
Dawn of an Empire

Waking up to a world entirely different from what he had lived before. Ethan Albrecht are given a second chance at life after his unfortunate accident which costed him his life. Thus, with the power given to him by God, Ethan set himself on the path of conqueror. --- The fanfic are based on the Game of Thrones world.

LokiFarsung · TV
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6 Chs

First Chapter, Qohor

Ethan stared at the massive gates of Qohor. But Ethan managed to keep his composure as he led his men through the gates. Many eyes are gathered upon them all because how evenly the men under his command marched. The unique appearance of the Spartans no doubt became something that quickly they remembered. Their red armour, big round shield, and red plume on top of their helmets are the things they noticed the most.

But the soldiers and mercenaries who are watching from the sides are more interested with the people behind the helmet. Even with a glance they knew that the Spartans are dangerous. The steel in their eyes are enough to make lesser men shudder in fear. The masses quickly parted ways as Ethan led his way to the center of Qohor where the magisters resided.

With but a single command, in which Ethan raised his right hand, the march came to an end. Ethan stepped down from his horse and are quickly greeted by two Unsullied which stopped him from entering the compound further. But before he could tell the reason he is here, the sounds of footsteps could be heard, and before he knew it one of the magister are standing before him.

"Words has reached to me that another company of mercenary had reached the city of Qohor to offer their service," the man are around fourty years old. If he had to guess. But with it came experience with handling many things. Mostly things related to political or economic matters. Which the magisters are known by, considering they're the ruling bodies of the Free Cities. "My name is Haryros Maren, is it true that you Ser are offering your service to help the city of Qohor defend themselves from the Horse Lords?"

"You guess right, My Lord." Answered Ethan. "I am here to offer the Mondlicht's service to you."

"Mondlicht? That is quite the strange name. Which reminds me, the design on the armour that your men wore are nothing like that I've seen before. Where did you hail from, Ser...?"

"Ethan Albrecht, and we hail from a faraway place. On a mission to discover more about this world. And to do that we need funds—what better way for us to gain money than to offer our service as mercenary? I assure you, Magister, you could trust my men that they would hold the line."

Though the people of this world doesn't know anything about the Spartans. Ethan knew about them very well, about their famous last stand against the Persian army. Their brave spirits when facing impossible odds are the thing that made them all legendary figures.

"If that's the case, then the city of Qohor welcome you people. We will allocate a small mansion on the northeast part of the city which you can use as a barrack. Now, if there's no more questions, I will excuse myself. I have many things to take care off."

Ethan nodded his head, "everything is loud and clear, Magister. We will quickly depart to the mansion you've mentioned. And thank you for your generosity, we wouldn't disappoint you."

Now that the first part of his plan are done. Ethan quickly got back up to his horse and headed towards the mansion that the magister had given to him. When he got there, however, Ethan could see why the magister gave the mansion to him freely. Despite them not familiar with either him or his Spartans skills in a fight.

"It's worse than I thought," the voice came from a man called Leonidas. The same man who led the Spartans in the Battle of Thermopylae. But, instead of being summoned as a king, Leonidas is summoned by Ethan as captain for the Spartans. "This is an insult to us all."

Decrepit might be an understatement. The mansion is pretty much abandoned and run-down. Looking at it closer, some of the foundations had already broken down. When Ethan entered and wanted to check the second floor. He found out that the stairs leading upstairs are broken. Making him unable to get to the second floors. He doesn't even need to mention about the dirty place.

Though regrettable, Ethan wouldn't complain. He would make do for now. But when he have the time, he would make sure to renovate the place. To at least make the mansion more pleasing to the eye and are comfortable to live in.

"Alright, Leonidas, tell the men to set up defensive perimeter. Get some men to do guard duties and rotate every three hours. Considering where we are, I don't want to risk any intruders entering our place."

Leonidas nodded his head and placed a fist on his chest before he walked away. Even when Leonidas is outside of the mansion. Ethan could still his booming voice from where he is. Followed by the sounds of hundreds of footsteps that soon separated to some section of the mansion. Where the soldiers quickly set up tents around the mansion where Ethan would be staying.

Ethan then walked to what appears to be living room. Not much could be said about this particular room since the condition doesn't differ from other. So Ethan sat on top of a dusty sofa. He took off his helmet and put it beside him as his body leaned on the sofa. He called the System out. Showing him a list of things he have, shop, inventory, and his status.


Name: Ethan Albrecht

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Skills: Master Strategist, Martial Arts Master, Basic Economy Comprehension, Adept Politic Comprehension, Peak-Human Condition, Expert Weapons Mastery

Current Army List:

- 300 Spartans

- 200 Rangers of Ithilien

Personal Equipment:

- Ghal Maraz (Skull-Splitter)

- Spartan War Hero set


All in all, nothing had changed, his skills stayed the same considering that he hasn't seen any action ever since he had arrived in this world. Though, Ethan could feel himself getting rusty. Sure, he might've been trained in martial arts and weapons mastery ever since he was a kid by both his father and grandfather. But he rarely had the chance to ever use it in his previous life. Even now he hadn't got the chance to use it too.

After all, they're still in preparation phase. Won't do much if he just started to swing his hammer wildly at random people.

Still, Ethan had made up a plan in his mind to ask Leonidas to spar with him tomorrow morning. Considering that Leonidas is the strongest and fiercest Spartan that had ever existed. Leonidas could help Ethan in getting him get back up to shape and correct his flaws if he has any. After all Leonidas has plenty of experience in the battlefield, something that could help both Leonidas himself and Ethan on the long run.

