
Darkened Realms:Suvival of the Arcane

Banished from the depths of the forbidden underground dungeons, Elandril emerges in a world where the law of the jungle prevails: the weak are prey to the strong. On a relentless quest for truth, this enigmatic wizard navigates a treacherous path teetering between sanity and madness. As order crumbles around him, dark forces conspire to shroud the realms in deeper shadows. But with an unyielding belief in the supremacy of power, he is determined to break through the encroaching darkness. In a land where chaos reigns, will his arcane abilities lead him to the truth, or will they be the very catalyst of destruction?"

WhisperingWinds · Fantasía
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20 Chs


Master Mosido's residence was a grand, freestanding structure, spanning three floors. Remarkably, each of these stories housed as many as seven to eight rooms. Nestled within a serene environment, it was the perfect haven for wizards and their apprentices to delve deep into their arcane studies.

The chamber that Master Mosido casually assigned to Elandril was particularly intriguing. Upon entering, Elandril noticed an accelerated pace in his ability to gather Psychic Force. He surmised that there must be a hidden magical array within, enhancing his capabilities.

To the uninitiated, the path of the mage, filled with rigorous training and the quest for truth, might seem tedious and mundane. However, Elandril, immersed in this secluded chamber and absorbing the wealth of knowledge, begged to differ.

"Introductory Alchemy" and "Basics of Fire Elements" were subjects Elandril had studied before. Yet, he never imagined that, guided by the annotations made by Master Mosido in the magical notebooks, he'd uncover numerous insights that had previously eluded him.

It wasn't possible to peruse the two magical tomes in a single sitting. By the time dusk approached and Elandril's stomach grumbled with hunger, he had only skimmed through five pages of "Introductory Alchemy," deeply understanding and assimilating just two of them. At this pace, these books alone could occupy him for a month or two.

It's no wonder Master Mosido entrusted these volumes to Elandril. Perhaps he hoped that during this period, Elandril would also find time to heal from any injuries or ailments. As for the initial Meditation technique, Elandril had yet to explore it."Life is much like eating a meal; one must savor each bite." While no explicit hint had been given, Elandril could not shake the subtle intuition that, compared to the Meditation techniques, Master Mosido seemed to place greater importance on the two parchment scrolls entrusted to him.

After all, the former was merely a fraction of the Psychic Force lineage documented by Master Mosido. But the latter? Those were handwritten notes, each word carefully inscribed by the Master himself. To put it simply, while the initial Meditation technique was part of a legacy that perhaps Master Mosido had inherited from his predecessors, the two magical scrolls were the pure embodiment of Master Mosido's wisdom and knowledge.

In the world of wizards, practitioners greatly value the transmission of knowledge. Even though this was the territory of Dark Sorcerers in the Dark Realms, the group of Dark Sorcerers, in the end, belonged to the broader category of magicians.

As the day waned, the growling of Elandril's stomach and the steady ticking of the magical quartz clock in the living room signified the advancing hour. Just as he was contemplating whether he should take his leave from the master's abode, the door to the room gently opened.

Before him stood a peculiar humanoid metallic frame. A soft red glow emitted from the top of the frame, followed by a somewhat stiff voice, "Master Mosido invites you to dine in the upstairs dining room. Please, follow me."

The being in front of him was clearly inanimate, its appearance and arrival...Curiosity bubbled within Elandril at the sight of Master Mosido. As a certified Dark Sorcerer, the enigmatic powers and arcane techniques Mosido possessed left Elandril in awe and admiration.

Elandril believed that as he continued his apprenticeship under Master Mosido, the intricate layers of higher-tiered magic and mysterious phenomena would gradually unfold before him.

When Elandril ascended the metallic staircase to the second floor, he found that Master Mosido had already arrived, taking the head seat at the dining table. Additionally, two other individuals occupied the room, seated on either side of Mosido.

To Mosido's left sat a man draped in a pale yellow magical robe. Most students of the Black Magic Academy wore dark robes, so this man's metallic-hued yellow attire was indeed a rarity.

