
Darkness of Remnant

A man dies and gets reincarnated with wishes and he only has one thing on his mind fucking some sexy remnant bitches and killing people.

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9 Chs

The Empress

Arriving outside of the club Hooodini grabbed shiela by the hair and dragged her through the doors. Inside the club was like a typical club with a bar and many booths with half naked women and drunk men. Strippers dancing with music booming and lights flashing

Hooodini ignored all of that and walked to the VIP door. That's was gaurd by two massive men they gave him a look and opening the door.

The VIP area had separate soundproof rooms with personal woman at your service each room had two guards standing by them. In those rooms you would get premium service any food you want drinks women as long as you could pay you would get anything.

Many rich people come to these rooms to scratch their itch from whatever disgusting fetishes they have without it being known to the public whatever goes on in here will never be seen by the outside world.

Hooodini's seen more than one child forced into a room with a ugly bastard rich man and never come out again. To be honest he really didn't care either as long as they pay they can do whatever in his eyes.

Of course if they were to try to pull a fast one on the empress he would be sent and those never ended pretty.

After arriving at the end of the very long hall they reach a golden door with 4 men standing guard outside of it.

"I here to report a finished job." Hooodini said The guards looked at him then Sheila.

"What's this." One guard pointed at Sheila.

"A gift for the empress." Hooodini said.

He nodded then opened the door letting the two inside.

Hooodini walks into the luxury room with Sheila by her hair he saw dozens of guards on the inside and 4 more outside. In front of them was a large booth with red velvet cushions 5 women on it.

4 of those women were in red and golden silk see through outfits with red masks that covered everything but there eyes each one with a figure like a model.

The woman in the middle was a very different story she had on a purple suit golden linings on it with a white dress shirt underneath and a lot golden necklaces and earrings. Each ear had 3 golden clips on the top and a regular Diamond earring. She had a few rings on that complimented her beautiful hands along with her purple nail polish.

This women was a beauty probably the most beautiful woman Hooodini every met. She a long blonde hair that draped down her back on some down her chest. Two sharp purple eyes that danced like lightning a slim face with a slender nose and beautiful pouty pink lips.

"Hooodini my favorite worker." The women smiles.

"Cynthia." Hooodini gives a quick bow before speaking again."I have finished the job the entire village burned and slaughtered."

"Good to know all that fire dust wasn't wasted because it wasn't cheap." The woman now named Cynthia smirked grabbing one of the girls by the waist.

"You know that this mission was very important to me I mean that's going to be the new place for us to build our empire." Cynthia spoke twirling a red glasses of wine in one hand while playing with the chest of a girl with the other.

"Forgive me Empress but why move away from this city where all of the money and information is at." Hooodini asked.

"Because we don't have enough control with all of the money I have saved along with the money I will get from selling most of my clubs here well be put towards creating a city to start our empire me as the Empress and eventually the entire continent." Cynthia looked like she was lost in a daydream.

"But that's a conversation for another time. Who do we have here?" Cynthia gestured towards Sheila.

"A woman from the job the last remaining survive of the village. I thought she looked quite nice so I got her as a gift for you I think she'll do well in the brothel." Hooodini pushed Sheila forward.

Cynthia rises from the seat and walks over to Sheila showing her impressive height of 6'2. Cynthia circles around her a few times trailing her hand around her body.

"She is very beautiful." Cynthia moves some of Sheilas hair out of her face to get a good look seeing her dried tears on her cheeks.

"So she's a crier that's good a turn on for many men." Cynthia glanced over to see a smirk rise on Hooodini's face.

"Yes she—" Hooodini spoke but was interrupted by Cynthia raising her hand.

"But she carrying dead weight." Cynthia pointing at her stomach.

"I guess we could just kill the child and get it down with." Cynthia smiled innocently as she look Sheila dead in her eyes.

"We could but I heard a lot of men have pregnant fetishes she'll bring in a lot of money." Hooodini said.

"Will it be enough to take care of the creature inside her because babies cost money and my money will not be wasted on her child." Cynthia turned to look at Hooodini.

"Maybe…maybe not." Hooodini said.

"I guess she can keep it after all if it's one thing I love it's beauty." Cynthia walked back over and sat down drinking some wine.

"Then why the mask you never know these women could be hideous underneath that." Hooodini asked.

"Because I love mysterious as well." Cynthia laughed.

"I love when I gamble on them being good or bad." Cynthia said a little to enthusiastic.

"That's what I like about you Hooodini. The mystery I have information on almost everyone in every shitty crack of this planet but you are a complete mystery. I decided to gamble on this mystery much more than I did with others. I took you in from the street and gave you a life, money, opportunity, and let you into my circle." Cynthia gave a wine glass to Hooodini and ran her hand down his body before resting it on his crotch.

"I remember." Hooodini looked at her.

"I put a lot into your mystery and it turn out good no great and that's made me very but when a mystery doesn't turn out so good…." Cynthia walks over to one of the girls and rips the mask off of her revealing a woman with 3/10 looks in the face.

Fear was present of the woman's face as she felt Cynthia's cold eyes stared down at her. Cynthia's aura exploded in a mass of purple as many of the people in the room were blasted back.

Hooodini stepped infront of Sheila to block her from Cynthia's absurdly strong aura.

"P-p-please em-empress I'm sorry I'll leave please." The woman pissed herself and had tears running down her face.

