
Dark Sorcerer Lord

He comes from the abandoned underground world, where survival follows the rules of the strong. He is a seeker of truth and a wizard exploring the edge between reason and madness. When myths are shattered, order collapses, and power becomes the only governing rule. Not all dark places require light.

darian_lucania · Fantasía
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73 Chs

Chapter 9 Bribery

  "These little guys these days, they sure know how to cause trouble."

  "I know, that little girl is quite interesting, she even knows Dark Element magic. I remember that kind of magic, only the Witch Elder in Mosobla City can use it now."

  As Sain and Lena were both subdued by the Academy Overseers, deep within Black Street, two Mental Powers communicated with each other.

  Being able to communicate directly with Mental Power, the two sides of the conversation must be formal Dark Magicians.

  It turned out that the rumors were true. There were indeed shadows of formal Dark Magicians behind some of the businesses in Black Street.

  But what was strange was that with the means of formal Dark Magicians, Sain, Lena and Scar-faced Joque and the others had a conflict, the two powerful Dark Magicians had enough power to stop it in time.

  However, they remained indifferent from beginning to end, just watching as if it were a good show.

  The occurrence of this situation was related to the cold and cool nature of the Dark Magician group.

  After all, the battle did not affect these two Dark Magicians, so they were too lazy to meddle.

  On the other hand, Mosobla City has been too calm for too long, and these two Dark Magicians were bored and watching it purely as entertainment and a boring magic experiment.

  "Huh? They didn't execute them on the spot as a warning? Could those two little guys have some kind of backing?"

  "Quick, look, that Witch Elder has appeared. Indeed, that little girl seems to have some connection with her. But I haven't heard that she's taken any apprentices?" The two Mental Powers continued to communicate.

  However, with the arrival of more Academy Overseers and Dark Magicians above formal level, this farce that took place in Black Street finally came to an end.


  "The impact is extremely bad!" In a dim dungeon, a middle-aged Dark Magician wearing a black robe angrily reprimanded.

  At this point, Sain and Lena were both restrained by The Chain of Wind.

  However, the main target of the middle-aged Dark Magician's anger was not the two of them, but a bloated Witch Elder who appeared in front of him.

  "Three intermediate apprentices have died, and one intermediate apprentice has been seriously injured. In addition, more than a dozen low-level apprentices have been injured. "

  "The losses caused to Black Street are difficult to estimate. These apprentices who blatantly violate the Academy's rules should..." The middle-aged Dark Magician's tone was harsh.

  Not all Dark Magicians have a laissez-faire attitude towards their apprentices.

  As a Dark Magic Academy, it is imperative to have corresponding rules, which is also the purpose of those Overseers.

  If the Dark Magic Academy in Mosobla City cannot maintain even surface-level peace, how can it be called a magic school!

  The middle-aged Dark Magician was about to sentence Sain and Lena to death, when the bloated Witch Elder in front of him interrupted with a hoarse voice, "Vice Dean Dadalon, it's just a few small fry that died. They were outnumbered and outmatched, so they got what they deserved."

  "Our Dark Magic Academy has limited resources. We can't afford to keep nurturing a bunch of useless students!"

  "As for the losses incurred by Black Street, I will compensate with Black Gold," cackled the Witch Elder, paying no attention to the three intermediate apprentices who had already died.

  "This is not just about compensating with Black Gold. The Dean has been in seclusion for many years, and as Vice Dean, I should maintain the stability of the school..." Dadalon was interrupted by the sparkling orange light emitted by the energy Crystal Stone that Witch Elder had just taken out.

  Indeed, this was not just about compensating with Black Gold, but if it was a level one energy Crystal Stone, the outcome would be different.

  Sain also had an energy Crystal Stone in his hand, a loot he had confiscated from the dead Yilke.

  However, the earth-type energy Crystal Stone in Sain's hand paled in comparison to the one held by Witch Elder, like the difference between dust and a bright star.

  Because his knowledge system was not yet perfect, Sain was not yet aware that his earth-type energy Crystal Stone could only be compared to the Crystal Core of a low-level magic beast, while the level one energy Crystal Stone in Witch Elder's hand was the true treasure.

  It was worth the same as a magic core provided by a first-level creature, which was also the lowest standard for official Dark Magicians.

  As one of the three Vice Deans of the Dark Magic Academy, Dadalon was a second-level Dark Magician stronger than the average first-level Dark Magician.

  In the Wizarding World and even the entire Star Realm, a one-level difference often represented a fundamental gap in life essence.

  If he were a normal second-level Magician walking in the sun, he might not have paid much attention to this level one energy Crystal Stone in front of him. But unfortunately, the Shadowy Territory was deep underground and had been impoverished for a long time.

  Without any decent energy Crystal Stone veins, a level one energy Crystal Stone was enough to make him reinterpret the events of this incident.

  Magicians' experimental research is extremely expensive, and except for the wealthy ones who are proficient in the fields of alchemy or pharmacology, the situation for other Magicians is not as good as outsiders imagine.

  Is it worth trading the lives of three intermediate apprentices for a level-one Energy Crystal Stone?

  Of course, it is!

  As for the losses on Black Street, only a few shops' storefronts were burned, and it only takes a few Black Gold to replace them.

  Vice Dean Dadalon's rebuke fell silent when Witch Elder produced a level-one Energy Crystal Stone.

  Dark Magicians' indifference to human life was fully revealed.

  But Witch Elder saved Lena, not Sain.

  Just as Vice Dean Dadalon was about to crush this low-level apprentice, Lena, shackled by the wind element, spoke first: "Uncle Master, please save Sain."

  Uncle Master?! This Witch Elder is Lena's uncle!

  Yes, Lena actually had a mentor in the past, but she died accidentally in an experiment, and Lena also suffered irreparable damage.

  The Witch Elder in front of her was Lena's mentor's fellow disciple, no wonder she paid a high price to save Lena this time.

  However, Witch Elder's willingness to spend a precious level-one Energy Crystal Stone to save Lena does not mean that she is willing to pay the price to save Sain in front of her.

  Vice Dean Dadalon appeared upright, but in fact, he wanted to be bribed, and it would not work without some bloodshed.

  Witch Elder sneered and said, "What, is he your little lover?"

  "At the apprentice stage, he is already addicted to meaningless love. I really don't know how you advanced to a senior apprentice!" Witch Elder said coldly, obviously without any intention of helping Sain.

  Faced with this situation, Sain could only save himself. He quickly said, "I am the fifth disciple of Master Mosido, and I have the Magic Medal as proof!"

  Sain's words made Vice Dean Dadalon and Witch Elder look at each other in surprise.

  "When did Mosido accept another disciple?" Witch Elder made a strange sound from her throat.

  At the same time, a "hoot" sound came from the owl that was escorting Sain, which was inside the dungeon.