And so Ethan fall asleep shortly after that. His minds filled with the thought of fighting against Leonidas early in the morning.


Although the sun hasn't rised up yet. The sound of clashing steel could be heard throughout the mansion. When one looked outside, specifically into the frontyard, then they could see two people fighting between each other. One wielding a spear and shield, while the other wielding a golden hammer in his hand.

The two people are naturally Ethan and Leonidas. Sparring against each other in an effort to polish their skills and keeping them from getting dull from inaction.

Ethan swung his hammer, but the Spartan King swiftly used his round shield to redirect the blow to his side, where he quickly tried to jab Ethan using his spear. If it was any other men, then they would've been pierced, but Leonidas is fighting against Ethan who had been trained from little—not so much different than the Spartans.

Ethan leaned his body to the right, his left hand shot out and grabbed the shaft of Leonidas' spear before he tucked it under his armpit, holding it in place as Leonidas tried to pry it away. But Leonidas did not panic, he instead quickly let go of the spear and drew his xiphos while at the same time made a slashing motion towards Ethan.

Seeing the danger heading towards him, Ethan backpedalled and dropped the spear he was holding before. As Leonidas stood at the ready with his shield in front. Ethan watched for any opening that Leonidas might've shown for him to exploit. Unfortunately, Leonidas did not show any of those, the man was an experienced warrior who had gone through many battles before his death at Thermopylae. An experience that Ethan simply could not gain at the moment.

The two walked in circle for a while, eyes locked on to each others, while the soldiers on guard duty sometime glancing to look at the spars and the one who are free are cheering from the side.

Leonidas and Ethan charged at each other at the same time. Hammer clashed against shield once more. But this time Ethan put more strength in his attack. Making Leonidas took a few steps back before he pushed Ethan with his shield. But Ethan stood fast, his left leg lashed out to kick Leonidas' legs, which made the Spartan King got down to one knee and grunt in pain. Ethan did not stop there, however, he used his left hand to rip out Leonidas' shield out of his hand and Ethan used the brief opportunity to quickly held up his hammer beside Leonidas' head. Signalling everyone who are watching that Ethan had won the spar.

"One hell of a fight, My Lord." Praised Leonidas as he took Ethan's arms before he got pulled up. "Looks like being dead for a long time made my skills a bit rusty, eh?"

Ethan chuckled, "if that's what you call rusty—then I'd hate to see you in your prime." Still, Leonidas' skill in a fight could not be underestimated. Old he might be, but the experience he has is still valuable to him—and deadly to his enemies. Now, if Ethan took his time to teach Leonidas regarding new battle techniques and strategies to be used in battles and wars. Then Leonidas could even be more formidable than he was in the past.

It was then Ethan saw Noriel approaching from the corner of his eyes. The captain of the Rangers of Ithilien looks composed as always. Despite being in a world unfamiliar to her, she managed to keep her cool and did her duty, her loyalties need not to be questioned.

"My Lord," she greeted. She turned her head towards Leonidas and nodded her head. A simple greeting for the King of Sparta, but a greeting nevertheless. "We're done setting up traps inside and around the Forest of Qohor. There should be no problem of us hindering the Dothraki khalassar and reducing their numbers for the eventual battle. On that note, on my way here I saw the khalassar heading towards Qohor, they would arrive approximately tomorrow at noon. That is all, My Lord."

"Good job, get your men some much needed rest. Leonidas, I want you to have the Spartans' readiness level raised. Though the battle might come tomorrow, we don't know if the khalassar would have surprise waiting for us—however unlikely is that. Meanwhile, I will head to the town centre and meet the magisters. For they had summoned every mercenary bands leaders to discuss our strategy."

The two commander gave a salute before walking away. Leaving Ethan alone as he entered the mansion and cleaned himself from grime and sweat. He wore his armor then, his eyes looked at the mirror where he could see a reflection of himself. Though nothing much changed appearance wise. He could see that he had gained some height even though he's already a tall person back in his first life. All in all, it made him look more intimidating.

When Ethan walked out of his room, he already saw two people waiting for him outside. They are however not Leonidas and Noriel—but instead two Spartans who will act as his bodyguard during the meeting. What made them stood out however is the colour scheme that they have. Instead of the traditional red like usual. They instead have purple colour scheme similar to that of a Praetorian Guards in the Rome Empire. Their capes and plume are colored purple, while their armour are black in color and have golden lines running along the edges.

Ethan nodded his head and beckoned for the two Praetorian Spartans to follow him to the courtyard. Where Leonidas is already waiting with three horses.

"Looks like the two that we trained for some time finally get to show themselves to the world." Leonidas smirked. Ethan too smiled at Leonidas' remarks. Because, instead of summoning a new unit, Ethan tried his hands on training a few Spartans with the help of Leonidas to create a new one instead.

Their training took a whole week, not a long time, but what Leonidas and Ethan did is just reinforcing the basic and strengthening their foundations, at least for now. But that alone already made the two stood above others Spartans in terms of skills.

"I shouldn't hold you up much longer then, My Lord. The horses are ready, I'm sure the magisters could not wait any longer for your presence."

"Let us see if what you said is true, Leonidas! This would be the chance for us to show our might to the natives!"

The two laughed as they shook hand before Ethan released his hold and mounted his horse. Though he doesn't know exactly how long it would take. He knew exactly that it would take some time. Precious time that could be used to prepare himself even further for the upcoming battle.

"Good luck, My Lord. Gods knows you need it."