
Dark Sorcerer Lord

He comes from the abandoned underground world, where survival follows the rules of the strong. He is a seeker of truth and a wizard exploring the edge between reason and madness. When myths are shattered, order collapses, and power becomes the only governing rule. Not all dark places require light.

darian_lucania · Fantasía
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73 Chs

Chapter 70 The Purpose of the Elemental Pearl

  When Sain woke up from his slumber, he was surprised to find himself lying between two women who were each unique in their own way.

   Judging from the state of their clothes, they didn't do anything too intimate last night.

   However, Sain's hand was being a little mischievous and holding onto something.

  Marina, the advanced apprentice, was nowhere to be seen, leaving only the three of them in the tent.

  Carefully removing his hand and adjusting his wrinkled wizard robe, Sain cast a simple and practical magic trick - the Purification Spell.

   This was one of the most commonly used magic tricks for Sain since he arrived in the Yellow Sand World, because he had not yet mastered the ability to use water magic and therefore had to rely on this trick to keep himself clean.

  After getting up, Senior Sister Faye and Lena didn't linger in bed either.

   Lena was very disciplined, so she got up the moment Sain did.

   Senior Sister Faye took a little longer, but in the Yellow Sand World, everyone had their own tasks to complete if they didn't want to be trapped there forever.

  "If you don't want to be cannon fodder, then you'd better complete the tasks assigned by the Dark Magicians as soon as possible. The Vice Dean mainly relies on the advanced apprentices and quasi-magicians."

  Senior Sister Faye said while changing her underwear.

  "What is the specific use of the elemental pearls we received?" Sain couldn't help but ask.

  "The elemental pearl is the main energy source for the Portal Generator. When the quasi-magicians come over, they each bring thirty pearls, and when the advanced apprentices come over, they each bring ten pearls."

   Faye answered.

  "Why do we intermediate apprentices only have one pearl?" Sain asked with a frown.

  "Perhaps they don't trust you yet. Each of the two Portal Generators requires over 150 elemental pearls."

  "And the reason why all the Element Gems weren't given to the same quasi-Magician for safekeeping is because the Dark Magicians were afraid that something might happen to them."

  " So they decided to distribute them among the other Advanced and quasi-apprentice magicians," explained Faye.

  She didn't obtain this information beforehand, but rather indirectly learned it from the Senior Brother Zoro and other quasi-Magicians after several months of arriving in the Yellow Sand World.

  Some of it was also Faye's own speculation, which was mostly accurate.

  Although Faye wasn't the most diligent student of magic, she was undeniably intelligent.

  As she recalled the dozen or so Element Gems in her own spatial ring, Faye grabbed Sain's hand when he pulled them out and whispered, "Put them away quickly."

  "While there isn't any precise information, the Senior Brother has mentioned to me that these Element Gems are likely the key to our return to the Wizarding World. "

  "If the Space-Time Rift Generator fails, and we need to rely on the Dark Magicians on the other side to pull us back, we'll need these Element Gems as a guide to ensure that they can locate us accurately."

  "According to estimates, it takes at least ten Element Gems to satisfy the Dark Magicians' minimum requirements for locating us. "

  "And the more we have, the higher our chances of success," Faye whispered.

  It was precisely because of this factor that the Dark Magic Apprentices in the camp began to consciously collect and accumulate more Element Gems after they had enough to construct the Portal Generator.

   None of them would put all their hope in others or a single device.

  Unless it was a relationship like Sain and Lena's, the Dark Magicians, as a group, faced the crisis on their own when the danger arrived.

  "My and Lena's Element Gems were just collected, and we were thinking about how to get the rest to complete it. We didn't expect you to already have them, and even have extras," Faye chuckled.

  "Uh, something happened on the way, and I got them from other apprentices," Sain nodded.

  He thought of the Intermediate Apprentice Mali and the Advanced Apprentice Stanton, who had entered the camp with him yesterday.

  As soon as they entered, Sain followed Senior Sister Faye to find Big Senior Brother Zoro, but they didn't know where they settled in the end.

  After Senior Sister finished packing, Sain's group went to find Big Senior Brother Zoro.

  Although Sain mainly talked to Senior Sister Faye during this process, a large part of his attention was focused on Lena, who remained silent.

  Likely, Lena was doing the same.

  By the time Sain came to see Big Senior Brother Zoro, he had already set up the Crystal ball for him.

  The radiation communication distance of the Crystal ball was only one-third of the original distance.

  But it was enough to cover the surroundings of the camp and even barely maintain communication between the two camps.

  "Big Senior Brother, is there a certain failure rate for setting up the Portal Generator this time?" Sain couldn't help but ask.

  As advanced magic apprentices and quasi-Magicians, they were undoubtedly the earliest and clearest batch of people to know about the situation in the camp.

  Yesterday, an advanced apprentice actually blocked someone outside the camp and demanded elemental pearls.

  Sain felt that things were not simple.

  Including Senior Sister's reaction this morning.

  When Sain asked this question, Big Senior Brother Zoro first looked outside the tent.

   After finding no outsiders in the area, he answered in a low voice: "There is indeed a certain failure rate, with a success rate of about sixty percent."

  "Due to the shifting sands in this world, the coordinates of the two camps have been changing, which has caused us a lot of trouble in setting up the Portal Generator."

  "Every day, we must send apprentices to survey the terrain and record information, but this has only played a small role."

  "As for whether the Portal Generator can finally activate and build a passage that can accommodate formal Magician-level travel between the two worlds."

  "Besides our efforts and the need for some luck, it actually depends more on the mentors and deputy deans on the other side of the Space-Time Rift," Zoro said.