

I couldn't stop my tears from flowing,if only I hadn't opened the door. It was all my fault. I started hating my dad, he brought that woman into our home and now our lives were ruined, our peaceful and quiet family was ruined. We had to endure much torture from him and now my stepmother just made it worse. The abuse we received from my dad was nothing compared to this." -- Iris The family was torn apart,the children had to endure abuse from their father and stepmother. Their mother was heartbroken ,her husband had married another wife and she had even attended the wedding without her knowing that her husband was the groom. Sally Never knew that the man she loved and had spent 10years of her life with would betray her and try to strip her of everything she had. He even transferred his hatred to his own children , maltreating them with every single opportunity he got. What happened to their once simple and perfect family? Would she be able to forgive and let go of the hurt? Will he ever regret hurting the woman he onced loved?And most importantly ,what lead to the betrayal that had brought hatred between the two lovers?. All these questions and more would be answered in this book so join us as we uncover mysteries from the past and see if their love can be given a second chance.

Vinnianca · Ciudad
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22 Chs

Chapter 4- Drunk dad

Sally was getting dressed in her room,her three kids were sitting on the bed as they watched their mother get dressed. She was preparing to go out with Pam . She now regretted telling Pamela that they would talk somewhere else ,the weather was Soo nice today and perfect for a nap but she couldn't sleep because of her plan with Pamela.

"Mum I kinda like Pamela " .Mia her second daughter said.

" I don't want you to like her ".Sally replied sternly.

" But why ? Nora said she talked with her yesterday and she seemed nice."

"We just met her,she might be nice on the outside but not on the inside. Whenever I'm away stay in your rooms till I return okay?? "

"Yes mum". they replied in unison.

"Now help me pick a dress, do you think I Should wear black or red?"

"Black looks pretty good to me ".Iris complimented.

"Yeah me too" .Mia added.

" What about you Nora "?

"Hmmm ...both look awful, I think pink will do"

Sally only laughed at her daughter's statement and the expression on her face, she looked Totally disgusted.

" Where are you going anyway " .Nora asked already missing her mum.

"I'm having dinner with pam"

" ohhh ..... Can I come? Pleassssse ".

"No you cant ".Sally said and kissed Nora's head.

" I promise I'll be home soon ".

"Yeah whatever ". Nora blotted out and walked out of the room with her little hands crossed over her chest.

" is it me or is she getting disrespectful?" Iris asked.

Sally sighed. " please don't fight while I'm away".

" We won't" both answered in unison.

Sally put on the gown,it looked too fitting revealing her perfect figure. The gown fell to her ankles ,it had a slit from the tip to a little above her knee revealing her long , smooth , straight legs. It also had wide V neck at the back while the front was up shoulder with long tight sleeves ,the gown was indeed very beautiful ,meant to be worn by a princess . She told herself that she was now a married woman and should not be dressing like this, She wiped those thought out of her mind .

' I must look my best tonight 'she thought

'For who exactly?' Her brain questioned her.

Cisco already had his eyes on Pamela,she hated the way he looked at that woman,he didn't even noticed her presence anymore or maybe Pam cast a spell on him . She was just too ugly to worth looking at.

She gave out a huge sigh and continued with her make up,looking at herself several times in the mirror she then let her hair loose. Dark brown wavy ,long, full and slick hair fell softly over her shoulders. She let some of her hair cover her left eye and pushed the rest to her back her brown eyes shone on the mirror in front of her,her light skin complemented her dress very well. She was a Very beautiful typical African woman. It would be difficult for one to know she was a black woman because of her marvelling white features.

Her father was from Nigeria,an igbo man at that .He had come to England in search for greener pastures. It was there he met freya,they both fell in love and got married.Together they started a business which grew speedily leading to their acquiring great wealth.

Soon they had a baby,and they named her Sally. Freya couldn't conceive after that because of her ill health. she had been suffering from various diseases including the one that led to her death.At least she got to see her child grow into a beautiful woman and even saw her grandchildren, only that she never agreed with the marriage,but kept silent for her daughter's happiness.

Sally sighed as she stared at herself in the mirror.Recalling her mother's words spoilt her mood.she looked at herself once again in the mirror before heading downstairs.

Pamela was also heading downstairs where Cisco was already waiting for them and they walked silently together . Their rooms were opposite each other and then leading to the stairs.

Sally was hoping Cisco will at least notice her and commend her beauty; she had spent hours dressing up just to look good for him,what happen next shocked her.

Cisco shamelessly said " You look stunning my wife ".

At first she taught he was referring to her since it was obvious that she was the only pretty one there and he wasn't actually specific to who he was speaking to so she figured he might as well be speaking to her.

Her assumption was proven wrong when Cisco shamelessly kissed Pam right in front of her.She tried to suppress the pain but it was clearly visible in her eyes .

" thank you hubby ".Pam replied shyly,she looked flattered and her eyes were full of pride.

What's this ?she now calling him hubby?.Sally tried to silently calm herself.

