
Darkness of Darkness-Vampire meets Vampire

Lee Shi Yi, common women in city A,used to be rich but all her grandfather assets were gone to Aunt Marie and nothing was left for her but until she found out about her parents identity.Her parents were the king and queen of the Dao Chao Vampires.Even though her parents were royalty,their death is still unknown.She also reopened Lee Cooperation. Ling Su Han, one of the richest people of city A, owning Ling Cooperation which is also one of the biggest and rich companies in the world. Being a straight guy, the media mistakes him as transgender as he has not met a woman for a long time.He is also royalty in blood as he is the prince of the Qing Ling Vampires but the truth is his parents already died in a car crash. Aunt Marie, Lee Shi Yi’s grandfather’s second wife, also the person who has been taking care of Shi Yi after her parent's death, is keeping many secrets from Shi Yi for a very long time regarding her parent's death and who she actually is. Wang Ying Yue,daughter of the Wang Cooperation which is also one of the biggest companies in City A,invites Lee Shi Yi and Ling Su Han to a party. Ling Su Han was her university friend and Lee Shi Yi was her childhood friend.She is also a Vampire,The Vampire of light. Lee Shi Yi and Ling Su Han meet each other in a friend’s party one day. When they first glanced,they felt something familiar like they knew each other before. As they walked outside together, they could not hear the party noise in the background.

minyi · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 8:Lives changed forever



Ling Su Han sucked Lee Shi Yi's blood and their lives changed forever.

The next minute Shi Yi fainted and Su Han place her on the bed.

Su Han mumbled to himself,"I think she will have a nice nap once the venom enters her body...", Shi Yi lay in bed,she did not move.

———————AFTER A DAY————————

Shi Yi wakes up from her deep slumber.

"AHAHAHAHAHAH!.....",Shi Yi screamed.

Su Han rushed into the room."What is happening my sweet wife?",Su Han asked.

"Who is your sweet wife? Anyways,did you bite me?"

"What type of question is that? Seriously!", Su Han stomped his feet onto the ground.

"I mean,I feel this temptation of drinking blood from humans suddenly....is that your doing?", Shi Yi starts scratching her head. Su Han walked over to Shi Yi bed and sat down.

"The process for all vampires are when the vampires reach a certain age that their parents set for them,they will fulfill their parents destiny and take over their parents jobs.For example for royals,we will take over the kingdom.For non-royals like the guards protecting the palace and maybe mafia,it will be the same thing...",Su Han explained. Shi Yi looked down at her hands and looked up at Su Han again,"My birthday and coronation has not pass yet so how did I turned into a vampire before my coronation?"

Su Han sighed and continued,"This was not supposed to happen but it happened..."Su Han activates his powers and creates a magic barrier,"This is a deep secret that I have to create a magic barrier for our safety.....there are two types of vampires,the Purebloods and Dhampirs.Purebloods are vampires that are born to two vampires while a Dhampir are born to a vampire and human...."

Su Han held on to Shi Yi's hands,with teary and guilty eyes,he continued,"I was born to two vampires which make me a Pureblood and you too are a Pureblood yourself just that before you turned into a vampire, you were not aware of this and the great power that the Purebloods have over the Dhampirs are that they can turn anyone into a vampire...but if this power fall into the wrong hands....we are in grave danger....."

Shi Yi looked worried while the magic barrier disappears."So you are saying we can turn anyone into a vampire...",Shi Yi whispered into her husband-to-be's ear.

Su Han nodded.This is so bad,if it falls under the wrong hands,this could be history.

"Don't worry...I have got back up",Su Han kisses Shi Yi's lips and they had start their very first love making session with each other.

The kiss was so intense that it made both of their bodies activated.Su Han lick Shi Yi's neck and starts undressing her.He starts by unzipping her dress leaving her with her bra and panty.Su Han starts unbuttoning her bra and she got shy as it was her first time.

"I can stop now if you want...",Su Han said.

"No it's fine...",Shi Yi let go her hands and her beautiful breasts were now exposed.Su Han starts sucking her nipples one by one.

"Ahhhh...",Shi Yi moaned.Su Han then starts taking off her panty.

"You look so beautiful my precious darling and you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen",Su Han said.Shi Yi blushed and got up from the bed and starts taking off Su Han's shirt and jeans.His six pack was so hot and she could not take her eyes off of it.

"You are too the most handsome man I have ever encountered",Shi Yi said and kissed Su Han.Su Han pulled off his underwear,"I will ask the last time,do you really want to do this?"

"Yes I do want to do this...",Shi Yi bit her lower lip.

"Alright I will be gentle since it is your first time",Su Han said as he pushes his rod into Shi Yi and both of them starts moaning.

"Ahhhhhh.....Suuuuu....Hannnnn...",Shi Yi moaned.

"Ahhhhhh.....Myyyy....Beautifulllllll.....Shiiiii....Yiii",Su Han moaned.Both of them did it about 20 times before it pleasured them.Both panted non-stop and Su Han crawled next to Shi Yi.Su Han hugs Shi Yi and kisses her forehead,"Don't worry, no one will know that we are Purebloods..."

Shi Yi turns around and touches Su Han's six pack,"But what if we got found out that we are Purebloods Su Han,what will happen to us?Will we be separated?"

"Don't worry if that happens...I have a plan b but so far nothing has happened to the Purebloods"

Shi Yi gave a relieve sigh and starts confessing to Su Han while they lay in bed both naked.

"You know even though we met just last night at the party but you and I seem to have chemistry but I can't remember anything from my childhood...",Shi Yi said.

"Me too even though we just met last night but our bond grew closer and closer and we even did sex,but to be honest with you I also felt the same as you as when I was younger,both my parents died from a car crash 12 years ago and it was just me and my sister that were left behind..."

"I am so sorry to hear that...",Shi Yi's eyes turned teary.

"My parents too died in a car crash 12 years ago and there was no closure as no one was turning themselves in to the police and I love hope in finding out the truth about what really happened on that fateful day...",Shi Yi starts sobbing softly.Su Han's heart broke as the woman that currently is in front of him is sobbing and he has never felt this feeling before.Su Han hugs Shi Yi.

"Su Han,I think I have fallen in love with you even though it was just a night but I feel that connection"

"Shi Yi,I too feel this way and I love you",Su Han kisses her forehead.As they confessed their feelings for one another,both fell asleep from the warmth and sex.

This is a workout but finally I am done with this chapter that took me awhile to write and also I have changed some parts of this story to fit the cover and added some juices to some parts so if you don’t mind reading again,do so as this can really help you to understand this story better.

Other social media platforms that I am also handling since before webnovel(and every week I am busy enough already):

1)Instagram account:@baby_suiko (doing mostly edits),@cloud_sui,@ilove_truebeauty

2)smule singing account:@BABY_Suiko

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