
Darkened Realms:Suvival of the Arcane

Banished from the depths of the forbidden underground dungeons, Elandril emerges in a world where the law of the jungle prevails: the weak are prey to the strong. On a relentless quest for truth, this enigmatic wizard navigates a treacherous path teetering between sanity and madness. As order crumbles around him, dark forces conspire to shroud the realms in deeper shadows. But with an unyielding belief in the supremacy of power, he is determined to break through the encroaching darkness. In a land where chaos reigns, will his arcane abilities lead him to the truth, or will they be the very catalyst of destruction?"

WhisperingWinds · Fantasía
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20 Chs

Dark Magician

"Heh heh heh, well done, Elandril. You've managed to procure mature Starlight grass. It will prove essential for an upcoming experiment of mine..."

The raspy voice emanated from a middle-aged mage standing before him, enshrouded in a black robe that seemed to swallow the light.

The mage's capacious hood obscured most of his visage, hidden in the shadow it cast. What was visible, though, was haunting: half of a face as shriveled as an ancient corpse, skin stretched over bones, and a single, murky yellow eye that stared with unsettling focus.

Facing the mid-level magical beast known as the Brackish Behemoth, Elandril had maintained an epitome of calm, his demeanor unbroken from start to finish.

Yet, in the presence of this Dark Sorcerer, a subtle shiver, irrepressible and revealing, trembled through his frame. Elandril believed, with something like dread and awe intermingling in his chest, that with but a lazy flick of this Dark Sorcerer's finger, even the most ferocious magical behemoths would turn as docile as kittens, groveling at his feet.

Such was the formidable power of magic, the commanding authority of a Dark Sorcerer. It was a name synonymous with true horror and despair, spoken in whispers and accompanied by chills.

"Now then, Elandril," the sorcerer, known by the ominous name of Mosido, continued, his pallid finger tapping against his arcane staff, "we mages often adhere to the principle of equivalent exchange. Speak, what do you desire in return?"

With a deep inhale, perhaps too sharp a movement or too raw a wave of emotion, Elandril felt the pull against his wound. A fresh trace of blood seeped through the front of his dark apprentice garb, a stark red against the consuming black. But the pain from the wound did nothing to halt Elandril's response, his voice steady, even as his body insisted on betraying the turmoil within.With a profound bow, he inclined himself ninety degrees forward, a gesture embodying utmost humility and reverence. "I aspire to be your apprentice, Lord Mosido," he spoke in tones of deep respect, "to alleviate your burdens, and to delve into the true essence of magic."

He remained bent at the waist, the angle of his deference unwavering, as no response came forth. Until Dark Sorcerer Mosido directly addressed Elandril's entreaty to be taken under his tutelage, he stayed motionless, a steadfast supplicant frozen in time and hope.



The magical quartz clock marked the slow passage of time, each second an eternity, each minute a slice of forever. Elandril, still bowed in devoted submission, could not see Dark Sorcerer Mosido's expression. His gaze fell only upon a slender finger, skeletal and pale, that tapped rhythmically against the head of a magical staff.

The feeling of one's fate lying in another's hands was disconcerting, a vulnerable strand in the winds of destiny. Yet, Elandril knew that if Mosido accepted him, his future would be secure.

He would wield control over his destiny, far beyond that of over seventy percent of the apprentices in Mosobra City. No longer would he fear becoming a mere specimen on the experimentation table under the capricious whims of a dark sorcerer having a bad day.

The wait was torturous. The wound on Elandril's chest, a stark reminder of past trials, seeped blood that pooled quietly on the floor. Normally, such an act of defiling the laboratory of a revered Dark Sorcerer would invoke severe consequences.

Strangely, Mosido did not chastise Elandril. Nor did the young supplicant himself notice, so consumed was he with the fervent hope of being accepted as an apprentice. His entire being was a quivering need, an aspiration hanging by the merest thread, vulnerable yet valiant amidst the silent ticking that stitched moments into eternity.

"Heh, I've heard that old witch Angelinia and that coot Kolonzo have been singing praises about your performance in magic classes," came a voice, laced with a certain nonchalance that only hinted at the intrigue beneath.

"Why haven't you considered apprenticing under them?" The hushed, almost reverent atmosphere was finally broken as Mosido inquired, seemingly offhandedly.

Elandril's choice to seek tutelage under Mosido was, of course, rooted in his own profound reasons. However, he found these reasons difficult to articulate. Should he openly admit that he found Mosido to be more... 'stable' compared to others in the Dark Arts Academy? He didn't suffer from Angelinia's sporadic bouts of madness, nor did he share Kolonzo's unsettling penchant for using his apprentices in magical limb dismemberment experiments.

