
Darkness of Darkness-Vampire meets Vampire

Lee Shi Yi, common women in city A,used to be rich but all her grandfather assets were gone to Aunt Marie and nothing was left for her but until she found out about her parents identity.Her parents were the king and queen of the Dao Chao Vampires.Even though her parents were royalty,their death is still unknown.She also reopened Lee Cooperation. Ling Su Han, one of the richest people of city A, owning Ling Cooperation which is also one of the biggest and rich companies in the world. Being a straight guy, the media mistakes him as transgender as he has not met a woman for a long time.He is also royalty in blood as he is the prince of the Qing Ling Vampires but the truth is his parents already died in a car crash. Aunt Marie, Lee Shi Yi’s grandfather’s second wife, also the person who has been taking care of Shi Yi after her parent's death, is keeping many secrets from Shi Yi for a very long time regarding her parent's death and who she actually is. Wang Ying Yue,daughter of the Wang Cooperation which is also one of the biggest companies in City A,invites Lee Shi Yi and Ling Su Han to a party. Ling Su Han was her university friend and Lee Shi Yi was her childhood friend.She is also a Vampire,The Vampire of light. Lee Shi Yi and Ling Su Han meet each other in a friend’s party one day. When they first glanced,they felt something familiar like they knew each other before. As they walked outside together, they could not hear the party noise in the background.

minyi · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 5:After a night of partying

For almost the whole party, Lee Shi Yi danced with many people but not that jerk, Ling Su Han. Of course, she would not want to be associated with that man as he almost molested her but still she felt a connection with Ling Su Han.

It's like a connection that cannot be broken when the other gets sick or injured, which is weird as they both just met.

After the party, or should I say ball,Shi Yi becomes drunk because of the alcohol she had. She was stressed from being the next queen and she had wished that she had a sibling to take this role.Shi Yi also did not want to upset her parents and wanted to complete her mother's and father's wishes.

Shi Yi was walking drunkenly out of the party venue. She kept on hitting people on the way out. Ying Yue wasn't there with her as she was the host of this party and had to instruct the people to clean the place up before leaving.

As Shi Yi reaches the outside the hotel. She hears a familiar voice while she was walking.

"Oh isn't this the person who got abandoned by her boyfriend..."Qin Ling, her ex-best friend smiled. Shi Yi gave a face of annoyance and continued walking

Qin Ling laughed, "Don't you have those sugar daddies that used to help you to get loads of money, where are they? And even if you had money, you would not be able to afford to get into this hotel..."

Shi Yi finally said with an angry look, "Let me make this clear, I don't have any Sugar daddies and even if I can afford to enter this hotel, is it your problem to even care about!"

"How dare you! Do you know who I am? I am Yi Chen's fiancée!",Qin Ling shouted and was about to give a slap on Shi Yi's face. Yi Chen was Shi Yi's ex-boyfriend, who is also also the Yi Company's son, abandoned her just to be with Qin Ling.

As Qin Ling was about to slap Shi Yi, Su Han steps in and grabs Qin Ling's arm, "So what if you are Yi Chen's fiancée? This women on my right are my soon to be wife, so if you want a killing from me! You will get it if you hurt Shi Yi!",Su Han said while holding using one hand to hug Shi Yi.

Shi Yi was shocked that this man, Su Han would be the one who is going to save her from this disgusting woman, Qin Ling.

Qin Ling gave this man a stare and said, "And who are you? Another one of Shi Yi's rich man?"

Su Han gave a dark and scary face to Qin Ling as if he was about to kill her with his own two hands, "Is it even worth your knowledge to know who I am? Well since you got it correct that I am rich, well I will tell you then. I AM LING SU HAN, CEO OF LING COOPERATION!"

Qin Ling hears the name Su Han and starts remembering what Yi Chen always complain about.

Qin Ling thoughts, "What! How could this simple women capture the eyes of Su Han at this point? The media is spreading, saying he is transgender. So it's this jerk, Su Han, which cost Yi Chen's company to suffer so much but he does not look that bad but he is such a jerk to cost Yi Company to lose so much money."

Qin Ling gave Su Han a shocked as if she saw a ghost.

Qin Ling said, "You....are.....Ling...Su Han?!"

Su Han gave Qin Ling a death stare and called his servants, "Bring this woman to one of the prison cells and I will see what I will do with her..."

Shi Yi stops Su Han, "No stop! Just let her go, she won't do much harm anymore!"

Su Han whispered softly into Shi Yi's ear, "Alright I will not but I will still punish her fiancé Yi Chen by making his company crumble."

Shi Yi heard it and was shocked as no man had ever protected her like that before. She was always the one to protect Yi Chen and Shi Yi regretted ever protecting Yi Chen from anything. Shi Yi even helped Yi Chen by giving him some money to contribute to his capital of the company and he promised Shi Yi that she would get a role in his company but actually, he was a scammer. Yi Chen no only did not give Shi Yi the role that she was promised but also broke up with her after she gave the money to him like weeks after the money was provided to him.

Shi Yi whispered back, "That's more like it, I want to see his company crumble into pieces."

Su Han smiles and thought to himself, "This woman is more interesting than I thought."

Qin Ling heard it and started to scream, "No please don't hurt me!! I am innocent! Please!"

Su Han death stared at Qin Ling again, "if you ever want to hurt her again! You will see what I will do to you!"

Qin Ling finally left and only left just Su Han, Shi Yi, and his servants.

Shi Yi out of the blue lay on Su Han arm. Su Han blushed and looked at Shi Yi, "Are you alright? Do you need a ride for home?"

"No I have a car to drive myself home and also thank you for helping me earlier..."Shi Yi tirelessly replied.

"Let me bring you home, at this state you will not be able to even stay awake when driving"Su Han suggested.

Shi Yi tirelessly nodded, "My car is the car over there..."

this chapter was like really boring but what do you think will happen to these two love birds after he said that sentence.I may abandon this story anytime and also I will not post so often too as I am busy with school

Other social media platforms that I am also handling since before webnovel(and every week I am busy enough already):

1)Instagram account:@baby_suiko (doing mostly edits),@cloud_sui,@ilove_truebeauty

2)smule singing account:@BABY_Suiko

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