
Chapter 5

Suni and Valente were starving, and they were thirsty. They were searching for something to eat but it was such a strange forest. They couldn't smell any animal around. Valente had even used his magic but there was nothing.

"I will fucking die if this keeps going," Valente grunted.

Suni sighed out due to the exhaustion but didn't say anything. She was surprised herself how she was still walking without eating anything.

They both walked lazily until they finally spotted a deer. It was like it came on demand.

Valente furrowed his eyebrows and looked around. They were at the same point as before. Something was wrong. He looked at Suni who was just as confused as he was.

She unknowingly came closer to him. He unknowingly wrapped an arm around her petite waist, protectively.

Suni might be weak but she wasn't stupid. She knew something was up. It was like someone had trapped them. And the deer, someone had dropped it in the middle forest because there was no way Valente's senses didn't detect it at first.

Valente was aware of the magic. He made a red striking sword and slashed it through the deer's body. Suni gasped.

"W-Why'd you kill the deer?" Her eyes filled with tears, hearing the innocent deer's screech.

Valente shushed her and came closer, pinning her on the tall tree. Suni's breath hitched and her cheeks flared up promptly as he pressed his lips on her white ear, making it seem like he was kissing the top of our head in case someone was watching them.

"We are trapped. I know you know that. Play along for now. This is Casper's friends' magic " He whispered and wiped her tears off. "And don't fucking cry over the deer."

Suni nodded. "But the deer's innocent, I won't eat it." She mumbled after he held her hand and started walking.

Valente sighed as his ears caught the words she left. Too damn kind for her own good, "He thought."

He used his magic to roast the deer in a flash while Suni looked at it sadly.

"Tch, stop pouting will you!" Valente said.

"B-But the deer-" Suni pouted.

"The deer is dead, and you have to fill your stomach, so eat it." He said sternly.

She shook her head, "No, please."

Valente's hand slowly came closer to her face holding the meat. She looked at him, terrified, and turned herself away, pulling a face. He gripped her chin with his hand which was covered in deer's blood and made her face him as he looked at her softly.

"Please," Valente whispered, softly.

She looked at him, her soft cheeks covered with his bloody fingerprints were now puffed out as tears escaped her eyes.

"Close your eyes and eat. It will be fine." Valente said.

She closed her eyes and slightly opened her mouth as he fed her until she could take no more. She almost gagged it all out, if it was not for Valente who rushed to give her water that just happened to be there.

Valente breathed out, thinking for a way out of this hell trap. He was sure it was to capture Suni because they already had the map, the wrong one.

"Suni...come here." He called out to Suni who seemed to be in a daze.

She looked over to Valente and scooted closer to him, waiting for him to say something.

"What's your magic?" He whispered.

"I don't have any." She whispered back.

Valente was shocked to death. He had never met even a single person without some kind of magic.

"I-I am sorry," Suni whispered, feeling bad figuring out he must've needed that to find the way out of here.

"You really don't?" He asked with big eyes, watching her shaking her head as no.

He sighed. "Never mind then. Just think of a way out." He said.

"M-Maybe, I am not sure, but we could go to the center of the forest?" Suni whispered, unassertive.

Valente furrowed his eyebrows, confused.

"I once heard my father talking about the trap magic. He said 'the trap magic's weak point is always in the middle.'" She explained in a low voice.

"I don't know- I mean we could try that." He uttered, still in deep thought. "Fuck it. Let's do it!" He exclaimed.

Suni nodded as they both stood up. "You better be right about this, dumbass." Valente flicked her forehead, seeing her soft white ears twitch in response. "Stay close to me, understand?"

"Yes." She said as they both tried to navigate where the middle of the trap can be.

"Okay. This is fucking hard-Wait-!" He cursed and cut himself off. "I am such an idiot!"

Suni tilted her head, bemused.

"Well, I could've just used my damned magic!" He whisper-yelled, angry at his dumb self.

Suni giggled.

"What-WHY DID YOU GIGGLE?!" He asked, angrily.

"Y-You're always calling me a dumbass." She murmured.

"Oh god! Don't fucking say it!--" He started, already knowing what she is gonna say but she cut him off unintentionally.

"But, you're acting like a dumbass." And there, She said it.

Valente gritted his teeth and tried to hide his embarrassment. "Just shut the hell up and-and let's go!" He whisper-yelled, very angry. But at that time, Suni just found him cute.

She watched as he focused on his senses, easily finding the place. He held her hand and ran to the center.

"God! Please be right!" Valente whispered before flashing red flames, burning the trap, creating a big hole in it as if it was paper.

It worked!

Both of their eyes lit up. Suni clapped her hands excitedly, smiling.

"Oh! thank fucking you again!" He gave her a pat on her head, rubbing her ears, making them twitch before he jumped down, holding her hand tightly.

Suni yelped, clutching his shrug with her free hand and shutting her eyes tight.

Seeing her scared, Valente gripped her waist tightly, and as they fell, hitting the ground, he flipped them over so that the omega was on top of him.

He stared at her, lifting his head slightly. She was still buried in his chest, his hand still gripped her waist.

"We are back! Fucking finally." He said, rubbing her back.

Suni opened her eyes and jolted up, sitting on his abs, her legs on either side of his torso.

"You-You didn't tell me that we were going to jump!" She blurted out. "I thought we would be dead." She pouted when he chuckled.

"Relax, dumbass. It wasn't that long of a jump."

"It was!" She exclaimed with a cute angry expression.

"But we're alright! Aren't we?" He questioned with a silly smile on his face, seeing her pout yet again.

All of a sudden Suni's ear twitched while Valente's nose sniffed.

Suni got up from him, realizing something was coming their way again. But this time it was a thing.

Valente looked at Suni, "Ride. We have to run." He ordered and turned into his unique color, red wolf.