She was waiting for a compliment,but she didn't get any,she even took time to catwalk so he could at least notice her presence but he didn't even glance at her. She felt like a ghost,it hurt her so much to see that the man she once called her husband was treating her like she was non-existent. She was beginning to think that Liz lied to her.if only she had created scene, shouted , and fought with Pamela the first day she came maybe things wouldn't have ended up like this .Cisco had changed from the loving husband she knew to a ... a ....she couldn't even figure out what he had turned into.

Well , since he wasn't ready to acknowledge her presence she might as well do it herself.

"Good morning Cisco ". she said in a cold voice,but there was no response.

" I said good morning Ci... "

" I heard you " .Cisco interrupted.

"Then why didn't you answer".

"Since when did to our start calling me Cisco ".

"Since when did you stop answering my greetings".

Sally retorted.

"You've changed Sally ,you're not the woman I know" .

Sally was taken back by his words." Wow Cisco you've got some nerves ,I should be the one asking you that."

Sensing the atmosphere getting tensed Pam decided to intervene before the situation gets out of hand.

Cisco was about to speak when Pamela interrupted."Okay , can we go now so we can come back on time.".Pam said while dragging Sally out.

" You're right we should leave before I faint cause I can't stand breathing the same air with him" . Sally threw a deadly glare at Cisco before they left while Cisco just smirked.

************ *************

Iris was busy watching a cartoon on her tab when Mia came in.

"Iris please can you help me do my homework".

"Nope as you can see I'm busy besides you're already seven right ?.....so you're old enough to do your homework your self".

" Are you that busy that you can't help your sister with her homework". Mia said pouting her lips.

" Ughhh .....just go meet dad I'm sure he'll help you".

" I can't go alone,come with me pleasssee".

"He's your dad Mia, you're not supposed to be afraid of him".

"I don't know why but ever since aunt Pamela came dad has being acting weird".

" What do you mean weird ".

" Daddy doesn't reply my greetings and the last time I asked him to do my homework ,he shouted at me and told me to leave his room and never come back.He also had that alcoholic smell."

" He's drinking again".Iris sighed.

"Don't you think we should tell mum".

" No don't tell her, we're the only one who knows about it so if any word goes out you're responsible and besides she already knows he drinks".

"But why ,I still think mum should know" .Mia replied confused about Iris decision.

"Mummy will be sad if she finds out and it can cause a fight between them."

"So will you help me with my homework ?".

"No but I'll go with you to meet dad, I'm sure he won't say no to the two of us.

On their way to Cisco's room ,they heard muffled sounds and hushed voices like someone talking in low tone.

" Hushh!! " Iris mentioned for Mia to stay quiet and tried to listen to whoever is talking.They tiptoed and lean on the door trying to grasp the sound coming from the room.

" Who's dad talking to?" Mia said in a whisper.

" I don't know ,stay quiet let me listen"

Mia tried to wiggle her way to place her ear on the door knob."No I wanna hear what's he's saying,get out of the way". Mia whispered .

"Stop mia he might hear us and please hold on to your books tightly,don't let them ....". She couldn't finish her statement when the books fell to the floor with a loud thud.

Cisco heard the sound ,he put down the bottle of alcohol and quickly hung up the call afraid that someone might have heard his conversation.

The two girls took to their heels,the ran to their mothers room and locked the door since that was the only safe place for them.They knew their father could not just barge into their mom's room unless he wants something.

The girls were already panting when they got inside the room.

"We're lucky he didn't see us".Mai said trying to catch her breath.

" Yeah we are". Iris smiled,but her smile faded when she realized they left Mia books on the floor right in front of his door.

"Umm ....Mia??".

"Yes ?? ".

"Your books...". Iris was already looking worried.

" Oh No!!...my books ,I left them on the floor right in front of his door" .

" We're so dead ,now he's gonna know that we were eavesdropping on him" .

" What should we do??... Should we hide?".Mia said close to tears ,she was really scared of her father. He looked very scary whenever was angry and could do many dangerous things.

" Hide quick!!"

They couldn't even find a place to hide,they kept on turning In circles.soon they heard heavy footsteps approaching and then a loud bang on the door.

"Open this door right now!!..".Cisco shouted,he was already boiling in anger and quite drunk.

The room went quite,they both stared at each other .Mia was already shaking in fear.

"Quick act normal like nothing happened while I'll open the door".Iris whispered.

Mia quickly acted like she was brushing her hair and Iris took a deep breath and walked to the door.Her heart was racing ,she slowly reached for the door handle while Cisco kept banging on the door.

A voice told her not to open the door while another told her to open it.she drew another dip breath and as she was about to open the door when Cisco stopped knocking. And his footsteps grew faint which only meant he left.

Iris heaved a sigh of relief and walked back to Mia.

"He's gone ,let's just hope mum comes back soon "

A few minutes passed and they heard a click sound. They shifted their gaze to the door as fear gripped their hearts.

There saw the door knob twist and another click.

When cisco saw that the children won't bulge he went to get the spare keys,his face was already burning red and his fist were already itching to punch something.

As soon as the door was unlocked he pushed the door open and marched towards Mia who quickly hid behind her sister.The alcohol smell that filled the room almost made the girls puked.He looked like a was quite drunk with the way he was wobbling.

Cisco grabbed Mia by the neck and choked her."How dare you keep me waiting and what the hell were you doing in front of my room!" .


See y'all in the next chapter!
