
Darkened Realms:Suvival of the Arcane

Banished from the depths of the forbidden underground dungeons, Elandril emerges in a world where the law of the jungle prevails: the weak are prey to the strong. On a relentless quest for truth, this enigmatic wizard navigates a treacherous path teetering between sanity and madness. As order crumbles around him, dark forces conspire to shroud the realms in deeper shadows. But with an unyielding belief in the supremacy of power, he is determined to break through the encroaching darkness. In a land where chaos reigns, will his arcane abilities lead him to the truth, or will they be the very catalyst of destruction?"

WhisperingWinds · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Fatty Bob

Perhaps it was Lina's petite stature that accounted for her less-than-stellar performance beneath the sheets, certainly lacking the finesse of her Senior Apprentice.

Elandril, on the other hand, had quite a decent constitution. At just sixteen, he had several years ahead to further mature and grow.

Given Elandril's current rate of physical development, by the age of 25—when he's expected to be at the peak of his physical prowess—he might very well surpass a constitution score of 12.

Compared to the robust Minotaurs or the uniquely gifted subterranean beings, Elandril's physical stats might seem insignificant.

However, among the community of Dark Sorcerers, his constitution is more than adequate.

After all, not every Dark Sorcerer is as dedicated to honing their physical strength and stamina like the scar-faced Joke. Even Lina sometimes struggles with Elandril's might, let alone other magical apprentices.


As the annual assessment day approached, the usually quiet Black Magic Academy began to buzz with activity.

Many apprentices who were out on missions started to return. Even those who typically secluded themselves in their dormitories or libraries began to emerge, dotting the corners of the academy.

Apart from his live-in girlfriend, Lina, Elandril did have a few "friends" over the years.

Without ample strength, a loner would find it challenging to survive in the Black Magic Academy.

Especially the Novice Apprentices who just joined the academy, they quickly grasped the importance of banding together and aligning with the right allies.

Elandril had many casual acquaintances, but when it came to true confidants, those who truly knew him inside and out, there were only two."Hey, Baus! It's been ages!" Elandril called out, weaving his way through the majestic structures of the Magic Academy. He greeted a portly figure approaching him, the silhouette unmistakably that of Baus.

Baus had been one of the young aspirants who had entered the Dark Magic Academy with Elandril a decade ago. Over the years, their shared adventures — fighting side by side and fiercely competing for, yet guarding their precious food — had forged a bond that had only strengthened with time. Among their batch of magic apprentices, many had fallen due to various reasons, leaving Baus and Elandril as some of the longest-standing friends from that era.

The fallen apprentice Yilke, it was rumored, held another grudge — this one against Baus. Strictly speaking, Baus was implicated in the theft of food from Yilke's younger brother all those years ago.

Baus paused for a second when he heard Elandril's call. His chubby cheeks quivered in surprise, but then, recognizing the voice, he broke into a grin and opened his arms wide, moving towards Elandril. The initial hesitation was understandable; Elandril was wearing a pristine white mask, partially concealing his identity.

"Ha! Elandril," Baus boomed, "I've heard tales of your recent exploits these past two months!"

"And the word is, you've now been taken under the wing of a distinguished Dark Sorcerer as an apprentice?"

"That mask you're wearing, is that the fabled Pale Masquerade you claimed from Yilke? A low-tier magic artifact, but intriguing nonetheless. Let me take a closer look!"Baus was also a Junior Apprentice, but unlike Elandril, his passion wasn't aligned with meditation or diving deep into the arcane arts of magic. Instead, he held a penchant for the world of commerce, with a particular fascination for the allure of obsidian gold.

The Black Alley is the commercial strip within the Dark Magic Academy. Yet, in the city of Mosobra, there are several such commercial lanes, and the wares they offer often have murkier origins. It isn't uncommon to find oneself negotiating with the subterranean denizens or other creatures that lurk in the shadows.

Chubby Baus primarily operates within these darker markets. Even though he hasn't been formally taken under the wing of a Dark Sorcerer, whispers abound that the shop he runs might just be backed by one such shadowy figure.

Before Elandril set off for the Brackish Behemoth territory, the iron phosphorus powder and other spell components he purchased came, in fact, at a friendly rate from Baus.

Those greasy, hefty hands of Baus never quite touched Elandril's mask but instead landed on his shoulder. Still, what made Elandril roll his eyes wasn't the hand, but rather the overwhelmingly large belly of Baus.

With Baus being only a year older than Elandril, it's perplexing to see how he managed to gain so much weight, especially considering the perilous environment of the Dark Realms. Didn't Baus appear leaner when he first descended into this subterranean world?

On his return to the Dark Magic Academy, Baus certainly wasn't there to vie for the academy's reward. Among the Junior Apprentices, his abilities could only place him in the lower middle ranks. His primary reason for being back, it seemed, was sensing a ripe business opportunity.Beginning three years ago, whenever the academy conducted its evaluations, Baus would peddle his wares among the circle of novice apprentices. From spellcasting materials to some questionable magical templates, he seemed to have a little bit of everything. Yet, most of what he sold was rudimentary, with prices ranging from a few obsidian coins.

Truth be told, few within the Junior Apprentice ranks had deep pockets. Moreover, the more advanced apprentices wouldn't even spare a glance at Baus's subpar offerings. Perhaps Baus did possess some valuable items, but he dared not flaunt them before the senior apprentices, fearing they might covet them.

Before Baus could utter another word, Elandril removed his mask and handed it to him. Holding it up for inspection, he asked, "How much do you think this Pale Masquerade is worth in obsidian coins?"

With his oily hands deftly examining the Pale Masquerade, it was clear Baus knew his stuff. After all, his shop in Mosobra City occasionally stocked both low and mid-tier magical artifacts. After scrutinizing the mask for a while, Baus finally spoke, "A fair price would be around 120 obsidian coins. But if you're willing to sell it to me, my friend, I'd gladly offer 150."

Baus's response vividly illustrated the hefty price tags attached to magical items and highlighted the lucrative nature of the Alchemist profession. However, Elandril wasn't entirely swayed by Baus's sweet talk. Knowing Baus's knack for spotting opportunities, even if he bought the mask for 150 obsidian coins, he'd likely have a scheme to sell it at an even higher price.As for the exact price something might fetch, it partly depends on the financial capacity of the buyer, and partly on the salesmanship of the seller.

In the city of Mosobra, magical items are a rare sight, so there isn't really a fixed market price for them.

The portly man continued to peruse Elandril's "Pale Masquerade." Seeing that he had no intention of returning it, Elandril suddenly remarked, "This mask indeed came to me from Yilke. However, it seems to be a treasured gift from a legitimate Dark Sorcerer."

At Elandril's words, Baus jumped in surprise, hastily throwing the "Pale Masquerade" back to its owner.

The sight of Baus's skittish behavior made Elandril chuckle lightly. If it had been just over two months ago, he might have reacted the same way, fearful of retaliation from a genuine Dark Sorcerer.

But as the weeks turned into months, the Dark Sorcerer Ketheron from the plantation had not troubled Elandril, allowing his concerns to gradually dissipate.

Furthermore, after spending more time with his mentor Mosido and senior Phyra, Elandril knew that if he were ever in genuine trouble, they would undoubtedly stand by his side.

Because to cross Elandril would essentially be inviting the wrath of his esteemed mentor, Mosido.Elandril wasn't entirely sure about the full extent of his mentor's capabilities. However, judging by the performances of Master Dathalon, the vice-principal, and Master Ferenna, Lina's mentor, in the dungeons, one could surmise that Mosido was by no means a pushover among the ranks of the esteemed Dark Sorcerers.