
chapter 1.

(Disclaimer: This story is a Naruto AU fanfiction. I don't own any of the characters from the original series. They all belong to their creator, except for the changes in the plot and OCs.)

The continuous drizzle was not something new in the village Amegakure. The sky is always crying here.

There was a man, in his early twenties walking in the rainy morning on the streets of the village. His cloak protected him from the light rainfall along with the bamboo hat that hid his head and face, but the endings his blond hair got a little damp due to being exposed to the rain. Though, his head was down, the villagers still treated him with the respect that the red clouds on his cloak had earned over the period of time. There was an urgency in his stride. He was quickly making his way towards his destination. The tallest building with the face of some God or Devil, he doesn't know. The headquarter of the organization he worked for. The same organization that had created a history for itself, by winning the Fourth Great Ninja War, and establishing a powerful image for itself. One so strong that no one dared to cross ever again. Now they rule the world. All of it.


Her legs were trembling and her head was aching even worse. She was out of breath. This was as long and as far she could run. She didn't had the strength to go any further, and she knew this was it. This was as far as she could go before they get to her. This was her short glimpse of freedom, which is now at its end.


Yes, that's a word whose meaning she will never know. She should have known that she would never outrun them. That she could never outrun her fate.

The foot soldiers dragged her to the the big tower at the center of the village Amegakure. There in front of the big sealed entrance, they dumped her beaten up form and left.

Two strange men with titian coloured hair and strange piercings landed beside her. They picked her up roughly and dragged her inside as the door opened and closed. They took her to the Leader's office of the Akatsuki's headquarters. They mercilessly dumped her again on the floor and left.

She felt she was being watched. Indeed, she was. But she chose not to make any movement. She was too tired for it. Too tired to act. Too tired to live.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

She was still just as she was left, sitting on the cool tiled floor as several minutes passed. She wasn't counting them. Her mind was blank. Just breathing in and out.

Nagato saw her the entire time. Ever since she was dragged in his office by his Demon and Human paths, dumped in front of him like a bag of potatoes. How she seemed completely unfazed by her surroundings, by him. She was just sitting there, in the same exact position she was left in. No action in her body except for her steady breathing. It was like the world around her didn't matter to her anymore. She seemed too broken, too tired, like she had given up. So hopeless, so fragile. So quiet, like she wasn't even there.

Just how he likes them.

He smirks being glad that he wouldn't have to beat her into shape.

She heard the footsteps approaching her. The aura radiating from the man before her oozes of power and authority. She kept her head down, seeing the boots stop right in front of her. The man crouched down to her level and she could feel the intensity of his scrutinizing gaze upon herself as she gulped down the dread she felt. She didn't dare to look up.

Having seen enough, Nagato smirked satisfied. This girl was perfect. A perfect timid soul.

He extends a hand making the girl scoot back in fear. Much to his delight.

"Behave." he commanded making her stop. Stop breathing, that is.

She trembles as his fingers held up her chin making her look at him. She closed her eyes shut tight, shaking like a leaf in storm.

"Are you afraid, little girl?" he asks,the hints of smug amusement clear in his voice. She nodded.

"Good. You should be. What's your name?"

"R-Renai." she mumbles in quivering voice

"Odd name." he commented shrugging "But then again, who am I to say that."

He moves her face to sides, taking a better look up close. Her long black hairs were dirty with mud and slime covering it all over. Her skin looked dry and full of scarlet scratches. To say that she seemed to be in a bad condition was an understatement. Her body, even from a mere glance, looked weak and pale. No doubt she was starving and dehydrated. She seemed as weak as a house of cards, one gentle breeze and she would collapse.

"My name is Pain. And from this day onwards, I am your master. Do you understand that, Renai?" he asks in a commanding tone and Renai knew very clearly that she had only one answer that will be accepted by him.

She nodded yes.

"Good girl." Pain stands up as just on the exact moment, the door opens and a man comes in.

"Itachi-san." Pein acknowledge the arrival of the infamous Uchiha protege, to which he bows down showing adequate respect. "Leader. You asked for me?" he asks in his usual passive monotone.

"Yes. Show this new slave her place in the tower." Pain says going back to his desk "No wait... Change of mind." he says turning around and looking at Renai who yet again had her head down, he looks at smirking deviously "Take her to infirmary and make sure she's cleaned, dressed and properly fed. I have a special place and job in mind for her. Dismissed." he says getting back to his work.


Obito was on his way back from what was once Madara's secret hideout and his training grounds.

The obvious big flaw in their Infinite Tsuki-no-me plan changed everything. He was so close. So close to making a world where she could exist. Where he could be with Rin. Happy.

But it didn't happen. And that world, cannot be made.

So, in the end, they went for the next big catch. The best option was to seal the Juubi in a Jinchuriki before it attains its final form and rule the world with its limitless powers. So, that's exactly what they did. Madara, of course took the honour of being its jinchuriki upon himself.

And now, now they have got it all. All the power in the world. But, he felt lost. He didn't get what he wanted. So what was his reason to go on?

"You will find something new. Now you have every possible way to go." Madara's words echoed in his head.

But what else is it that he could get? What could possibly be better than the world which he craved, which he worked so hard to make? What could possibly be out there that would be better?

True. He now has the entire world at his feet and its still not enough. It will never be enough to fill that emptiness in his heart.

Oh, yes. I have no heart. His lips curled up in a sad smile thinking. Isn't that what I told Kakashi... right before I killed him. He came to a stop as he crossed the border of Konoha and Ame. At least, I got my revenge. I killed the one who took you from me, Rin. You're death is avenged. He lets out a long breath and starts walking towards his destination, Amegakure no Sato.