

As Blackbeard entered the room where Conis was bound, a sinister smirk played across his lips. Conis, trembling with fear and uncertainty, could do nothing but watch as he approached, a predator stalking its prey.

With deliberate movements, Blackbeard shed his clothing, each garment falling to the floor with a soft thud. His powerful physique was now fully revealed, every muscle honed through years of conquest and domination. Conis, unable to tear her gaze away, felt a shiver run down her spine at the sight of him.

Blackbeard wasted no time in asserting his dominance, his hands moving with purpose as he toyed with her. Conis's protests fell on deaf ears as he silenced her with his touch, her moans of pleasure mingling with the echoes of the room.

With each passing moment, the tension between them grew, the air thick with anticipation and desire. Conis, caught in the grip of his power, could do nothing but surrender to his will, her body responding instinctively to his every command.

And as the night stretched on, consumed by darkness and desire, Conis found herself lost in a whirlwind of sensation, her world reduced to nothing but the touch of Blackbeard and the fire that burned between them.

As the battle between Blackbeard and Conis reached its climax, the door to the room swung open, revealing the figures of Nojiko and Keya standing on the threshold. Their eyes gleamed with a hunger that mirrored their newfound desires, their thoughts consumed by the overwhelming presence of Blackbeard.

With a predatory glint in his eyes, Blackbeard welcomed them into his embrace, their bodies intertwining in a dance of pleasure and submission. Nojiko and Keya, overcome by the intoxicating allure of their captain, surrendered themselves fully to his desires, their minds clouded by the overwhelming sensations coursing through them.

As the night wore on, the room echoed with the sounds of their passion, the air thick with the heady scent of desire and ecstasy. Blackbeard, lost in the throes of pleasure, unleashed his primal instincts upon them, his every touch igniting a fire within their souls.

And as the final waves of pleasure washed over them, Nojiko and Keya lay spent and sated upon the bed, their bodies trembling with the aftershocks of their encounter. Blackbeard, his seed flowing freely from their bodies, surveyed his conquest with a sense of satisfaction, knowing that he had claimed them utterly as his own.

As Blackbeard emerged from the room, the first rays of dawn cast a golden hue over the ship, illuminating the aftermath of the night's debauchery. His demeanor was one of satisfaction, his desires fulfilled for the time being.

With a casual stride, Blackbeard made his way to the helm, where Wire awaited with an air of readiness. Wire's presence brought a sense of grounding to the ship, a reminder of the responsibilities that lay ahead.

"Captain, where is our next destination?" Wire inquired, his voice steady despite the anticipation that lingered in the air.

Blackbeard's gaze swept over the horizon, his mind already turning to the next step in their journey. "Let's head to Water 7," he declared, his tone decisive. "We need a new ship."

Wire nodded in understanding, his fingers deftly adjusting the ship's controls in preparation for their departure. "Understood, Captain. It will take us approximately two weeks to reach there."

"Very well, set sail," Blackbeard commanded, his voice carrying the weight of authority. With a sense of purpose, the crew sprang into action, the ship cutting through the waves as it embarked on its next voyage.

During the two weeks' journey to Water 7, Blackbeard devoted himself to honing the skills of his crew, instilling in them the power of Haki. With unwavering determination, he guided them through rigorous training sessions, pushing them to their limits and beyond.

Under Blackbeard's tutelage, Kid, Killer, and Enel unlocked the potential within themselves, their bodies and minds becoming attuned to the ancient martial arts techniques. Each day brought new challenges and triumphs as they delved deeper into the mysteries of Haki, their strength and resolve growing with each passing moment.

Blackbeard's encounter with Van Augur was nothing short of explosive. As they roamed the bustling streets of an island, Blackbeard's sharp eyes caught sight of the renowned sniper, and he wasted no time in approaching him.

"Are you Van Augur?" Blackbeard's voice boomed through the air, drawing the attention of those nearby.

Van Augur turned to face the imposing figure before him, his gaze meeting Blackbeard's with a calm intensity. "And who are you?" he replied, his tone cool and collected.

With a confident grin, Blackbeard introduced himself as Marshal D. Teach, his presence looming over the sniper like a gathering storm. "Join my crew," he demanded, his voice carrying an undeniable authority.

Van Augur's response was measured, his eyes narrowing slightly as he considered Blackbeard's offer. "Why should I?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Without a word, Blackbeard's fist shot forward with frightening speed, stopping just short of Van Augur's face. The force of the blow sent a shockwave rippling through the air, shattering everything in its path. Clothes were torn from bodies, stalls were reduced to splinters, and chaos erupted in the marketplace.

Van Augur stood frozen in shock, his eyes widening as he realized the sheer power at Blackbeard's command. In that moment, he knew that resistance was futile.

With a silent nod, Van Augur accepted Blackbeard's offer, recognizing the strength and determination of the man before him.

As the crew sailed towards Water 7, anticipation filled the air. Blackbeard introduced Van Augur to the rest of the crew, emphasizing his skills as a sniper and welcoming him warmly into their ranks. Van Augur, though reserved as ever, quickly proved himself to be a valuable addition to the crew, his sharp eyes and steady hands earning the respect of his new comrades.

A day later, the towering figure of Water 7 came into view on the horizon, its bustling docks and towering shipyards a beacon of industry and commerce. Blackbeard stood at the helm of the Victoria Punk, his gaze fixed on the bustling port ahead.

"Prepare to dock," he commanded, his voice carrying across the deck.

As the ship pulled into port, Blackbeard and his crew disembarked, their presence drawing curious glances from the locals. With purposeful strides, they made their way through the bustling streets of Water 7, their destination clear: the shipyards.