A large golden palm appeared out of a portal above the woman and immediately crushed her into paste.

"When the mystery isn't good I well tend not to take it so well." Cynthia looked over to them a licked some blood off her lip.

"Anyway you did your job very well and even brought me a gift how could I not reward you on top of your payment." Cynthia walked over to the cushion a grabbed a black briefcase.

"I was already planning on reward you because I trusted that you'd do a great job. I've already wired the money into your bank account and as for the briefcase I think you'll find the contents very pleasing." Cynthia laughed before walked back over to her cushion.

"Guards take this filthly body out of here a clean up the mess." Cynthia said taking a sip of wine giving Hooodini a lustful look as he and Sheila walked out of the room.

-With Hooodini and Sheila-

Hooodini walked her over to a private room and the guard let them in. Hooodini looked at him it was the same guard that let him into Cynthia's room.

"Go ahead a tell the boys guarding the empress room to come her after I'm down I'll let you guys have a go for serving so well."Hooodini told him.

"Really." He got exicted after all the guards constantly have to watch beautiful women get fucked everyday and never get to move from their post.

"Yeah you know what go ahead and tell every guard on the hall I'll guard the hall while you guys all have a turn."

"Oh man thank you so much." The guard says.

"No problem after all a happy worker is a good worker." Hooodini said before walking into the room.

"What were you talking about with the guard and why are we here didn't you sell me to a brothel." She sneered at him.

"Correct I did but that doesn't mean I can't use you one more time does it." Hooodini smiled.

"Fuck off you bastard I'll rip your cock off before I let you violate my body." Sheila yelled.

"Oh really who was it again that saved your child's life because the empress could have very easily ended it in that room." Hooodini said taking off his clothes.

Sheila couldn't argue he did save her babies life but then again it wouldn't have been in danger if he never brought them here.

Hooodini stood proud his cock was long and girthy much larger than her husband.

"Remove your clothes." Hooodini ordered.

"No please don't do this don't sell me to a brothel please let me go." More waterworks came.

Hooodini had enough though a grabbed her by the arm making her stand up.

"Remove your clothes or I'll remove them for you."Hooodini said.

"Please." Sheila sobbed but unbuttoned her coat dropping it she then slowly pushed the strap her tank top.

Once both side came down she held her tank top and bra up with her hands and gave him a pitiful look.

"Off all of it." She shut her eyes spilling more tears as she pulled her head showing her modest sized breast and her belly that was a bit swollen.

She then moved to her jeans slowly taking them off but started to sob again halfway and stopped this was the final straw from Hooodini.

He walked over to her and turn her over show her back was to him then shoved her onto the king sized bed but only so her up body was on it while her legs were standing.

Hooodini grabbed the top of her jeans and panties and ripped them down her legs roughly till they were at her ankles. He looked a her pussy it was nice a pink he could tell by a glance very few people have been in it and those who were had small cocks.

Sheila tried to stand up right but Hooodini pushed her down holding her down on the bed with one hand using the other to direct his cock to her pussy.

"Please don't do this please I'm begging you please." Sheila was sobbing staining the bed in tears and snot.

Hooodini played with his cock a bit rubbing it against her pussy before ramming it in and delivering powerful strokes.

Sheila's sobs turned into screams as Hooodini slammed into her his strokes increased in pace as Sheila ass cheeks were already turning red.

"AHHHH AHHH STOP PLEASE!" Sheila scream in pain which only made him go faster.

"How does it feel bitch to know that the same man the cut your husbands head off has his cock filling up her tight cunt." Hooodini laughed and pressed one hand down on her head forcing her deeper into the bed.

Muffled screams were all that he could here as he continued to pound her into the bed. Pulling out he let off her and she started trying to crawl across the bed.

"Where do you think your going." Hooodini grabbed her by the hair the pulled her down to the floor.

He threw her on her back and grabbed one of her breast before sliding back into her raising both her legs on his shoulder.

Sheilas moans and sobs wasted for an hour before Hooodini started reaching his limits in this time he fucked her in every position he could think of.

He now had her on all fours with shaking arms as he was pounding her from behind. He groaned and grabbed her hips speeding up.

"I'm gonna cum. I'm about to blow my cum so far up you the fetus will be covered in it." Hooodini yelled as he released his load filling her up.

Sheila almost passed out with dry eyes a sweating body and a soar throat she couldn't take it anymore and collapsed on the floor.Hooodini slide his softening cock out of her cum dripping onto the floor.

"Welp I'm don't here." Hooodini puts his clothes back on and grabs the brief case.

Opening the door he whistles signally the guards to come over to him. Over 50 guards walk into the room.

"What's going on what is this." Sheila asked terrified seeing Hooodini walking out the door.

"Can we really down what we want with her." One guard asked.

"Yup like I said as long as your not to rough she's got a baby in her and the empress is counting on a lot of men wanting to fuck her when she starts to get a swole belly." Hooodini said giving the room one last look to see a terrified Sheila and multiple guards removing the clothes circling around her.

"Have fun now hahahahahaha." Hooodini shuts the door.


Name: Cynthia the Empress

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Purple

Height: 6'2

Age: 26

Semblance/Aura Color: Golden Avatar/Purple

Fun fact: Owns 13 brothel buildings and 29 clubs.