

Hysterical does not describe my laughter. But then I realise, he was not laughing.

"Wait you're serious?" I say, he raises his eyebrow and responds with a lagging smile.

"Deadly." He says as he stares at me. "You are a Valor, it's in your blood. Sadly, you haven't been exposed to our world since birth, you will need help." He gets up and walks over to his grand wooden bookcase. He takes a thick brown book off the shelf and wipes the dust off of its cover. "These are not sold anymore. It's contains all information known about our world. Study from this and you will pass ALL your exams. Consider it a- welcome home gift." He hands the book to me and I take it with caution.

"Thank you." I say. I quickly flick through the book and see all the information written by hand, filled with drawings and recipes. I'm still a little shocked.

"Study hard, fight harder." He says leaning over his desk. "Who is your roommate?" He asks.

"Gwen, I think her name was."

"Ahh, the Levins girl. Yes she is a good one, stick with her." He winks and with a waft of his hand the door creaks open. "Class officially starts tomorrow. Your timetable will be Personally delivered to your door." I get up with a smile of gratitude and walk to the door.

"Miss Valor, There is a gathering happening, behind the school tonight for all the students. You should go. Get to know everyone." He says. I nod and walk out of the grand doors with my eyes blinded to the sudden intensity of light. There are so many questions about my parents, so many answers i need to find. How is it possible that I never knew? I never believed in such things. Even in stories, I would laugh at the very thought. But now, nothing makes sense. I walk past a case and something shiny catches my eye. A gold medal hanging above a photo. I walk back and see a girl holding a bow with her hood up. She was beautiful, a strong woman. Her eyes were daggers themselves. I look deeper into the photo, and she looks like me. The name reads "Tory Shile..." I look more over to the right and see a photo of a man. Holding an knife again with a gold medal hanging above it. "Andrew Valor...Dad?" I whisper. Shit...this is real.


Getting back to my door, Gwen is pacing. She looks weary of me.

"So..." She says with her hands on her hips. "You're a Valor!?" She exploded. "That is AMAZING I never thought I'd meet one in real life. Is it true what they say?"

"Look Gwen, I know nothing about anything. I don't know anything about my parents, you probably know more than me. So I would appreciate it if you stop asking me." I sit on my bed and exhale loudly. I think I'm getting a migraine.

"Oh my god I'm so stupid. You were adopted. I'm sorry. I forgot." She smiled apologetically, and sat next to me on my bed. "So you really didn't know?" She asked.

"No." I say. there was a moment of silence (mourning my childhood) and She smiles and pounces off the bed.

"Well! I know EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. I got you. Us huntresses gotta stick together."

"So you're a huntress too?" I ask. She looks embarrassed.

"Technically yes, but I'm very bad at it. I would prefer intelligence, but my parents are like yours. They are very respected in the Daunting. So their daughter also must exceed expectations."

"The Daunting? What's that?" She just looks at me with a sour face.

"You really don't know anything." She shakes her head. "Consider this your first lesson. The Daunting ARE the collective term for all Hunters and Huntresses. We are part of the organisation that keep the people safe from threats in our world. They protect the people from the creatures that are dangerous. Creatures that cause serious harm. Bad vampires, bad wolves and goblins blah blah blah. At the end of this year, For the potential huntresses and hunters, there will be a test to see if you qualify to get into the Daunting. If you don't pass, you're memory is erased nd you are forced to live amongst the norms (normal people)."

"Do any Norms go to this school?"

"Amongst all the vamps, wolves and hunters...what do you think?" She says sarcastically. I smile and she does too.

"Right.. so wait, vampires and wolves also go here?"

"Yes, elves and witches too. Once a week we are all separated. The vamps all learn how to drink blood without hurting people and stuff. All the Wolves learn like transformation, we learn hunting skills and witches learn like spells and shit."

"What about elves?"

"They are all so secretive even I have no idea." We both share a laugh.

"Thanks for the lesson." I say and she pats me on the shoulder.

"You should be glad you got me for a room mate." She giggles flipping her hair. I laughed with her and deep down I was glad she was my roommate. "Hey we got party tonight. I'll introduce you to everyone. You're coming right?" She says. I sort of hesitate. Most of these people know who I am. Without me knowing anything about them. It's embarrassing having to ask other people about my OWN parents. I should know, they are MY parents. But to get answers, I must swallow my pride.

"Yes I'll come, but don't mention that I'm a Valor. Please. I can't have everyone asking me questions I don't have any answers too. It's kind of embarrassing."