
Dark Sorcerer Lord

He comes from the abandoned underground world, where survival follows the rules of the strong. He is a seeker of truth and a wizard exploring the edge between reason and madness. When myths are shattered, order collapses, and power becomes the only governing rule. Not all dark places require light.

darian_lucania · Fantasía
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73 Chs

Chapter 53 Panic

  In this era, most Holy Towers and Knights' Halls have their own unique symbols, and even some magical organizations and knight families have adopted this as a tool to intimidate their enemies and enhance their own cohesion.

  The Silver Emblem held by the heavily wounded Dark Magician contains a very subtle power fluctuation.

  If this power fluctuation is considered small, what really catches people's attention and even fear is the meaning and strength represented by the Silver Emblem itself.

  This is indeed a force in the Holy Tower, and many Dark Magicians present know each other.

  The Shadowy Territory is located between several ultimate powers, and is a top Wizard civilization force that is even stronger than ordinary Holy Towers and Knights' Halls.

  Legendary things like the Tower of True Spirits and the Dominant Hall are distributed in these two areas, and there is even more than one.

  These Dark Magicians cannot afford to provoke those in the east and west, but only the areas to the north and the endless ocean to the south are where they can move around more carefully.

  When Mosido and his team came from the Western Islands to the Shadowy Territory years ago, they traveled by sea.

  In recent years, these Dark Magicians have mainly been active in the south, including apprentice recruitment and resource looting, and they have been doing it low-key along the coast of the Wizard continent.

  They do go to the north, but not as often and not as deep.

  The Silver Emblem in the hands of the official Dark Magician Jetta is the identity symbol of a Holy Tower force located south of the Shadowy Territory, along the coast of the Wizard continent.

  The southern coastal area of ​​the Shadowy Territory is home to many Magician organizations, Holy Towers, and Knights' Halls of all sizes.

  Compared with other prosperous areas of the Wizarding World, there are indeed not many Holy Towers and Knights' Halls near the Shadowy Territory, otherwise there would not be such a gathering place for Dark Magicians.

  However, even the weakest Holy Tower is definitely not something this group of Dark Magicians can mess with.

  The Holy Tower organization represented by the Silver Emblem is located in a certain coastal area of the Shadowy Territory.

  In the past, the Dark Magicians of Mosobla City tried to avoid contact with them as much as possible, but this time they were actively sought out, indicating that the visitors were up to no good!

  "Have they found our location?" asked a lower-level official Dark Magician.

  While these Dark Magicians could cause trouble in the corner of Shadowy Territory, they were no match for organizations like Surface Holy Tower and Knights' Hall who were pursuing them.

  After all, the Dark Magicians were clearly synonymous with evil and extreme darkness from all angles.

  Not to mention their casual use of Wizarding World humans as experimental specimens or their penchant for disrupting the peace and stability within the Wizarding World.

  This made them a target for all the Holy Towers and Knights' Halls to jointly strike against.

  There are very few Holy Tower powers that are truly friendly with the Dark Magician group in the Wizarding World.

  Even if there were some Tower Masters who were in cahoots with the Dark Magicians, they would never dare to publicly admit it, or else they would face punishment from the Plane Guardians and trials from the Wizarding Alliance.

  The fearful inquiry from the Dark Magician and the Silver Emblem presented by the critically injured Dark Magician Jetta quickly caused chaos in the meeting room.

  Dark Magicians like Mosido, Ferena, and Dirth who already knew the situation were relatively calm.

  But Dark Magicians like Katherson from the plantation, with his old, wrinkled face, suddenly became sour.

  It seems that if the situation is not right, this guy will immediately slip away.

  For Dark Magicians, running away is not a shameful thing.

  They are a group of truth-seekers who have discarded all notions of propriety and moral values.

  In the past, Dark Magicians were a group that was despised by everyone in the Wizarding World and were constantly on the move.

  Fleeing from the scrutiny of a Holy Tower force was the most rational and correct decision.

  It's just a pity that Shadowy Territory's underground world, which they had been cultivating for decades, including the number of official Dark Magicians, was growing.

  Given time, it might become another playground for Dark Magicians.

  It was Dean Dadalon who finally managed to calm down the increasingly panicked and chaotic mood among the Dark Magicians in the meeting room.

  This powerful Level-2 Dark Magician tapped his magic wand on the table to silence the room before slowly saying.

  "We have not been detected by the Holy Tower of Dawn. Jetta evaded pursuit by using the Blood Ignition technique to detonate half of his Magic Spring, and he also killed one of the Holy Tower Magicians who were chasing him."

  "This Silver Emblem is one of his spoils of war."

  "Mosobla City, as an Underground City personally selected by the dean, would not have been chosen if it were so easy to be discovered."

  "Now, we must expedite our exploration of the alternate dimension on the other side of the Space-Time Rift in Shadow Valley."

  "Before we leave, we must make as much profit as possible so as not to waste our decades of hard work. This is also the intention of the two deputy deans."

  Dean Dadalon's words did indeed calm down the Dark Magicians in the meeting room.

  Although the Dark Magicians were known for their heinous and cruel actions, it was undeniable that they were individually stronger than magicians of the same level, having grown up in a desperate and extremely oppressive environment.

  While apprentices like Sain were trembling in fear while studying anatomy in Dark Magic classes, what were the Surface magic apprentices doing?

  As nobles, they probably only saw magic as a fun game, or were too engrossed in noble balls and socializing to have a sense of crisis and desire to learn.

  Even the more elite Holy Tower Magicians were not that impressive unless they were true tough guys who had participated in alternate dimension wars.

  The immense power of the Wizard civilization and the massive resources that the Wizard Alliance sends to the Wizarding World every year have led to an increasing number of formal Magicians, known as "Academy Magicians," who, after receiving adequate resources, are less inclined to engage in war and instead focus their energy on research and exploring the truth.

  The unfortunate Holy Tower Magician who was killed by the Dark Magician Jetta was one such Academy Magician.

  "The Dawn Holy Tower probably just discovered signs of our Dark Magician activity in the nearby area, so they increased their patrols in recent years," explained one Dark Magician.

  "I stopped the plan to raid the Surface this year, but just in case, we should still explore that Space-Time Rift ahead of schedule," added Dadalon.

  Dadalon's words finally silenced the Dark Magicians in the meeting room.

  These Dark Magicians were a group of crazy individuals chasing after their own interests, and their lives were generally difficult due to the suppression they faced from various Holy Towers and Knights' Halls on the Surface.

  On one hand, there was the potential threat, and on the other hand, there was the huge temptation of exploring an alternate dimension for great benefits.

  As Vice Dean Dadalon continued the meeting, not a single Dark Magician chose to leave.