
Dark Witch's Curse

In the mysterious and enigmatic world where shadows lurk and secrets abound, two destined souls, Adrian and Amelia, are fated to cross paths, bound by their haunting pasts and concealed darkness. Adrian, the wealthiest and coldest man in all of Asia, rules with an iron fist as the formidable king of the vampires. His heart knows no mercy, and traitors dare not cross his path. Deep within him lies a hatred towards women, a chilling secret etched in the shadows of his past. Amelia, on the other hand, starts as a sweet, caring, and loving girl, yet burdened by her timid nature, she shies away from the public eye. Unbeknownst to the world, time weaves a sinister tapestry around her, transforming her into a bearer of countless dark secrets. Their lives collide unexpectedly, shattering the barriers that separate their worlds. As fate intertwines their paths, they find themselves drawn to one another in a dance of darkness and intrigue. With each revelation, they uncover the haunting mysteries that have shaped their existence. As their encounters grow frequent, an undeniable connection forms between Adrian and Amelia, transcending their differences. Together, they embark on a journey of understanding, a quest to unveil the truths concealed within their souls. Amidst the ever-deepening shadows of their pasts, they must confront the demons that haunt them and find solace in each other's embrace. Will they overcome the weight of their hidden truths and embrace the light within? Or will their darkest secrets drive them apart, forever lost in the abyss of their own souls? Prepare to delve into a tale of passion, mystery, and redemption, where love and darkness entwine, and the resilience of the human spirit shines brightest in the face of the unknown. The saga of Adrian and Amelia will keep you spellbound until the very last page, as their destinies intertwine in ways neither of them could have ever foreseen.

EleanorXondox · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Resilience and Joy: The Xavier Family Saga

When Xavier heard a scream, he rushed upstairs. What he saw there was truly shocking. In the room, my wife was screaming in pain. He tried to go near her, but an invisible force prevented him from entering the room. Suddenly, he saw water floating nearby, and a girl emerged from it, followed by Jack and Robert.

"Sister, when did you arrive?" Jack asked.

"I just came here sensing that Alexandra was in pain," the girl replied.

"Jack, who is this beauty?" Robert, always the flirty guy, remarked. Jack got defensive and stepped in front of his sister, saying, "Don't you dare lay your fingers on my sister. She has a mate and is waiting for him."

"Okay, everyone, concentrate. We have a problem here..." Xavier couldn't finish his sentence as they heard another scream.

"She is screaming in pain, and I can't get into the room. The temperature inside is burning hot," Xavier said worriedly.

"If it's just the temperature, I can enter, but if there's another problem, I'll have to call someone special," the girl replied.

"But, Sister Anastasia, you can't go in like that. You might get hurt," Jack said.

"Anastasia, it's a nice name," Robert commented, which angered Jack, leading him to say, "Keep your mouth shut."

"I'll have to try," Anastasia said.

As Anastasia approached the door, she put her foot inside, but she was thrown out of the room, falling down to the first floor. We all rushed down the stairs, but she didn't touch the ground; someone unexpected caught her. It was Xavier's second brother, who never shows up without informing us. He was a peculiar person, but there he was. Xavier wondered why he was there. Before he could ask, he uttered a word Xavier had never heard him say before.

"MATE..." he whispered, sniffing the air.

"Let me go!" Anastasia struggled to free herself from his grip.

He released Anastasia but didn't take his eyes off her. No one heard what he said, but Xavier did. However, his top priority was to get to Alexandra. Anastasia attempted to run upstairs, but she stopped midway.

"Anastasia, what happened?" Robert asked.

"There's someone we can't see but is there," Anastasia replied.

"Who is it?" Alan asked.

"I need to call Damien," Anastasia said.

"Who is Damien?" Xavier asked.

"Our brother," Jack replied.

Anastasia closed her eyes, and Jack held her hands. They were surrounded by purple flames, a fire unlike any they had seen before. After a while, a man emerged from the fire, someone who had disappeared from our lives, but now stood in front of us.

"Hey, little guy," Damien greeted.

Even his voice sounded eerie. Jack and Anastasia released their hands and ran to hug him. Damien hugged them back.

"What happened? Why did you call me urgently?" Damien asked.

"It's Alexandra. Her powers are hurting her again, and we can't do anything," Anastasia explained.

"But she can control her powers, she knows how to control them," Damien said.

"No, she is shifting into something different," Jack added.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaa!" Alexandra screamed again, and Damien rushed upstairs but was knocked back with force. Jack and Xavier caught him before he touched the ground.

"I need to let my guards down," Damien said.

"No, don't!" Anastasia and Jack shouted.

"If I don't do this, we can't reach Alexandra," Damien insisted.

Without waiting for a reply, Damien rolled his hand in front of him and ran upstairs. This time, he wasn't hurt and signaled everyone to follow. They entered the room without getting hurt this time, but what they saw left them shocked. Alexandera had transformed into something completely different. He wasn't scared but bewildered, and even Damien seemed taken aback.

"How could this happen?" Damien exclaimed. "This is why you called me, but I've never seen her shift like this before."

