
Darkness of Darkness-Vampire meets Vampire

Lee Shi Yi, common women in city A,used to be rich but all her grandfather assets were gone to Aunt Marie and nothing was left for her but until she found out about her parents identity.Her parents were the king and queen of the Dao Chao Vampires.Even though her parents were royalty,their death is still unknown.She also reopened Lee Cooperation. Ling Su Han, one of the richest people of city A, owning Ling Cooperation which is also one of the biggest and rich companies in the world. Being a straight guy, the media mistakes him as transgender as he has not met a woman for a long time.He is also royalty in blood as he is the prince of the Qing Ling Vampires but the truth is his parents already died in a car crash. Aunt Marie, Lee Shi Yi’s grandfather’s second wife, also the person who has been taking care of Shi Yi after her parent's death, is keeping many secrets from Shi Yi for a very long time regarding her parent's death and who she actually is. Wang Ying Yue,daughter of the Wang Cooperation which is also one of the biggest companies in City A,invites Lee Shi Yi and Ling Su Han to a party. Ling Su Han was her university friend and Lee Shi Yi was her childhood friend.She is also a Vampire,The Vampire of light. Lee Shi Yi and Ling Su Han meet each other in a friend’s party one day. When they first glanced,they felt something familiar like they knew each other before. As they walked outside together, they could not hear the party noise in the background.

minyi · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 6:In the car

Shi Yi was drunk and couldn't drive. Su Han offered to bring her home.

"I will call you Su Han from now on",Shi Yi mumbled in her drunk voice.

"Hey, do you need me to bring you home?"

"...My car is there...", as Shi Yi said that she vomited onto the ground almost hit Su Han's expensive blazer.


"LEE SHI YI! YOU ARE REALLY!AGH...."Su Han shouted.

Su Han's thoughts, "I should just bring her to my house with her car and ask one of my guards to bring my car back home but this woman is really something"

"Shi Yi where are the keys to your car?"


"Lee Shi Yi!"


"I guess I have to take it myself....", Su Han murmured. Su Han reaches down to her wallet to find her keys to the car.

Su Han was about to throw Shi Yi at the passenger seat until she grabbed onto his blazer.


While grabbing onto Su Han blazer, she also mumbled, "Don't leave me.....please....."This time Su Han really could not control himself,but he held back.

Su Han thoughts," She must have experienced something that she cannot forget"Su Han removed her hand, carried her to the passenger seat and closed the door.

———————WHILE DRIVING——————

Shi Yi was still asleep while Su Han was driving her to his own home.

Su Han thoughts, "Where does this woman live? Should I ask Ying Yue for help?....(sighs)..."

Instead of calling Ying Yue,Su Han just drove back to his mansion.Su Han is a very sensible and mature man and would never touch a woman in his life. In Shi Yi's case, he does not know why but he felt a connection like a bond between a man and a woman.

During the drive, the radio suddenly played:

Time for some tips from the author,Suiko😊


Su Han: "huh what the f*** is this? Who the heck is Suiko?"

Shi Yi:*snoozing*



Su Han: "Are these tips on how to not touch women, damn I don't need this....."


Su Han: "I am good at controlling myself..."

4)TRY BELLY BREATHING(taken from wikihow)

Su Han touches his belly and asked himself why is he being tortured by this DJ at this hour

Su Han, "I AM FINE WITHOUT THIS SHIT!"He immediately turns off the radio.


Su Han screamed, "WHY DO I STILL HEAR IT!!!AGH!!!"Right after that he stops hearing the voice and continues driving. Suddenly after the loud noise, Su Han wakes Shi Yi from her beauty sleep but she was still a little drunk but more conscious than before.

Shi Yi woke up and rubbed her eyes, "What is all this noise!"She finally opens her eyes and screams.

Shi Yi touches her breasts and gave a relieved sigh when she saw that she was still dressed."I did not do anything to you don't worry, I am not a devil", Su Han rolls his eyes.

"Where are you taking me?"

"I am taking you to my house..."


Su Han fights back, "Could you stop yelling, you don't look like an elegant lady! And besides, I don't even know your address how am I supposed to bring you home!"

Shi Yi thinks for a minute and it was logical as she was drunk earlier.

Shi Yi calmly talks again, "Alright fine, just don't do anything to me..."

Shi Yi thoughts:" Hmm....did I do anything stupid when I was drunk earlier I hope not, this guy is a sensible and self-controlled man so I don't think anything happened right?Agh whatever he is going to say something anyway...."

Su Han starts a conversation, "Did something happened to you in the past?"Shi Yi sits quietly in a corner and tears start rolling down her cheeks.Su Han sees it and apologizes immediately for asking.

"It's ok...I have been through quite a lot when I was at University...IT WAS ALL YI CHEN AND QIN LING's FAULT FOR MAKING ME SO MISERABLE AND POOR.....But it's ok as it is all the past now...I just want them to crumble bit by bit and lose everything..."

Su Han drove without a sound after hearing that she was simply being used and bullied in the past.

As the car reaches his mansion, Su Han turned his head and look at Shi Yi, "How about you and I make a deal, you marry me and we can make their company crumble together?"

Lee Shi Yi stares at him simply replied with, "I need time to think..."But after that Su Han grabs Shi Yi's waist and whispered, "What is stopping you? I can help you make their company fall and...."

Shi Yi blushes and interrupted him, "I have responsibilities and family to think about, just give me a few days..."Su Han looked desperate as if he wants to eat Lee Shi Yi's body, "But I cannot wait for you,my little princess...I just want to..."Su Han licks Lee Shi Yi's neck, uses one hand to touch her breast and the other on her ass. Lee Shi Yi moans.

"Ah...please...ah...let...me...go...Su...Han...Alright...ah...I will marry you",Shi Yi moaned.

Su Han smiles at Shi Yi, "I guess we should get our marriage passports tomorrow"

Shi Yi thoughts while still moaning, "This man is something..."

Btw read this chapter at your own risk but there is also comedy in this story so enjoy

Since today is my birthday,I am just going to upload this story

Other social media platforms that I am also handling since before webnovel(and every week I am busy enough already):

1)Instagram account:@baby_suiko (doing mostly edits),@cloud_sui,@ilove_truebeauty

2)smule singing account:@BABY_Suiko

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