
Darkness of Darkness-Vampire meets Vampire

Lee Shi Yi, common women in city A,used to be rich but all her grandfather assets were gone to Aunt Marie and nothing was left for her but until she found out about her parents identity.Her parents were the king and queen of the Dao Chao Vampires.Even though her parents were royalty,their death is still unknown.She also reopened Lee Cooperation. Ling Su Han, one of the richest people of city A, owning Ling Cooperation which is also one of the biggest and rich companies in the world. Being a straight guy, the media mistakes him as transgender as he has not met a woman for a long time.He is also royalty in blood as he is the prince of the Qing Ling Vampires but the truth is his parents already died in a car crash. Aunt Marie, Lee Shi Yi’s grandfather’s second wife, also the person who has been taking care of Shi Yi after her parent's death, is keeping many secrets from Shi Yi for a very long time regarding her parent's death and who she actually is. Wang Ying Yue,daughter of the Wang Cooperation which is also one of the biggest companies in City A,invites Lee Shi Yi and Ling Su Han to a party. Ling Su Han was her university friend and Lee Shi Yi was her childhood friend.She is also a Vampire,The Vampire of light. Lee Shi Yi and Ling Su Han meet each other in a friend’s party one day. When they first glanced,they felt something familiar like they knew each other before. As they walked outside together, they could not hear the party noise in the background.

minyi · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 1:Lee Shi Yi vampire's origin and her parent's death

"Hmm...", Shi Yi woke up from her bed to find her phone ringing and it is 11 am in the morning.

"Hello..?", she mumbled to the caller.

"Shi Yi, it's your Aunt here, could you come to my house for lunch today?"

"Alright...Aunt Marie, I will be there at 1 pm.."

"Don't tell me that you are still asleep Shi Yi? Shi Yi, you need to sleep earlier alright..."

"Alright Aunt Marie, I will be there at 1 pm, bye!", Shi Yi hangs up the phone and finally feeling comfortable again and slept.

"Hey! Shi Yi...", On the other side of the call, Aunt Marie feels annoyed that Shi Yi is always doing this to her.

"This child! ...sighs....", Aunt Marie crosses her arms and sighed.

————————12 pm————————

"Ring!...Ring!...Ring!..", Shi Yi phone rang. It's her alarm for her to get up to get ready to get to Aunt Marie's house.

"Ahh...", Shi Yi falls off the bed after hearing the alarm. She turned off the alarm and walked briskly to the bathroom.

During Shi Yi's shower, she wondered why Aunt Marie called her. When she thought of it again, she felt strange as usually Aunt Marie only asked her to appear at her house when she wants to talk about something serious.She kept thinking of it and eventually had a headache in the end.

"I wonder what she wants to talk about today...sigh....never mind, I will see what happens later", Shi Yi murmured to herself while looking into the mirror.

After showering, Shi Yi looked at her watch."Oh no! I am going to be late!",Shi Yi shouted to herself. She hurriedly gets her essentials and swiftly ran out of her apartment door. While Shi Yi was running, she received a call from Aunt Marie.

"Hello!...Aunt...Marie...",Shi Yi ran as she panted.

"Are you here yet? Its 12.55 pm and you're still not here?",Aunt Marie complained.

"I am on(pant)my way there"

"You better not be late as I need to inform you something important..."

"What is so important that you need me to come right over to your house when it is a Saturday afternoon?",Shi Yi annoyingly said.It was on Saturday,the 4th of May.

"It is really important as it is regarding your parent's death that happened 5 years ago and about your past..."

Shi Yi kept quiet for a second as she remembered what happened to her parents 5 years ago. Her parents were in a car accident when they were driving to Shi Yi's grandfather's house. A car collided with theirs and it flew off the cliff. While the car was crashing down the cliff, Shi Yi's parents protected Shi Yi and it caused their death on that fateful day. No one knew what happened to them as there was no evidence and no cameras on that road. There was also no passersby during the accident and other car that collided with them just drove away which cause suspicion that it was done on purpose.

