Noriel standing beside him. He only nodded his head as an answer. "Give me the command, and I shall get rid of them."

"Not now, Captain." He replied. A smirk appeared on his face as his eyes met one of the spy. Surprising the man as he quickly blended in with the crowd in an attempt to hide himself. "But you shall do so soon. I will summon more men to help us in taking over Qohor. But, when I do so, you shall get rid of the... Curious people. I do not care how."

Though faint, Ethan could see a smile on her face before it quickly disappear. Counter espionage is apparently something that she has been trained for. As was the case for the rest of the Rangers of Ithilien. As they're originally made to roam the forest in search of intruders and act as deterrent or early warning.

Ethan did nothing until afternoon came. Only walking around his mansion with Leonidas in tow. Sometimes talking with Leonidas about trivial things. But when afternoon came, Ethan decided that it was time for him to finally summon the two companies of Reiksguard and Empire Greatsword.

He gave Noriel the command to get rid of the spies. Taking ten people with her as they quickly did their work. Ethan changed his clothes to something more inconspicuous and walked towards the gate before he quickly headed towards the forest. Somehow, he missed the sight of the forest. It was more tranquil than the city of Qohor. And much cleaner too, if one ignored the occasional corpse of Dothraki riders that got caught in the trap that the Rangers of Ithilien had made the day before the siege started.

He went back to the first place where he was summoned. A clearing inside of the forest. Big enough to fit a company of men inside. He opened the System once more and accepted his reward, the fifteen thousand points is something that he accepted greatly. However for now he only summoned a company of the Reiksguard. As the place won't be able to fit if he summoned the rest of the men.

Two hundred men in red and white full plate armour riding massive warhorses. These people are part of an elite knight order that has proven themselves to be deadly in a battlefied. They've also sworn to protect the Emperor and are willing to throw their life should the need arise. Ethan need not worry about their loyalty for their loyalty is unwavering no matter what happened.

But then a lone man approaches. From appearance alone, it was clear the man is someone with significance importance. His winged helmet and well groomed moustache made his figure unique amongst the other Reiksguard Knight. It was none other than Kurt Helborg himself. The Hand of Vengeance, the Emperor's Chosen, Kriegsmeister and the Hammer of Chaos. His title alone had already proven him how great the man known as Kurt Helborg is.

"Your Majesty," his voice deep and demanded respect for any who listened. The older man stepped down from his horse and kneeled before Ethan. "Reiksmarshal Kurt Helborg at your service."

With this, his chance of winning the incoming battle for Qohor is already guaranteed. Soon the Empire of Mondlicht would carve its name in Essos and later—Westeros.