
Darkness to Dawn

After his fall, the demon prince finds it hard to cope in a human society, but after encountering humans that pique his interest, he decides to delve into the fascinating world of living as a human , trying to juggle his wounded past, prospectful present and a future where he doesn't expect he'll come to cherish his humanity But little does he know what's in store for him.... Watch as he journeys through the thrilling life in humanity facing unlikely obstacles and making bonds that may drastically change his entire life.....Darkness to dawn? he didn't know but his dawn glowed with a particular darkness

pov_junkie · Ciudad
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24 Chs

Everybody Has Secrets

Von was woken up by a leg straddling on his chest,

'What the fuck?' He thought, as he felt a bit asphyxiated. He pushed the leg away and as he got up the owner of the leg was also jolted awake by his heartless shove.

As their eyes met they were both stunned for a moment just staring at each other in silence.

"Von...." Maya was the first to break the silence .

"Maya..." Von replied.

Observing this scene one who didn't know any better could easily get the wrong picture as both of them were scantily clad.

Maya couldn't help but gulp as her eyes roamed the well defined muscular regions of his bare chest.

He cleared his throat causing her to blush . He shook his head and smiled lightly at her abashment.

"What are you doing here?" They both asked in unison. Another bout of silence followed but was soon broken by Von.

"I live here." He said simply but that had summed up his presence here.

"You live here? But this is an abandoned temple how could you possibly live here?" She asked with a gaping mouth.

She had come looking for him some time ago downtown but to think he would live in the heart of the ghetto, in the temple of eternal love no less.

She had chosen this place to hide but who would have thought that he would actually live here, a great coincidence indeed.

"Why are you here?" Von asked again.

"Just some minor issues that's all." She said unwilling to delve into the topic.

"Go freshen up, the bathroom is that way, I'll get us something to eat." He replied calmly not pushing the issue as he noticed her unwillingness to speak much.

Soon after, they were both back sitting on the bed, fully clothed. Von had a burger in hand but he couldn't really take another bite as he was watching Maya lick her plate clean.

This was his second burger, but she was already down with three and a green beans casserole.

Looking at her hungry gaze he handed his half eaten burger to her which she wolfed down with gusto.

After she was full, she scratched her head sheepishly as she smiled a little bashful at her actions, she was not usually like this but she had skipped lunch and dinner the previous day due to the incident.

"So are you ready to speak" He said in his regular drawl.

"It's just some complicated shit you won't understand even if I told you." She sighed with a gloomy look.

Just as he was about to continue they heard a loud bang coming from outside.

"Oh no it must be them, we have to get out of here!!!" She said in panic. Getting up, she tried to pull him up but he wouldn't budge as he smiled nonchalantly.

"Who's they and why are they after you?" He asked in his ever calm voice.

"I'll explain later right now we need to leave!!" She said almost shouting, she knew how brutal the church could be and if they hadn't had use for her then they would have just blown this place up without caring.

He decided to go with her way for now and as they raced to the other exit he could hear sounds of demolition from behind, these guys didn't even bother to open doors, just blasting through every obstacle.

They got out just in time to see a laser beam whizz pass them .

"Quick they're about to escape roll in the chops." Someone shouted from somewhere in the temple.

He hauled her on his back as he ran through the labyrinth of alley ways and shanties, he knew the place like the back of his hand and he finally got to understand why they called him the lurker.

After noticing that he had lost them he put her down.

"Now I would really love to know what's going on." He asked in a slow voice that sent shivers down her spine, it seems he wasn't taken no for an answer, but she was also not willing to put someone's life in danger just for herself.

"Leave now while you can just go!!" She yelled. They were only mere acquaintances, he had already done more than enough for her already.

He didn't speak and just hauled her on his back again as he ran off ignoring her protest.

The whole city had been evacuated over night it seemed and after running for a while they were almost totally surrounded.

Men, cars, bikes and even helicopters were searching for them.

"We have you surrounded, give up and surrender!!!, You have no where to run!!" The choppers blared on.

Just when von was contemplating about using his powers he heard the sound of a revving engine. Soon a sleek looking Lambo with the top down was parked in front of them.

"Need a ride?"

"Johan!!" They both said in unison. Yes indeed it was Johan. Seated in the passenger side was as peanuts as she purred in tandem with the engine.

"I see them, west by Draikeser's chapel!" One of the helicopters sounded. Soon sirens were heard heading their way.

Not needing further instigation they hopped in the back seat, questions and answers could come later. Right now, they had to get away.

With the expertise of a NASCAR racer, Johan pushed the blip on the E way, zooming at top speed, maneuvering through blockades as he dodged beams of lasers from behind and above.

He looked quite awesome with his glasses gleaming in the sun and his short hair flying in the wind, not like his usual geeky self.

"Fast and furious....." Maya muttered finding it hard to relate the stalking nerd to this super cool getaway driver.

She had gripped Von's thighs for support as the didn't have no seat belts.

Peanuts seemed to have the same idea as she gripped his ankle, drawing blood.

Von was done with this. What the fuck was wrong with the script, wasn't he supposed to be a regular fallen demon who tried to enjoy humanity.

First, it was the shadows, then jacinth, now Maya and even Johan had some secrets that they were hiding. Even the cat which looked like it was under fed could easily draw blood from his ultra tempered body that even the laser blasts couldn't scratch.

Not to mention there was also that thing hidden here. He had made up his mind, he would unravel all the mysteries this seemingly barren world had.

He didn't believe in such sheer coincidences.