
Darling CEO I'll marry you: His wife is a nightingale

Xia Lihua was born with a beautiful voice. A voice as sweet as hers was hard to find. She used to be her cousin sister's shadow singer. Her family exiled her to the United States when she was set up by her cousin sister and stepsister. She returned to her own country after completing high school in America only to discover her father had given orders for some guys to murder her. After narrowly escaping death, she was saved by a friend who rushed her to the hospital and with the help of a genius hacker she was able to eventually escape from the country, hiding in Milan for two years. Except for her grandfather who doted on her, the rest of the Xia family assumed that she was dead. After three years, she returned, stronger than ever, to face-slap the scumbags and exact retribution. She is now the nation's sister- a top idol and a movie queen. She is also known as the Ice Empress in business world! People called her the Nightingale because of her melodic voice, little did she know that she will be become the night songstress of the man whom she hated the most. She didn't know that she was the reason why the demon king couldn't sleep at night. All he could think about from morning till dusk was her. He could wreck devastation on earth for her, and this time he would do anything to keep her. The devil bigshot has made up his mind and is chasing her! Netizens: Is Emperor Yang pursuing you, sister Hua? Xia Lihua: No! He is just my ex-fiancé and a die-hard fan. Emperor Yang: What ex-fiancé? Bullshit! Tell them that you are my wife, little bird. Author note: The author is not Chinese and this is her own story. THIS IS NOT A TRANSLATION. [ Update: Cover art by- @dixerqua ;) (DO NOT STEAL!!!) ]

Dixerqua · Ciudad
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242 Chs

Because you like her

Ding Feng was flabbergasted. "When did Xia Lihua hurt you?"

"You saw her push me on the ground! I got hurt on my tailbone, I think it almost got fractured."

"It's not fractured, is it?"

Xia Mengrui glanced at Yang Lingyun and hesitantly said, "No"

'Hah.' Ding Feng pinched his eyebrows.

This girl was just pretending. It was all an act.

She was such a skilled actress that she could fake being sick so convincingly to gain Yang Lingyun's sympathy.

Defending Xia Lihua, Ding Feng said, "Your cousin didn't push you. You fell down on your own. It doesn't look good when you shift the blame onto others. I was there and witnessed everything."

Yang Lingyun closed his laptop with a soft click and handed it over to Gu Sheng. "Now that the matter is clear, there's no reason for me to stay any longer." He got up and headed towards the door, but before leaving, he turned to Ding Feng and said, "You can keep an eye on her."

Ding Feng nodded in response, his expression remaining composed. "Sure, I'll make sure she's okay."

As Yang Lingyun left the room, Gu Sheng followed closely behind him, leaving Ding Feng and Xia Mengrui alone in the hospital room.

Xia Mengrui wanted to curse out loud.

She snatched the bouquet of flowers that Xia Liyan had placed on the table and hurled it at Ding Feng. Her voice trembled with hysteria as she yelled, "Is it too painful for you to witness the girl you love getting hurt? Didn't you want to be with Xia Lihua? Then why aren't you taking my side?"

She had deliberately called Yang Lingyun to come see her at the hospital, expecting him to sympathize and pamper her. She thought he would confront Xia Lihua for pushing her, but Ding Feng had completely thwarted her plans.

The bouquet of flowers flew through the air, and Ding Feng instinctively caught it with one hand as Xia Mengrui's hysterical outburst filled the room. Her voice was filled with anger and frustration, and she directed her accusations at him.

Ding Feng tried to remain calm despite the intense emotions swirling in him. "Mengrui, it's not about taking sides," he replied firmly. "I saw what happened and I wouldn't lie about it. You fell on your own; Xiao Lihua had nothing to do with it."

Xia Mengrui's face contorted with anger, her plan to gain sympathy from Yang Lingyun and turn him against Xia Lihua now foiled. "You're just defending her because you like her!" she retorted, her voice trembling with rage.

Xia Mengrui's embarrassment intensified as she realized the consequences of her histrionics. She feared that Yang Lingyun might now view her as a conniving liar, and that thought filled her with dread. Gathering her emotions, she took in a deep breath, trying to regain composure amidst the chaos of her thoughts. "Why does it always have to be Xia Lihua? Why does everything revolve around her? It has been like that since we were kids," she lamented, feeling increasingly frustrated and jealous. "This is making me f*cking sick."

Ding Feng reached out, trying to calm down the agitated Xia Mengrui. "Please, lower your voice," he pleaded, looking around anxiously to ensure no one overheard her yells. He knew that her outburst could cause further trouble for both of them, and he didn't want to attract unnecessary attention.

"I just wanted someone to care about me," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I wanted Lingyun dage to be worried about me."

Ding Feng could barely contain his disgust as he watched Xia Mengrui weep and cry. "Suit yourself, I don't have time for this," he snapped, trying to distance himself from her theatrics.

Xia Mengrui perceived him as a colossal hypocrite. "Don't pretend to be innocent. You know very well what you've done in the past. Even better than me."

Ding Feng felt a pang of pain at the reminder. "Just shut up!"

He turned and opened the door, ready to leave.

As Xia Mengrui leaned back on the bed, feeling utterly exhausted, a cold smirk crossed her face. She spoke in a tone dripping with malice, causing Ding Feng to freeze in his tracks. "Don't forget. If Yang Lingyun and Xia Lihua find out the truth, then it's over for you."

Ding Feng didn't look back at her and only grimaced. He was feeling helpless himself.