On Mosido's right, there was a woman who appeared somewhat young, but undoubtedly older than Elandril. She was enshrouded in a long black robe, revealing only a fair and memorable face.

"Hehe, you've arrived," Master Mosido remarked. The usually somber expression on his face was now replaced with a slight smile.

After nodding towards Elandril, Mosido introduced him to the two disciples by his side, "This is my newest apprentice, effectively your fifth junior brother."

"If he ever struggles with magical theories or elemental domains, I expect both of you to guide him accordingly," Master Mosido instructed the two.

"Yes, Master," the disciples responded in unison, showcasing their respect.Before him stood two individuals. In a strict sense, Elandril should address them as "Elder Brother Zorro" and "Third Sister Phyra."

Elder Brother Zorro had been Master Mosido's longest-serving disciple. While his demeanor might seem unassuming, a palpable, almost oppressive aura emanated from him. Elandril could tell. This man's prowess went beyond that of a typical Senior Apprentice. Whether he had reached the level of a full-fledged Dark Sorcerer remained uncertain. Yet, Elandril speculated that Zorro's power might rival that of the academy's overseers.

Third Sister Phyra, on the other hand, introduced herself as a Senior Apprentice. Of the two seniors present, Elandril observed that Phyra exuded a more warm and welcoming air. Zorro simply gave a subtle nod in Elandril's direction, a gesture of silent acknowledgment.

Given the profound knowledge and capabilities of these two senior disciples, guiding a mere Junior Apprentice like Elandril would be a breeze. After all, Master Mosido, being a certified Dark Sorcerer, had his hands full with various magical studies and experimental projects. Moreover, he frequently undertook alchemical tasks commissioned by other mages. Hence, the master didn't have ample time to devote solely to mentoring Elandril.

The saying goes, "A master leads you to the door; the journey within is yours alone." Until Elandril thoroughly deciphers the secrets within the two magical tomes and advances to an Intermediate Apprentice, the personal guidance he would receive from Master Mosido would likely be limited.

For their dinner in the restaurant, an array of delectable dishes with rich aromas was served alongside some exquisitely peculiar desserts.Elandril sat down for his first dinner at Master Mosido's abode. Whether it was due to this being his inaugural meal here or it was just Master Mosido's typical extravagant style – accompanied by his two disciples – Elandril couldn't be certain.

Among the array of sumptuous dishes laid out on the table was the Ebony Mackerel, a delicacy Elandril had wished to savor with Lina just two days ago. Many other dishes, judging by their appearance, seemed to be on par with the Ebony Mackerel, consisting of Enchanted Creatures and even magical beasts, transformed into gourmet delights.

During the meal, the effervescent Sister Phyra informed Elandril that the humanoid metal frame that had escorted him earlier was an alchemical golem designed and crafted by Master Mosido himself. However, it was still in a prototype phase, which explained its skeletal appearance. While it might not stand out in combat, it was perfectly adequate as a servant for everyday chores. In fact, during Master Mosido's experiments, this golem often proved more helpful than many of the regular apprentices.

Throughout the meal, Elandril primarily engaged in conversation with Sister Phyra. On the other side of the table, Senior Brother Zorro was often seen in hushed discussions with Master Mosido. Given the vast depth of his skills and knowledge, Zorro was likely the disciple most equipped to converse and even delve into academic discussions on magic with the master. Elandril could faintly overhear them mentioning something about a "Fire Elemental Fission Generator", but he was clueless as to its true nature, given his nascent grasp on the arcane.

As the evening wore on, Elandril continued to indulge in light banter with Sister Phyra, frequently reaching out to sample the delicious dishes in front of him.In a world teeming with Enchanted Creatures, it was Elandril's first time tasting such a delicacy. Especially intriguing was the unassuming dish at the center of the table, introduced by the venerable Phyra. The main ingredient, astonishingly, was from the hind leg of the elite Frostlion Hare—a creature even more formidable than the Brackish Behemoth. As Elandril took a bite, the immediate chilling sensation that emanated from the dish took him by surprise, sending a shiver down his spine.