

Fate is a capricious companion, and in an instant, it tore the cocoon of safety and innocence of Ashley asunder. Her perfect world falls apart firstly by a cruel accident, a tragic twist of destiny that stole the two people who had filled her world with warmth and love. Her parents, the pillars of her existence, were gone. As she tried to live on for her only brother, the girl's world crumbled, fate decided it wasn't done yet. She was thrust into a new reality, one where tears flowed like rivers and the night brought not dreams, but nightmares. The world she once knew, a haven of laughter and simplicity, had transformed into a merciless landscape of pain and crime. In the days and months that followed, she would learn to navigate the treacherous waters of this new existence as she now belonged to a family she never wanted- The Mafia.

_RealEsperanza · Adolescente
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30 Chs

Chapter Three - Cafe

Ashley's POV

Stepping out with Alex in tow, I locked the door with the spare key Aunt Marie gave me. Since I didn't own a car we decided to take the public bus.

Twenty minutes later we alighted the bus to walk the remaining distance which is less than five minutes away.

"Ashley, I know we're low on cash but can I get some money I need it for a project in school?", Alex asked from beside me as we turned a corner.

"Uh....sure, when do you need it." I asked knowing I'd have to take out of the money I've been saving to get a laptop. I needed it for my online classes and I know Alex needed it for school as well, guess I'd have to take on extra hours at work.

"Tuesday!, it's a group project and my teammates decided to go material shopping on Tuesday." he answered as we entered the cafe.

"Okay then, I'll give it to you on Tuesday morning "I replied as we made our way to the register where Rosa was attending to a customer.

"Ash, are you sure I can't get a job even if it's just on weekends?" Alex asked taking a seat on one of the bar stools by the register.

"Alex, we already discussed this and I said No.I want you to focus on your studies so you can go to college." I said leaving no room for argument.

I knew Alex only wanted to help- knowing our financial situation and all. But I also knew he wanted to attend college and since I couldn't, I'll make sure Alex does. I rather worry about our problems alone than allow him loose focus in school.

"Hey Ash and Hello to you Cutie" Rosa greeted once she was done with the customer.

"Hey Rosa, what's up?" I answered back.

"Hello Rosa" Alex replied as well.

"work, work and work, nothing new here "she answered with a long sigh"So do you guys want anything ?" Rosa asked going to the kitchen at the back.

"I'll have a milkshake and cupcake" Alex replied getting up to follow her into the kitchen.

"I'll just go say hi to Sam" I stated moving pass the kitchen to the manager's office.

I knocked twice on the pink coloured door before hearing an approval to come in.

"Hey Sam", I greeted before moving to take a seat on the yellow leather couch by the wall.

"Ash, what's up", Sam greeted looking up from the pile of papers in her hands.

Samantha Smith is the owner of the Café. She started running it 3 years ago after her father's death. The building was initially a store for car spare parts but since she knew nothing about selling spare parts, she decided to turn it into a café with the help of her Mom.

Sam's parents were separated, she stayed with her mom for most of her life and moved here after her mom got remarried although they still keep in touch.

"Nothing new, just the same old Ashley" I said looking through the Cook book on the couch.

"Well, I've got something for you" she said getting up from her seat to come join me on the couch.

"Really....,what??", I replied wondering what she meant.

"There's an opening for a job here" she said smiling.

"Really!!, oh my gosh!, I apply, when is the interview??, what are your qualifications for hiring??, How shou--". I replied excitedly, I've always wanted to work here. It was much better than my present job and I could also perfect my baking skills.

"Hold your horses Ashley", Sam said cutting off my rambling.

"So..rry", I said sheepishly while trying to calm my nerves.

"No problem" she said standing from the couch.

"how about I put it this way so you don't kill your self with a heart attack on the interview process, would you like to work here Ashley?? ", she asked looking at me for an answer.

"Of Course!, Yes!!, Si!!, Definitely!!, Why wouldn't I??!," I said all at once.

