
Dark Sorcerer Lord

He comes from the abandoned underground world, where survival follows the rules of the strong. He is a seeker of truth and a wizard exploring the edge between reason and madness. When myths are shattered, order collapses, and power becomes the only governing rule. Not all dark places require light.

darian_lucania · Fantasía
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73 Chs

Chapter 34 Azure Beak Feather Group

  Chapter 34 Azure Beak Feather Group

  "Master, you finally came!"

  "Master, please save us!"

  "Master, those damn magic birds are about to eat up all our moss!"


  Mixed and chaotic voices came from the mouths of these underground humans in front of Sain.

  Although these humans had a hunchbacked figure and emitted a strange odor, Sain knew that the oldest among them was not more than forty years old.

  In Mosobla City, there are few ordinary humans over forty years old.

  The harsh living environment and scarce food make the average age of humans in Mosobla City only thirty-five years old.

  It is the hardship of life that makes these people look extremely old and haggard.

  Although there are extremely strong existences like magicians, it must be acknowledged that, in terms of constitution alone, these humans are actually weaker than the subterranean races who have lived underground for generations, not to mention those dark creatures.

  "Don't make noise, tell me where that group of Azure Beak Feather is." Sain lowly said.

  Sain's voice was not loud, but after he finished speaking, the several humans around him immediately became trembling and dared not make any extra sound like quails.

  Finally, one of the seemingly stronger men pointed to a certain direction in the distance and said, "Master, those magic birds are over there, probably about twenty or thirty of them, and they seem to have built a nest."

  Following the direction pointed by the man, Sain looked into the distance and saw only a barren area.

  It seems that the moss in that area has been completely eaten up, no wonder these humans are so anxious.

  At this time, Sain was wearing a pale mask, and these underground humans could not see his expression or appearance.

  The natural fear of ordinary humans towards dark magicians made them afraid to stare at Sain.

  If it were not for the moss of Ashen Valley, which is related to the livelihood and lifeline of their families behind them, they probably would not have dared to be so rude just now.

  Ashen Valley is very large, and there are many mosses planted here.

  Most humans have been forced to leave because of the harassment of the Azure Beak Feather bird group.

  Only these people in front of Sain have been waiting anxiously for the arrival of Dark Magic Academy.

  If Sain did not come, or if there were no other apprentices to take on this task, perhaps hundreds or even thousands of people in Mosobla City would starve to death this year.

  It is normal for some low-level creatures to starve to death in the underground world.

  The living environment for humans in Mosobla City is still relatively good.

  However, during times of famine, the Subterranean Humanoids will even voluntarily consume elderly members of their own race as food.

  "Go and get some torches, and place them around the area."

  "If any Azure Beak Feathers try to escape in other directions later, throw the torches at them." Sain instructed a few underground humans around him, before he himself walked towards the barren land with slightly higher elevation.

  As Sain reached the top of the barren land, the chirping sounds of the Azure Beak Feathers had already reached his ears.

  Although Azure Beak Feathers have bird-like appearances, these subterranean creatures cannot fly.

  They mainly move on two limbs, with fast speeds.

  At most, they can only slide for a short distance after jumping from a high point.

  The low-level magic equipment, Pale Mask, allowed Sain's vision to remain clear even in the dark underground.

  With his Mental Power far surpassing that of ordinary people and his sharp mind, Sain quickly counted twenty-six Azure Beak Feathers below the barren land.

  The enchanted creatures and dark creatures of the underground world generally have poor eyesight, but their sense of smell and perception are extremely sensitive.

  As Sain was located at a higher position and his black magic robe effectively concealed a portion of his scent, the Azure Beak Feathers did not notice his arrival.

  "Tsk, there really is a bird king here.

  Otherwise, they wouldn't have migrated specifically to the vicinity of Mosobla City."

  "However, the strength of this Azure Beak Feather group shouldn't be too strong. It's probably just separated from another main group." Sain made his judgment.

  In the basic courses of the academy, Azure Beak Feathers were introduced as Enchanted Creatures.

  Their love for living in groups makes them ideal targets for many Magicians to collect low-level magic materials in bulk.

  Some Magicians even specialize in raising these types of Enchanted Creatures, but no one in Mosobla City does.

  The low-level materials for Enchanted Creatures are only suitable for apprentice-level magicians, and formal Dark Magicians do not even bother with such insignificant things, let alone spend time and energy to cultivate them.

  However, some subterranean tribes in the underground world have the ability to breed and tame Azure Beak Feathers and their close relatives.

  Twenty-five adult Azure Beak Feathers all have the strength of Enchanted Creatures.

  One Azure Beak Feather king has the power of a low-level magical beast, which is already quite impressive.

  Especially the Azure Beak Feather king that has already mutated into a magical beast.

  It should also possess some innate spells, so Sain needs to be careful.

  In addition to the aforementioned twenty-six adult Azure Beak Feathers, Sain also noticed that there were more faint and sharp chirping sounds coming from deeper in the mossy field in front of him.

  Those should be the immature Azure Beak Feathers, and their individual combat power can be ignored.

  Sain wonders if there are any Azure Beak Feather eggs.

  If so, it would be another gain for Sain in executing the academy mission.

  When Sain observed the situation in the mossy field in front of him, the underground world humans who had been ordered by Sain had already lit torches outside the field.

  The underground world is usually dark.

  Except for the main city area of Mosobla City, which has a fluorescent ore vein above it, and has relatively dim light all year round, there is basically no light in other areas.

  Torchlight can have enough deterrent effect on general underground beasts or low-level Enchanted Creatures, but it cannot be lit for too long.

  If there is a strong force like Mosobla City, it is okay.

  But without enough strength, a long-lasting torch is simply like lighting a beacon for those powerful monsters or solitary dark creatures living in the underground world.

  However, Sain is confident that this battle should not last too long.

  The torches were lit to facilitate the expulsion of these Azure Beak Feathers and to reduce the losses of the underground people and the mossy field.

  After all, Sain is only a sixteen-year-old young Magician, but he still has his own conscience and bottom line.

  If some apprentices with low moral standards were allowed to handle this, they would probably use these underground people as bait.

  Azure Beak Feathers are omnivores.

  Since they eat moss, they naturally eat meat, and they also love carrion.

  Of course, the favorite food of Azure Beak Feathers is the Sweet Berry that Sain got from Bosch before leaving Mosobla City.

  Holding his breath, Sain crawls on the ground, quietly sprinkling Iron Phosphate Powder in specific locations and half-burying the limited amount of Sweet Berry in the soil.