
Darkened Realms:Suvival of the Arcane

Banished from the depths of the forbidden underground dungeons, Elandril emerges in a world where the law of the jungle prevails: the weak are prey to the strong. On a relentless quest for truth, this enigmatic wizard navigates a treacherous path teetering between sanity and madness. As order crumbles around him, dark forces conspire to shroud the realms in deeper shadows. But with an unyielding belief in the supremacy of power, he is determined to break through the encroaching darkness. In a land where chaos reigns, will his arcane abilities lead him to the truth, or will they be the very catalyst of destruction?"

WhisperingWinds · Fantasía
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20 Chs

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Glimmering hues danced atop the crystal ball, each indicating Elandril's elemental affinities tailored for the tastes of a Western audience. The vivid crimson stood out, symbolizing a strong affinity with the element of fire, hinting at Elandril's innate talent in harnessing its power.

Equally pronounced were the pure white of the Light Element and the enigmatic black of the Dark Element. Scattered amongst these prominent colors were a variety of shades: the teal for wind, verdant green for plant, and deep blue for water, suggesting Elandril's potential in mastering magics of these elements. However, his proficiency in these domains might not be as swift as his natural pull towards fire magic.

Within the vast confines of the Black Magic Academy's public library, Elandril struggled to find spells aligning with his affinities for light or darkness. These particular strands of magic were notably elusive. His girlfriend, Lina, possessed some knowledge of the Dark Element. But given Elandril's limited energy and his recent deep dives into the lore of fire, he hadn't ventured hastily into the realms of the Dark Element.

Moreover, as a Junior Apprentice, his Psychic Force and Mana levels capped his ambitions, restricting the extent of magic he could harness. Only as an intermediate or even a senior apprentice would he have the prowess to grasp a broader spectrum of magical knowledge.


After departing the library, Elandril resumed his routine, a life defined by its predictability.Elandril's injuries had been gradually mending over the period, with his recovery pace quickening notably after his mentor, Mosido, took moments from his busy schedule to cast two potent regenerative spells on him.

As the annual Academy assessments loomed closer, the hustle and bustle of Elandril's fulfilling life finally began to slow. The Black Magic Academy holds these assessments yearly, though not every apprentice partakes. From the ranks of Novice Apprentice to Senior Apprentice, each level endures its specific evaluation. Only the cream of the crop from each tier get the honor of participating. Those who excel and stand out might even catch the keen eyes of established wizards.

In the last decade, Elandril had participated in these challenging assessments six times. His best performance was a commendable sixth place last year, competing within the Junior Apprentice bracket. However, only those securing a position among the top three in each category are granted rewards from the academy. The others, despite their efforts, merely receive a sense of participation and potentially face the risk of injury.

Contrasting Elandril's highest achievement of sixth place, Lina, in her eight years, had twice managed to breach the top three. If once could be attributed to luck, twice undeniably demanded raw talent to justify. The epithets of "genius" and "maverick" that Lina bore had their origins in her standout performances during these annual assessments.

And it was on one such day, as the Academy's assessment drew ever nearer, that Elandril finally had another encounter with Lina.

Ever since being taken under the wing of Master Ferenna, Lina had seldom returned to their shared abode.As Lina elucidated, her recent involvement assisting Master Ferenna with a certain experiment had kept her preoccupied. Adding to that, the unveiling of her dark magic heritage was also in the pipeline, leaving her rather swamped.

After updating each other about their recent endeavors, the two retired to bed. Lina, having been left in the appearance of a petite girl due to a magical experiment gone awry, looked delicate and childlike beside him.

Elandril refrained from any immediate action. Instead, he gently held her hand and began sharing fragments of his own story. "My name is Elandril, though fully, it's Elandril Grant," he began.

"I come from nobility, but the exact title or stature my father held eludes me. You see, I was quite young when I arrived in the Dark Realms, and the memories have since faded."

"I remember my mother, with her silvery long hair and sapphire-like eyes, always draped in white dresses."

"My appearance, I believe, takes after my father more. It's unfortunate that I can't quite recall his features, except for the golden short hair we share, and a certain gravitas about him..."

Elandril continued to share these treasured fragments of memories with Lina. Despite being mere shards from the recesses of his mind, he managed to recollect quite a lot. For instance, he often found himself reminiscing about a lush green wheat field, and the joyous moments of running and playing with his mother within it.

On more than one occasion, Elandril would jolt awake from his dreams, the gentle and beautiful image of his mother dissipating before him, replaced only by the stark, dark ceiling that met his gaze.In contrast to the faint recollections of his father, Elandril's memories are punctuated with vivid fragments of moments spent with his mother. This might stem from the fact that during the earliest years of his life, up until he was six, it was predominantly his mother who remained by his side. Given that his father was a nobleman, he was naturally preoccupied with his duties.

As Elandril recounted tales of his childhood, Lina leaned in closely, listening intently. Only when Elandril seemed to have exhausted all shards of memories from his early years did Lina begin to share her own story.

"My name is Lina," she began, emphasizing her first name and choosing not to reveal her surname, hinting at her commoner roots. "In the twenty-seven years since I arrived in Dark Realms, I've lost all memories of my early life."

"All I recall is a desolate little village, from which my mentor took me away, naming me Lina." Lina's voice held a hint of nostalgia. "My mentor told me once that the village I was from was stricken by famine. She was more than just a teacher to me—she was my savior."

The mentor Lina spoke of was her former guide and guardian, a Dark Sorcerer who tragically perished in a magical experiment gone awry. While the details of Lina's early life remained shrouded in mystery, through her continued narration, Elandril gained insight into her initial days in Dark Realms and her association with her previous mentor.

Interestingly, it was just around the time her former mentor passed away, eight years prior, that Lina had chosen Elandril as her research assistant and personal aide.Struggling with the solitude of living alone, she was naturally drawn to the appealing and charming Elandril.

Learning about the intricate details and secrets of Lina's past seemed to dissolve the final barrier that lingered between her and Elandril. After listening intently to Lina's stories, Elandril pondered for a moment before finally voicing the question that had been burning within him.

"How old are you this year?" Elandril inquired.

Despite Lina's youthful appearance resembling a young girl, Elandril never truly perceived her as just a child. Particularly when Lina had mentioned she'd arrived in the Dark Realms twenty-seven years ago, indicating she was at least a decade older than him.

Faced with Elandril's question, Lina's gaze dropped, her brows knitting together as she lost herself in thought. Perhaps it was her inherent forthright nature; she was never one for pretenses or evasion. After only a brief pause, Lina admitted, "I'm thirty-two this year."

Considering Lina and Elandril had grown close two years ago, it meant she was only thirty at that time.

Upon hearing her response, a palpable relief washed over Elandril. He couldn't quite pinpoint why he felt such relief. Even if Lina had revealed she was in her forties or fifties, Elandril would still have accepted her wholeheartedly. Yet, learning she was merely thirty-two brought an undeniable sense of ease.

With this, the two laid bare all their secrets, their hearts open to each other.Even though the enchanting crystal chandelier had been extinguished in the room, Elandril and Lina, with their extraordinary Psychic Force readings, could still perceive each other clearly amidst the dimness.

Gazing at Lina's delicate and cold visage, Elandril was irresistibly drawn closer to her. Lina, seemingly sensing his intent, let out a gentle sigh. This woman, whom outsiders would label a 'Madwoman', gravitated toward him of her own accord.

"Be... be gentle," whispered Lina, her dainty hands gripping Elandril's.

And with that, they shared a silent, profound night.