"What do you know about their death?",Shi Yi eyes began turning teary.

"I will tell you later just hurry up and come to my house already", Aunt Marie insisted on the phone before hanging up.

"Seriously I wonder what she is going to tell me....",Shi Yi thought to herself while stopping herself from sobbing.

Finally, Shi Yi arrived at Aunt Marie's house."Aunt Marie!",Shi Yi called out.

"Coming dear"

"Come in Shi Yi, let's eat lunch first before reviewing everything", Aunt Marie lamented.

After lunch, Aunt Marie started to review what she had found out.

"What have you found Aunt Marie?",Shi Yi voice trembled.

"Well, the police found a possible passerby near that area that could tell us what happened on that day of the car crash..."

Shi Yi sighed as the years go by, not even one person wants to turn themselves in and there were fake passersby that claimed that they were the passersby over the years of investigation. This so-called 'passerby' may just want the prize money so Shi Yi did not act like there was any hope of finding out the truth.

"What about the other thing you wanted to tell me?"

"I don't know if I should say it now but I have to say it...",Aunt Marie stood up and walk towards a family photo on the side tables.

"Aunt Marie just say it!"

"There were just too many secrets that I have been keeping from you all these years"

Aunt Marie took a deep breath as she continued saying.

"Your parents were both vampires of the Lee Cooperation and were also the King and Queen of the Dao Chao vampires, you did not know this as it was supposed to be kept a secret from you and you memory of your childhood was erased after your parents death.Your parents did put in their will that their positions as King and Queen would be transferred to you when you turn 20 years old"

"So what you are saying is", Shi Yi replied to Aunt Marie with a shocking look on her face.

"Yes Shi Yi, you are a vampire and heir to the throne of the Dao Chao Vampires"

"This cannot be, I don't remember them having pale skin or owning a position in the vampire world"

"It's all true Shi Yi, your grandfather and I were also vampires and that is because your memory was erased..."

Lee Shi Yi looked at Aunt Marie with eyes of disbelief.

"I guess I have no choice than....", Aunt Marie transformed herself into her vampire form to show Shi Yi that is not all fake and it's all real. Aunt Marie's fangs started to appear, her skin and eyes started to change in color, her skin is as pale as snow and eyes were as red as blood. She also started to look younger than her usual human body.

"Holy...Shit...", Shi Yi gasped.

"You believe me now?",Aunt Marie said to Shi Yi.

"But why have I not have my powers yet?"

"Your powers will come soon, in your parent's letter to your grandfather and I said that your powers would be automatic after you get crowned as queen"

"Is there a coronation or something?",Shi Yi scratched her head while still trying to understand what is happening.

"Yes, but not this few days, it will be next week", Aunt Marie replied. Shi Yi started to cry as there was information overload in her and this was too much for her to handle.

"You don't have to cry, your parents are still your loving parents that you know and they did not leave you with nothing, they did leave you with all of their assets", Aunt Marie comforted her as she handed her a black golden debit card from her hand.

"This is just too much to handle, I just wanted a normal life but now I have so many responsibilities, protecting my subjects and do what is best for a kingdom, it's not me but if this is what my parents want I will do everything just for them", Lee Shi Yi sobbed.

"I understand how you feel if you don't feel comfortable today you can stay at my house for the night"

"Alright Aunt Marie...", Lee Shi Yi agreed while wiping off her tears.

Sorry for my English(I am not good in writing but only using this platform to learn to write better) but I hope you like this 1st chapter of Darkness of Darkness! I may abandon the story as I am also busy with school and tuition each week(just hope I don’t abandon this story)

Other social media platforms that I am also handling since before webnovel(and every week I am busy enough already):

1)Instagram account:@baby_suiko (doing mostly edits)

2)smule singing account:@BABY_Suiko

3)2nd Instagram account:@cloud_sui(mvs and song covers)

4)3rd Instagram account:@ilove_truebeauty(fan account for truebeauty webtoon)

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