

Kvng_Wayne · Fantasía
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10 Chs

A bad day for a break

Chapter 7:A bad day for a break

Author's note: Thank you all for still hanging .. I assure you this novel would be worth your time, spelling errors and such must occur...I'm human after all.


In the market place, there was a small food store where gamers come to buy food supply such as meat,fruits,drinks,and vegetables.

Mia and Blair had long since stopped chasing each other as the other realized Blair was a tank.

"Such energy!" she thought to herself.

They arrived at the market and met a much larger crowd of than they expected ..

" well I guess we ain't the only ones hungry"..Blair commented as he could see people sitting all over, chatting and enjoying their meals

"I'll go get some food while you guys get us a table" mia said.

Soon after they got a table mia returned with a large bag and dropped it on the table.

"Let's see what we have here" Blair said as he tumbled the bag over.

"Nice" Eiko said stretching his hands forward to pick up a well wrapped meat.

They all had meat into their face and pretty much on their face except for Rodney, and mia noticed this.

"Are you a vegetarian or something"? She asked,"you know it's not gonna affect you right?.. Different body and all remember? So even if you have meat it doesn't affect your health in the real world you know".

He began to reason what she just said, though he couldn't be too sure what she said was the correct thing but it was worth trying anyway..

"Hit me" Rodney said smiling and Eiko tossed a wrap at him and as he grabbed it he quickly opened the wrap and began to dig in like a  lion that hadn't eaten in a long time and with every bite he's mouth got full and before it finished he would take another bite.

"Dude calm down or you might end up choking yourself" Eiko said laughing. The others watched and laughed at this site too..

"And to think he was calm and collected, dude you are a monster!" Blair said laughing and falling over. The others bent to look if he was alright and he gave a thumbs up so they joined in laughing as well.

He couldn't get any word out from his mouth properly as the words just came out muffled. He just smiled knowing what they were saying was true and he finished the meat in his mouth they all laughed.

[Group quests available]

[Survive the attack]

[Grow the legion faction]

After the message they all looked at each other in confusion. An available quest means something is happening presently but right now there was nothing.

"What's ha...." he was cut off with disbelief of what was happening as he noticed the area getting dark and decided to look at the sky and a shower of arrows was blocking out the sun and descending quickly.

"Take cover" Rodney shouted.

They quickly got under their table and the shower lasted for almost 3 minutes and eventually stopped.

"Can this day get any worse" Blair said and almost immediately screams were being heard from around and as they looked round they noticed it was from other players who were being killed by an army of black ninja's with an iron helmet with a black mark of a bat wing on it.

"Darn it ...I just had to open my curse mouth" Blair cursed himself for jinxing them all.

And now they were getting closer to where the group was.

"Let's get out of here" Rodney screamed but he knew it wouldn't be an easy one as they were now surrounded and each with swords pointing at them. It wasn't only the four of them as there were about  five people there as well, they were all standing with their backs against each other.

"I don't know you guys but we have to work together" a guy with a red spiky hair said.

Even the nine of them stood very little chance of surviving something like this. Then something strange started to occur to one of them.

Rodney didn't say anything and he just walked forward soon his body began to emit a black aura with his eyes completely black as night. And in front of them shadows had enveloped the person in front of them. Rodney was no where to be seen, only a shadow figure.

"Stop or lose your life" one of the ninja's said but he just kept on walking forward and the ninja swung his sword at Rodney but before it could hit he felt something choking him and his leg lifted from the ground all the while Rodney was seen tilting his head slowly.

"Is that some new skill?" Eiko thought.

"Who's this guy" the red haired guy began to wonder as he wasn't sure of what was going on.

"Attack" a ninja dressed differently from the rest standing at the back, obviously this was the commander. He shouted and they all began charging in and swing their weapons towards them and as Eiko was ready to use his ability to the Max to parry whatever attack would come his way, where he stood shadows rose from the ground and held the swords in place before they were effortlessly yanked from the wielder and disappeared into the shadow. The shadow figure then began to bend and then pop, he sprouted a pair of wings entirely made out of shadows then he rose in the air with his wings flapping and releasing heavy gusts of wind.

More arrows were fired this time with the tip of it shining a bright red. Some arrow shooters to aim at the dark figure in the air and fired at it, but just the power from the flapping of the wings would cause the arrows to be blown away before it could even hit the shadow figure.

Just before reaching them, a large wall of rock rose and all the arrows got stuck on it and slowly it began to crack. The one who had made the wall rose was Johan, one of the new people who had joined them in the fight with the ninjas, he was also at level 5, he had the earth ability.

"we need to leave.....NOW" Eiko shouted as he knew the walls would soon crumble and this was a fight they couldn't win at the level they currently were at. As the wall was beginning to crack  and Rodney began to regain himself as he began to descend to the ground, the black hue in his eyes cleared up.

He wasn't quite on the ground yet, so apparently he was falling. And just before he hit the ground, Eiko used up all the stamina he had left to land him safely. The red spiked hair guy carried him on his back as he noticed that he was unconscious.

"Let's go" Blair shouted out again and  they all ran began to run with Blair obviously taking charge.

Johan then stopped and raised a huge and wide earth wall to block their assailants path and then turned then turned around and began to run trying to catch up with the others who were now at far ahead of him. They eventually got to their house and the five from before tagged along.


Everyone slumped on their beds while some fell on the ground with heavy breathes of air clearly showing they were exhausted. And after some minutes past, a groan was heard from one of them as Rodney was slowly coming to.

"What was that you did at the market a while ago Rodney"? Eiko asked the question that was on everybody's mind

"Hey... Shouldn't we at least allow him some air?" Mia said clearly not please with how they jumped straight to asking Rodney questions when it was clear he was still a little bit out of it.

"I don't remember a thing that happened after we all got backed up against each other" he replied.

"Not even the cool wings you sprouted?...bro you should have seen it...sooo cool!!".. Blair said as he held his face .

The other five remained quiet not wanting to say something since they didn't know who this people were.

"We should be heading back now" Erwin the red haired guy said.

"What faction are you in?" Blair asked.

"Our faction  was disbanded by the system after the death of our members and leader" he replied.

"Am Rodney, leader of the legion faction and if your willing I can make you a part of the legion" Rodney said.

The red haired guy, Erwin stood for a second then looking at his team mates who were with him gave a shrug and asked to be excused.

He and his team went outside the legion's house for a brief talk.

"I don't think its a bad idea" Erwin spoke up first..

"Yeah they seem good" Jack a guy with two long blades said.

" And strong too" Johan said.

" yeah ...I'm fine if you guys are.." Corey said..

" whatever...I just hope we can trust them".. Blaze the only female amongst them said.

After few Minutes of back and forth the group was seen heading inside the house again.

Erwin stood in front of the rest and said.

"Joining your faction will be an honour".

The original legion members Mia, Blair and Eiko cheered hearing this with Rodney walking up to give a handshake to the new members.

Jack, a guy with  brown hair that fell down on the side of his face, Corey another guy with  green long hair packed in a ponytail, then there was Blaze with her long black hair almost touching her heels glowing radiantly and there was Johan a huge guy almost around 7 feet tall with short brown spiked hair.

[Five new players added to the legion]


[Quest completed]

[Reward:500 group reputation points earned]

"What actually happened out there?" Eiko said "I've played this game for months now and I've never witnessed when someone wasn't regenerated after death or those ninja's."

"Does that mean if your HP reaches [0] your gone" Erwin said as they all looked at each other in fear and  their HP that displayed [200/200].
