
David's Generation: Void Era ALL SEASONS

The story revolves to David who create his path and faith by starting to go in adventure ways like capturing a dungeon that he sees for the first time. He became a son of the great dual swords user King Ash and an infamous newly-goddess Queen Era, The Goddess of Ice. He begins to start a new life with happy life, however, the truth about his past and present world and its history together with betrayals and deaths will push him to become stronger. NO RELIGION INVOLVE. Any characters, events, things, beliefs, cultures, places or traditions are fictions and any of it involves your religion, it's purely a coincidence. NO STORY HAS BEEN COPIED - Any characters and events that may seem the same in others' story is a purely coincidence and didn't read or encounter them before by the author.

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73 Chs


They were ejected from the dungeon by the Details. Erzana didn't sleep, but David is. She is capable of using strong magic, particularly Null and Nature Magic. Erzana is taken aback when The Details unexpectedly reveals its true identity.

Erzana exclaimed, "Papa.. Papa.. I only want Papa."

However, the Details successfully put Erzana to sleep using its Void power. She slept close to David.

1 hour later,

He goes on to say, "Huh," wondering what happened to him.

David asked, "Where am I?"

Leaning on his shoulder as Erzana slumbers. She falls asleep in his hand while he holds her. He moves without paying attention to his direction.

The gate, which was 2 miles away, then caught him off guard. It serves as the Kingdom of Ashera's main entryway.

He ponders once again how and why he was able to see the Ashera Kingdom's gate from kilometers away and determine its direction.

He then dashes home in a flurry of enthusiasm. He was ambushed by the gnolls, though. There are about fifty of them, of whom two are magician gnolls.

One is fire, while the other is ice. Erzana is still sleeping when he carefully places her in the legendary/fabled magical pouch because he knows he will soon be engaged in combat with them.

Then he attacks the gnolls while using Ashera. He starts a fight with two of the gnolls. He blocks one of its blows while dodging another.

He then defeated a gnoll by piercing it with Erzana's sword. After blocking the gnoll, he surpasses its strength and slices it. The three come up once more.

He is holding two swords at once. He releases his Void power into the Ashera sword to test the blade's durability. Similar to Erzana's sword, the sword gathers his Void strength and releases it. He starts with Void Slash. It has greater power than Erzana.


David said, "I want to know more about it, but I'm no longer in the dungeon."

The Details then appear, but just like Erzana and a young boy.

"Hoah! I'm back in the small shape." - Details

David slaughtered half of them with Void Slash once more.

David asked, "Who are you?"

Deto said, "You used to call me The Details."

"Because I asked for more information, you must be the person I had previously heard," David remarked.

"I am Deto, The Wise Boy of God Olympus, The Strategy Boy of God Olympus, as you may have realized," Deto said.

David again becomes involved with magical gnolls. He is hit by fireballs from the fire magician gnoll, but he avoids them all. Then, when Deto challenges him and asks him how he can manage powerful foes and their attacks if David only knows how to dodge, the ice magiciangnoll throws sharp, pointed ice, but David slices all of them.

"I saw your fight against the Cerberus. It's good to see you defeated it but you're lack of experience. You didn't even have the power to defeat Goddess Forus' knights, God Olympus' knights, Juanana's knight, and Demon Lord Ravix's knights. If you want to become strong, if you know that it is weak magic only, then you have no hesitation in slicing them. Face them not go away or dodge something because you hesitate. You will never be able to defeat even one of them in your current state, not even the weakest of their weak. You can win my trust and I will make you stronger, if not the strongest, if you don't let one of their attacks go through you," Deto said.

The magician gnolls then resumed their attacks, but David used Void Teleport to slash all of them. David uses Void Flicker to slash each of the other gnolls one by one as they try to kill him. Then, after noticing the remaining gnolls, he used Void Blade, Void Multiple by 100, and Void Control to control every sword and penetrate every last one of them.

Deto is then astounded to notice David's improvement. But more importantly, he discovers something.

"Where is Erzana?" Deto asked.

"In the miraculous purse you give," David said.

"You got that as part of the Reward Bonus that Goddess Milra gave you, not from me," Deto responded.

David asked, "So why are you staring at Erzana?"

"I want to see her whether she feels safe in you," Deto said.

David then removes Erzana from the legendary magic pouch.

Deto dramatizing while acting monologue, "Oh, my goddess, Erzana! Aren't you so beautiful? My goddess."

David wants to put Erzana back in the fabled magic bag till she wakes up since he finds Deto frightening, but Deto prevents him by repairing himself.

"Don't put my goddess back in the legendary magic pouch once more," Deto says.

David asked, "Who are you to her?"

"I am engaged to Erzana," Deto responded.

David puts Erzana back in the fabled magic pouch after concluding it was a lie.