"What is she shifting into, and what type of skin is forming on her face and arms?" Damien inquired.

"I think I know," Alan spoke up.

"What is it?" we all asked in unison.

"She is shifting into a snake, but..." Alan didn't finish his sentence before another scream echoed through the room.

"Only her mate can help her," Alan said.

"Now, where can we find her mate? Only she knows where he is," Damien wondered.

"Brother Damien! This man here is Alexandra's mate, his name is Xavier," Jack informed him.

"Alright, now Alan, I've known you since we were young, so tell us what he can do to help her," Damien said.

"We all have to close our eyes," Alan said.

"How will that help her?" Anastasia asked.

"Don't blame me, but Xavier has to kiss her, and she'll be alright," Alan said.

"We don't have time to argue," Damien said.

Everyone closed their eyes, and Xavier entered the room. He held Alexandra's hand, caressed her face, and pulled her into a slow but deep and loving kiss. After a few moments, he released her, and she fainted. Xavier got scared and shouted, "Alan, what happened to her? Why did she faint?"

They all rushed to them, and Xavier gently laid her on the bed, holding her hand. "Nothing happened, bro. She's alright but just fainted. She'll wake up after half an hour," Alan reassured him.

"Damien!" Xavier called.

"Yes?" Damien replied.

"Can you sit with her for an hour? I literally ran from a conference meeting without telling anyone," Xavier said.

"Of course I will, but remember, she needs you, as her mate, so be here," Damien said.

Xavier nodded and rushed to the office to apologize and attend the meeting. When he returned home, he saw Alexandra fully ready for their wedding, and he stared at her with complete love.

"Stop staring and get ready. It's your wedding," Anastasia said teasing him.

Both Alexandra and Anastasia laughed, and Xavier left the room to prepare in a white wedding suit. They all gathered at the church and witnessed Xavier and Alexandra's wedding. After the wedding, they returned home, and Xavier's business reached new heights. Three years passed since their marriage.

Alexandera was sitting in her room when she suddenly ran to the washroom and vomited. After feeling a little better, she returned to the room and found Anastasia waiting for her.

"When did you arrive?" Alexandra asked.

"Just now, but why do you look so weak?" Anastasia asked.

"I don't know; I feel like I'm going to faint any moment now," Alexandra said.

"Let's go to the doctor," Anastasia suggested.

They went to the doctor, got a checkup, and waited for the reports. When the doctor came out after an hour, Anastasia asked, "What is it, Doctor?"

"The reports are positive. Congratulations, Mrs. Xavier; you are two weeks pregnant," the doctor said.

Alexandra was overjoyed and jumped in happiness, but Anastasia quickly reminded her that she was pregnant and shouldn't jump like that. They got some medication and returned home. It was almost 7 o'clock when she mustered up the courage to call Xavier. After just two rings, he answered.

"Hey, kroshka," Xavier greeted her lovingly. (Kroshka means baby girl.)

"Hi," Alexandra replied, trying to contain her excitement.

"What's on your mind? Is there something you want to tell me?" Xavier asked.

"Yes, but I don't want to talk about it on the phone. Can you come home?" Alexandra requested.

"Of course, I'm just five minutes away from home," Xavier said.

Alexandra eagerly waited for Xavier, and as soon as he arrived, he sniffed the air and noticed something different.

"Why does your scent seem different today?" Xavier inquired.

"Don't be mad at me, okay?" Alexandra said with a hint of hesitation.

"Okay, I promise," Xavier assured her.

"You're going to be a father," Alexandra blurted out with excitement.

Xavier's reaction was a mix of shock and overwhelming happiness. "Wait... What did you say? I'm going to be a father?"

"Yes! We're going to have a baby!" Alexandra confirmed, her eyes shining with joy.

Both of them were overjoyed, and Xavier began taking even better care of Alexandra than before. He made sure everything around her was clean and safe. He checked every food she ate and removed anything with sharp edges from their home.

Time flew by, and they found themselves in the hospital, waiting for the birth of their baby. After an anxious hour, the doctor emerged from the delivery room.

"Congratulations, sir, you have a baby boy," the doctor announced.

Xavier held the newborn boy in his arms, feeling an overwhelming rush of love and happiness. He asked about Alexandra's condition, and the doctor assured him that she was fine, and they would soon be able to see her.

Alexandra was shifted to a private room, and Xavier entered with their baby in his arms. Alexandra held the little boy, and they discussed what name to give him.

"How about Adrian?" Xavier suggested.

"I love it. Our little Adrian," Alexandra agreed with a smile.

Time passed, and Alexandra gave birth to three more sons: Roland, Gabriel, and Nicholas. They were blessed with a cute daughter named Olivia after their four sons. Later, they welcomed another son, Roy, completing their beautiful family.

Their lives were filled with love, joy, and laughter as they raised their children together. Xavier's business continued to flourish, and they cherished every moment with their growing family.

Through the years, they faced challenges, but their love and bond only grew stronger. They were grateful for the unexpected twists and turns in their lives, knowing that they were meant to be together and embrace the joy and surprises that life brought their way.