
David's Generation: Void Era ALL SEASONS

The story revolves to David who create his path and faith by starting to go in adventure ways like capturing a dungeon that he sees for the first time. He became a son of the great dual swords user King Ash and an infamous newly-goddess Queen Era, The Goddess of Ice. He begins to start a new life with happy life, however, the truth about his past and present world and its history together with betrayals and deaths will push him to become stronger. NO RELIGION INVOLVE. Any characters, events, things, beliefs, cultures, places or traditions are fictions and any of it involves your religion, it's purely a coincidence. NO STORY HAS BEEN COPIED - Any characters and events that may seem the same in others' story is a purely coincidence and didn't read or encounter them before by the author.

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David closes his eyes and summons his True Form, Adeux Ender.

David rushes towards the Vorax after dodging the wind that tries to hit him. He then, grabs Vorax subsequently and rushes towards to the Quetzalcoatl Dragon. The Quetzalcoatl Dragon's body is like an iron but can still be penetrated by powerful magic spells. 

He casts Fire Explosion and targets the Quetzalcoatl Dragon's head but it covers its wing to block it. However, it also covers his plan and carry out it without any mistakes and when have a chance to charge a powerful Fire Cannon and Fire Beam, a different types of Beginner Magic Spell, and holding in his two hands, he begins to enchant it but with a long time duration.

The Quetzalcoatl Dragon detects a magic power that grows rapidly, so it moves its wing slowly and uncover its eyes and look at what its enemy did. It knows that it can be painful for itself, so it thinks that it may contain poison or paralysis effect. And when David is about to launch it, the Quetzalcoatl Dragon swings its wing again and with a pressure of wind, it blows the magic spell that David casted away from it. 

David retreats and leaps backward while a choices are entering through his head again.

First choice, jump and summon a clone of a Vorax and throw it to the Quetzalcoatl Dragon to act as a decoy or as the primary offense against the dragon. After hitting it to the body of the dragon or the dragon will block it, create any things related to fire and use Fire Mirror to teleport and change his course while he is in the middle of the air. To ensure that he will not hit by the Quetzalcoatl Dragon, create too many fire, no matter what size is it and spreads everywhere and use the Fire Mirror to change the course continuously and rapidly to act it as a shield and can dodge every attacks of the Quetzalcoatl Dragon. If he can pressure the Quetzalcoatl Dragon, it will use its wings and create a wind gusts to force him to retreat but with too many fires in the field, he can become invincible and dodge as many moves he can. And while dodging, attack the Quetzalcoatl Dragon with throwing Vorax or casting any Adeux Fire Magic Spells that can inflict damage to the dragon even just a scratch.

Second, wait for the next move of the Quetzalcoatl Dragon and evades it. Act like he is struggling to make the Quetzalcoatl Dragon proud of playing with him. And strikes all of his strength at its head at once and use Vorax to finish it. Although, doing like this is not good especially if the opponent has intelligent and wait for him to get exhausted or his action is slower than before until it strikes. But during the fight of the gods or goddesses against the monster opponents, many traits of the monsters are playing their victims and eats after that.

Third, look at the movements of the Quetzalcoatl Dragon and charge recklessly. The Quetzalcoatl Dragon seems to acquire an intelligence from the ancient wisdoms during its freedom before putting in dungeon. It will think the safest method and ascend to the ground or using the wings to create a powerful massive gust of winds and blows him up and out of his feet and will take it as advantage to hit him perfectly. And some other attacks that may dragon use against him. He will do something against the possible attacks of the Quetzalcoatl Dragon and will create and spread floating small fires as his medium through everywhere to teleport once he has no other option to block or evade the attacks of it.

And fourth and the last idea, David will use all of his strength to blast the Quetzalcoatl Dragon before his True Form fades and return to normal. And even with the iron-like scales of the Quetzalcoatl Dragon, the Blye Fire Ray Burst can still make a powerful damage towards it even it blocks the attack, but hope that Quetzalcoatl Dragon will not escape it. And the rest will be up to him and fights it with his might in his normal state to improve his magic power and stamina to increase the duration of his True Form.

The last seems a suicide mission for him but it can also give him benefits. But he knows that it is not a training or practice but a real fight, and those first to last ideas are not suited in his current condition and training, he rushes towards the Quetzalcoatl Dragon while thinking what can he do to defeat the Quetzalcoatl Dragon.