"It's true that I am Erzana's fiance, so why are you placing her back in that pouch?" Deto complained.

As he was leaving Deto, David said, "You're lying."

"Ask him about me. Olympus forces us into marriage. It's true," Deto tried to persuade him.

"God Olympus, in comparison to you, is not a fool, and he will not permit a child to marry a child," David said.

Deto continued to try to convince him, saying, "No, I'm not lying. We're spirits. Of course, we're children, but that's just in our form, not in our minds.

David reacted angrily, calling Erzana a "spoiled brat and stupid Details who only know how to make the people around you feel uneasy." "Erzana is a child and how she reacts, how she speaks, how she thinks, all of it is the way what a child, a kid only did," he said.

Deto, who was about to cry in a childlike manner, said, "I-I am not a chi-child."

David questioned Deto, "So, are you not a child too? You're sobbing even if it's only a small teasing on you, Deto."

Deto protested while sobbing, "How about you? A simple 12-year-old educating the 1,403-year-old spirit. You're like an adult."

David still finds Deto's attitude annoying despite the fact that he was a responsible adult in a past life. Deto is taken by David and placed inside the fabled magical pouch. Deto was so irritated that he failed to notice Erzana asleep within the fabled miraculous pouch. About ten minutes into his stroll, he began to think of Erzana. When he peered inside the fabled magical pouch, he heard a passionate voice and witnessed Deto's antics.

"Oh, my goddess, you are more beautiful than the sun and the stars themselves. You resemble the signs of Aries, Cancer, Gemini, Capricornus, and Pisces in terms of beauty."

Deto changes what he had previously said after he pauses.

Deto tried to win himself over Erzana by saying, "No. Aries, Cancer, Gemini, Capricornus, Pisces. They're not as lovely as you, my goddess. I'm happy to have you. We will marry and we will generate a hundred children."

Deto is about to kiss Erzana on the lips following that. When David became enraged, he flicked him and continued to roll around.

Deto questioned, "Hey! What are you doing to our cuddly time on my goddess?"

David tried to explain that Erzana was simply a child and not a god or goddess and that children cannot marry until they are adults.

We are adults now, David, and I will wed Erzana, my goddess, said Deto, who was trying to convince David of the validity of his ideas.

David tried to convince him once more, saying "You're not an adult. Being grownup thinks first, not what you have in your notion, like you will do it without proper thinking."

Deto yells, "No! No! No!" and tosses gold towards David.

If you lose in our talk, you weep. The way an adult has to behave is to not cry in conversation, not in debate, but to fight if you know you're right, and to apologize if you're wrong, David added.

He leaves Deto after removing Erzana from the legendary magical pouch.

Deto questioned, "Hey, what are you going to do without me?"

David told him, "Don't screw around or I'll leave you out of the fabled magical pouch and put you in the forest."

"It's okay to throw me in the forest." - Deto

David asked him why.

Because I can track your energy even if you throw me into a forest, I can come back."

Deto is also giggling since, when he told David that he was smart, he already knew it.

But David sighs swiftly in response.

Then instead of sending you into the wilderness, I'll trap you inside the fabled magical pouch, David added.

Deto questioned, "What did you do? Are you insane?"

David grinned at him and said, "No! It's ideal to have you. To have you as the protector of this renowned magical pouch.

Deto exclaimed, "No! I'm not perfect in fighting, but I'm smarter, cleverer, and I can devise a plan that will make you perfect and stronger."

Then, David questioned, "Are you good in battle?"

Deto yelled, "No! I said, I'm genius, I'm wiser than wise, and I'm clever."

David said, "So, if you're ineffective as a guardian, how about being released in the fabled magical pouch and guard us?"

"I'm not very good in combat," says Deto.

You are useless both inside and outside of the legendary magical pouch," David said.

When that happens, Erzana awakens.

Where are we, papa?" Erzana questioned.

David answered, "In the forest."

Deto heard it, so he asks him directly.

"Papa? Wh-?"

Deto wants Erzana to believe that Olympus, not David, is her biological father. Erzana, though, paid no attention to him.

"My Goddess!! Please listen to me. He will just rape you," Deto tried to convince Erzana.

David shook the fabled magical pouch out of frustration once more. David removes Deto from the fabled miraculous pouch where he is throwing up. Erzana throws up when she witnesses him continue to do so.

Deto uses it while glancing towards Erzana.

"Oh my god, I completely forgot to tell you that Erzana and I sent you packing from the dungeon before I-"

When David began to look at Deto, he still hadn't finished his original story.

Deto starts to scream, vowing never to utter those words again, but David magically closes his mouth before he can finish.

Erzana is about to be convinced by Deto to change his views in order to please David, but Erzana isn't paying attention to him.

The last 1.5 miles to their target, the Kingdom of Ashera, are where David, Erzana, and Deto start walking once more.