Master Mosido's primary lectures at the academy were "Introductory Alchemy" and "Fundamentals of Fire Elements." As it happened, Elandril's affinity with the fire element was remarkably strong, and the limited magical knowledge he possessed was primarily in fire-based magic. After much deliberation, he chose to approach the unassumingly low-profile Mosido at the Dark Arts Academy with a request for mentorship.

Included in his plea was a rare gift, three strands of Starlight Grass, a critical neutralizing agent in magical alchemy experiments. While the plant held little value for the average Dark Sorcerer, it was a different story for Mosido. The flora was notoriously difficult to cultivate artificially and only thrived in the wild, adding to its substantial worth.

After a moment's contemplation, Elandril spoke softly, his voice barely more than a whisper, "It's because I believe, Master, that you have ventured further on the path of magic than Master Angelinia and Master Kolonzo."

"Only by your guidance can I grasp the true essence of magic." His words, sincere and laden with respect, sought to convey the depth of his conviction in his choice.Elandril's response was met with a burst of raucous laughter from Mosido. However, his inherently raspy voice lent an eerie resonance within the confines of the otherwise serene laboratory, making the atmosphere all the more sinister.

Mosido felt a wave of gratification wash over him, reveling in his own self-praise while simultaneously disparaging the other two Dark Sorcerers. Yet, it was Elandril's concluding remark that truly cemented his decision to take him under his wing.

"To grasp the true essence of magic, instead of pursuing sheer power?" he echoed in disbelief.

"Ha! Elandril, if you genuinely comprehend that knowledge is the true wellspring of our strength as sorcerers, then you have already surpassed over ninety percent of the apprentices at the Black Magic Academy," Mosido sneered with a certain derision. "This includes many of the tiresome, official Dark Sorcerers, who often find themselves ensnared by the illusion of power."

"Perhaps spending too much time underground has caused these fools to lose sight of the true essence of magic," Mosido mused, his voice laced with cold scorn.

In that moment, a beam of green magical light, symbolic of "Cellular Regeneration," shot from Mosido's wand. This advanced healing spell, a gift from a great and formal magician, signaled safety. Witnessing the green beam, Elandril's long-held tension finally dissolved, and in its absence, a profound exhaustion emerged from deep within, accompanied by a tingling sensation where new flesh burgeoned on his chest.

"You should rest for a while. I agree to take you on as my fifth apprentice," Mosido announced, his voice taking a softer turn. But then, curiosity edged into his tone as he inquired, "Your blood still has traces of paralytic toxin. Have you ingested Blue Moss?"

This narrative laced every exchange with tension and intrigue, characteristic of Western literature's taste for nuanced characters and atmospheric settings, thereby offering readers a sophisticated and engaging experience."Yes, Master," Elandril replied with reverence, seizing the opportunity to address him as such while discussing their journey back to the city of Mosobra. "I tended to my wounds with Blue Moss."

Blue Moss, a rather common lower-form plant, holds minimal magical value. Nonetheless, it possesses an inherent property to mildly paralyze muscles, providing transient relief. The flip side, however, is its toxicity, necessitating a specific antidote to neutralize the venom subsequently.

Dark Sorcerer Mosido exuded an aura as chilling as death itself, but it was undeniable that Elandril had made an unerringly wise choice this time.

From within the depths of his black robe, Mosido produced a large vial of intermediate-level antidote. Accompanying this were a short wand and a medal, both surfaces dancing with tangible magical undulations, an undeniable testament to their arcane nature. These were true magical artifacts, and it was Elandril's first encounter with items of such extraordinary essence.

The former, a magic wand, was Mosido's introductory gift to his new apprentice, Elandril. Though concocted during Mosido's leisure as a trifle, it was, to Elandril, an unequivocal treasure. Imbued within was a corrosive acid capable of dissolving the scale armor of high-level magical beasts.

The latter, a medal, represented something more symbolic. It served as the key to Mosido's laboratory, offering Elandril the freedom to enter and exit as he pleased. Furthermore, it stood as a symbol of his initiation, marking Elandril as an apprentice to Mosido.

"After you've rested for a while, return to my laboratory in three days. I have an experiment in need of your assistance," Mosido declared, casually waving his hand as he bestowed the three initiation gifts upon Elandril. The moment lingered, charged with promise and the weight of a journey yet to unfold.It was not until this moment that Elandril dared to lift his gaze towards Mosido.

Emerging before him from beneath the dark robe was a figure that arrested his attention—an enigmatic middle-aged man, the contours of his face casting subtle shadows that whispered of concealed intentions.

The most unsettling feature, however, lay in his eyes: a pair of yellow-tinged orbs that regarded Elandril with an intensity that felt almost palpable. There was an edge of something insidious lurking within, like secrets fossilized in amber.

In the world that Elandril inhabited, where darkness often draped itself in cloaks of deception, the appearance of such a figure was a tapestry of unsaid stories and unspent danger. And now, that very tapestry was unfolding before him, wordless yet screaming in silent anticipation.