"Well then you're hired!!" Sam said putting out her hand for a handshake.

Instead of shaking her I went in for a hug. "Thank you so much Sam, you don't know how happy I am right now."

Placing her arms around me,  Sam gave me a tight squeeze "well I'm glad you're glad."

"I've been wanting to quit working at the bar for a while now but I couldn't because I wasn't able to get a better job." I said pulling away from the hug.

"You should thank Rosa as well you know,  she was the one who told me that you wanted to work here" she replied going back to her seat "and those velvet cupcakes you made are so divine, I didn't know you were good at baking."

"Oh, l made those from a recipe I got from my online baking class"

I said knowing she was referring to the cupcakes I made last week at Rosa's apartment.

"Well you can definitely make some for the café when you start working here, I'm sure the customers would love them. "

she said getting back to work "you start tomorrow morning by 7:00am." she added quickly.

"No problem, see you tomorrow morning then." I said making my way out of her office. "Bye Sam and thanks once again."

"You're welcome Ash." she said smiling at me.

I hurriedly walked towards the kitchen to find Rosa, I definitely couldn't hide the smile and excitement on my face. Finally I can leave that damn bar filled with men who wouldn't take no for an answer.

"She told you already heh." Rosa asked staring at me with a coy smile.

"Oh Rosa" I walked over to her drawing her in for a hug "Thanks a lot Rosa, I didn't know you brought the cupcakes I made you to work"

"It's no problem Ash, I know you needed the job and we needed a baker to assist Nick and Sam" she said with a shrug.

"Why??, Did Rachel quit??" I asked wondering why they needed a new assistant.

Rachel was one of the workers at the cafe,

"Kinda, she got accepted into a volunteering worker group or something like that so she left the country." she replied while placing a new batch of muffins in the display case.

"Well I'm starting tomorrow so I'm gonna go start up on some chores so I can come early tomorrow" I said picking up my purse and cardigan. "Bye "

"Wait up, my shift ends in twenty minutes I can drop you guys off." she says putting down the empty tray.

I check my phone to see it's 11:40am already, my aunt won't be home by now so I guess I can wait.

"Sure,  I'll just go check on Alex." I said and made my way out of the kitchen.

Making my way back to the lounging area I saw Alex sitting in one of the booths far back doing whatever on his phone.

"Hey Ashley" I heard a masculine voice say from behind me,

How did I intend to escape him when he actually works here?!

"Hey Nicholai" I said awkwardly not wanting him to think I was avoiding him like he already did.

"Long time no see" he said looking at me intently, hands in pocket. "and we both know whose fault that is." He added with a smirk,

"I'm sorry Nick, I've just been really busy with work and all but that won't be a problem anymore since I'm going to be working here now" I said hoping he would understand.

"Really??" he asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes at least that's what I think.

"Yes, I'm starting tomorrow." I said the thought making me smile.

"Welcome on board then, you're gonna love working here" he said giving me a hug that took me by surprise.

"Uh... Thanks." I replied with both my hands staying awkwardly glued to my side.

"See you tomorrow then" he said pulling away from the hug and giving me a peck on my forehead.

"Yea bye" I said blushing like a maniac, curse my non existent social life.

The smug smile evident on his face meant he saw my tomato -red face.

"Well, what was that about? " Rosa asked wiggling her eye brows  as she walked past me to the exit. 

I ignored her remarks and tried to hide my pink face as I walked to Alex,

"Hey buddy, Time to go" I said patting him gently on the back.

"okay", he replied  picking up his jacket and phone.

We made our way outside the café to meet Rosa who already started up the car and was waiting for us.

"Wanna talk about it?" she asked once we settled into the car.

I glanced behind to see Alex on his phone wide awake, and mouthed tomorrow to Rosa as she sped down the road.

Twenty minutes later, Rosa dropped us off and she drove off to her apartment after we thanked her.

As soon as I opened the door, we realised the ladies of the house weren't back so Alex went up to prepare for school tomorrow while I started on dinner.

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