
Love vs love for your family and friends

Love exist in many different form which can be the love you have for your family and friends or the love you have for your partner. The difference between them are what I going to talk about today.

First love for your family:

We feel secure with our family. It the feeling of warmth and the desire to be with and share experience with them. This love doesn't take much to commit to be yes you will have your up and down but at the end of the day you don't really reliazed that you have committed to this relationship. The love a family share gives them a bond that is unbreakable. We deeply respect our family members most of the time even if we will never admit it. Unlike other relationships you can't really choose who is your family. So they annoy you at times but they also can be very sweet at times. Despite not being about to choose most family relationships flesh with love. You always have on family members who has your back even if the rest don't. Though family is tight it's important to remember tho we think we deeply understand each there is still a possibility to hurt one and other. It okay to joke around but never take it too far.

Next friendship love

Friendship is that platonic love. It means you care for someone. You both share a bond emotionally how ever you don't have romantic feelings for them. If you are best friends you probably will have that person back through thick and thin. If you are close friends you probably are loyal to them and always want them to have there be. If you are casual friends you probably just enjoy talking to them and wish to know them more. There are friends who you just like but not love and that's ok because as time grow so might you relationship. Friendship love can break so be careful. I wish you all the happiest of friendships you can have so strong and tight that you will never break.

Love for a lover:

This one is tough because not every relationship is the same. For your lover you both share romantic feelings and want to always be with them. You see a future with them and you should be greatfull to your partner for being there for you. Your want a emotional connection but you may get it because sometimes love is unrequited and that is ok because at least it give you me them memories and the lessons that comes with it. Love for a lover is giving and take. You have to both give and take for the relationship to be fair. Have you ever heard everything is fair in love and war. I want you to erase that form you brain if you want a true long lasting relationship. Because not everything is fair. If you cheat on your partner that is unfair because they wasted their time one someone who truly doesn't care for them. Love is about both trust and loyalty. If you are not loyal how can you expect your lover to trust you and if you don't trust your your lover how can you I expect them to remain loyal. Also for your partner it important that they feel appreciate and loved or they may see the relationship as a partner waste and walk away from you.