While he is rushing towards it, the Quetzalcoatl Dragon charges something powerful in its mouth and every second, it grows bigger and when it is enough, it blows it towards him. David still charges it and uses the Lava Barrier and shapes it as a shield that he can carry wherever he moves. The Lava Barrier seems to be effective to endure the powerful attack of the Quetzalcoatl Dragon. He then, throws the Lava Barrier to continue his charging towards his enemy. And when he is almost there, he summons another Vorax and casts Fire Explosion in the Vorax itself and throwd it all to the Quetzalcoatl Dragon.

It begins to roar and seems that the successful hits to the Quetzalcoatl Dragon gave it a pain. The Quetzalcoatl Dragon uses its tail and whip to him but David dodges it by jumping and lands in the tail of the Quetzalcoatl Dragon but it is too slick and David fails to balance his footsteps and falls to the ground.

He is hurt and still feel the pain in his back because it falls first but David runs away to the Quetzalcoatl Dragon because he knows that it can also use its tail and can combine with other attack.

The Quetzalcoatl Dragon uses its wing and blows him up with its powerful wind pressure, so to counter it, David uses Lava Barrier again while shaping it in his likes and puts a small hole in the Lava Barrier to see what is the Quetzalcoatl Dragon doing. In his mind, the Quetzalcoatl Dragon will stop moving when it is attacking with its powerful attack. To know if it is true, he does the idea of the first and second idea content which he will spread fire particles enough to teleport himself together with his complete body and organs. He then, casts another three Fire Barriers and puts it to the ground and casts a Lava Spherical Aegis and uses the lava to melt the Lava Barriers to the ground and endure most of the attacks of the Quetzalcoatl Dragon.

He casts too many Vorax and uses Fire Control and also casts Fire Swords and Fire Multiples and all the summoned swords are floating all at his back. The Vorax will serve as physical sword while the Fire Swords will be the magicsl sword. Like Grandus said before in his fight against the Tigrecentaur that the Adeux is not the only magic spell in the world. The Adeux Magic Spell can also customized and it also depends on the casters or users. Customizing a magic spell is very hard to many magician but David is special. David combines his Vorax and casted Fire Swords into one and the Vorax is on fire. He can also feel the power of every swords even though it is a thousand swords to count. It had exact amount of magic power that enough to penetrate the iron-like scale of the Quetzalcoatl Dragon.

"Do you think that a mere combination of physical and magical sword and your aces are enough to defeat me, human?" the Quetzalcoatl Dragon speaks before David completes combining the swords.

David doesn't seem to surprise because the Tigrecentaur spoke before him too. However, the Quetzalcoatl Dragon is the one who got surprised because of David's reaction that he doesn't even asking why she is talking.

"I like your guts, human. Then, let's make a deal. I will be your companion in this dungeon if you defeat me without killing me. Those three bastards killed me successfully because I didn't give them a chance to make them my owner. You will be the first time to make me your companion and I can defeat some of those monsters. But if you can defeat me," the Quetzalcoatl Dragon stares at him waiting for his response.

While hearing it, Olympus starts to make a fuss and wants to go to that floor and say what is the truth. Olympus serves to be one of the three dungeon capturers defeated the Quetzalcoatl Dragon but he doesn't even kill it. He only made a deal that if she will be her master, she will be freed but she made fun of it and she turned back to him. At that time, Olympus was shocked by his offer and returned home while still in shock.

While the Quetzalcoatl Dragon is waiting for his response, David smirks like a psycho and thinks a bad idea. The Quetzalcoatl Dragon decides to not trust her enemy anymore and attacks him.

But David extends his arm and points in front of the Quetzalcoatl Dragon while smiling with a hidden dark motive and closes his eyes, and all swords suddenly disappeared.

The Quetzalcoatl Dragon closes its eyes again and senses all of the magical presence of the swords and it sees that these swords are everywhere and positioned to all of its sides and directions.

The Quetzalcoatl Dragon also smiled, "How can you defeat me with just a mere hallucinatio-", it suddenly stops talking when the swords become all visible and moves all in one direction with a supersonic speed but Quetzalcoatl Dragon closes its eyes again and all of the swords stop in the mid-air.

"So, you are strong. Strong even without True Form," David said.