
  So what if a person is attractive?

So what if a person is attractive? If they are fake we will without a doubt turn away from them. The most effective way to be attractive is by being yourself. In some way, I can't say how, but you are unique and cool. You can connect with people when you are yourself. There are times when things happen by chance, like you both like the same type of food or music. When these connections originate from a fake source, the relationship is also fake. So it is wise to remain truthful!

So what if a person is attractive? If they are awkward to be around. You may feel the need to run away from someone if they are awkward to be near. So the same applies to you. It is essential that you keep your cool when you are around the person you like. All you have to remember is you are magnificent and amazing and they are a fool not to like you. But that makes me cooky and annoying. That's a whole new topic I'm not even attempting to get into.

So what if a person is attractive? If they are rude. Don't be rude if you want to be attritive. You know those people who think they will be cooler if they disrespect people. They aren't the brightest. There are more people who talk behind their backs about them and everyone hates them. So just DOONNNTTTT be that person. That doesnt mean you have to take B.S. Dont even put up with it. You are too cool for that. Instead of getting a job, you should become self-employed. What are the weak areas in your life that you don't like? Who are those toxic people you should put up with? Get rid of the effect these things have on your life. This will make you more attractive since you will have less stress and be happier overall if you focus on your needs.

So what if they are attractive? If they are acting. Don't play dumb in front of your crush, it's not cute. You want your partner to see you as you are because they will have more respect for you. If you play dumb, you not only make a fool out of yourself, but also of your spouse. If your lover sees it was an act they will start to question everything else in the relationship and may even leave. This may even cause them to look at all your faults and leave you.

So what if they are attractive? If they are a player or flirt. Avoid switching from lover to lover or cheating. People will become aware of it at some point and give you a terrible rep. People won't even try to date you or take the relationship seriously if they think they're liable to get their hearts broken by dating you. Next thing you know, you're the one who has lost something you truly cherish.

So what if they are attractive? If they ignore you. The most annoying thing is when you text someone and they leave you on read just to reply days to even several months. Or pretending you didn't even say anything when you clearly know they hear you. So if you like this person, please don't do this to them. You will lose their trust and probably be blocked. One more thing, don't ignore a person and then call them or text then to complain about your problems. That is even more disappointing.


Be yourself, don't be rude, don't play dumb, don't be fake and don't be arrogant.

Anyway I hope you learn some things not to do. Comment if you disagree with anything and follow my clothing brand on Instagram @WINDXYZ.