
Dark Power Mira's Destiny

Mira wakes up cold and in the dark. How did she get here? She ends up in a place were a dark man claims to be king. She was just at home in normal boring Connecticut. Was he insane. She had to admit his castle was quite elaborate but she couldn't be in a different time or place, could she? Witches, Vampires, demons, they aren't real. Join her on her path to figure out her connection to this strange land. Hi, I would love feedback! This is the first story I've written. If you have any great reading suggestions I would love to know. I enjoyed "Married to the Devil's Son". ChazzyMB

chazzyMB · Fantasía
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31 Chs


It was a lot for Mira to take in. Her brother could see into her dreams since he was 4 years old. Her parents found out she was alive at 7. She was a little jealous that she had not known anything about her family but they knew about her, that she didn't know they existed at all. There was nothing she could do about it. She was worn out. There were to many emotions to process. She tried to get comfortable under the blanket in the warm room. It was strange how this room stayed warm despite a fire not being lit like in the castle. She guessed it was magic since there were no radiators or vents the heat could come from. Mira tried to focus on what would come next instead of being angry at a past she could not fix. She had doing the same thing all her life to a new adventure every day. It was strange to not know what was coming next. Anxiety inducing, but it was thrilling, she smiled thinking about it. She would continue to learn magic then maybe soon she could travel this strange land her parents belonged to. She wanted to see everything, experience it.

She drifted off to sleep thinking of everything that had happened until this point. Once her sleep became heavy she was thrust into a nightmare. She could not breathe. She was drowning. Her lungs were filling with water. All of a sudden little hands were gripping her leg. They were pulling her up. She was scared. She just wanted to see the fish up close. The big golden fishy. She wanted to swim with her, swim like her. Her shiny scales golden scales reminded her of the stories her dada would read to her about mermaids. She wanted to see her pretty tail up close to see if it was like a merlady. She moved through the fountain so gracefully, she just wanted to touch her. That is how she got into this trouble. She fell to the ground and began to sputter, spitting up the water that had forced its way into her lungs.

"Stupid, stupid baby!" It was Lanter. The boy that followed her everywhere and didn't let her do anything. "Stupid Emi!" He shouted. The small childs eyes welled up. Why was he yelling at her? She was just trying to grab the beautiful fishy, it was the water he should be mad at. That water tried to hurt her. The girl began to cry. "Quiet!" he yelled. He grabbed the little girl turning her around putting her head on his shoulder and just rocked her. Her maid who had heard the commotion went to the boy and tried to grab the toddler. "Go away, you were not here when she almost drowned. I will have my mother kill you if you don't go away!" Actually he changed his mind. "I'll kill you myself." The little boy said in a low creepy voice. The maid backed away from the little prince who's eyes where glowing red keeping a sharper eye on the pair of children knowing her life depended on it.

The small child wriggled in his arms, she wanted to play. Maybe Lash will grab the fishy if she shows it to him. He held her tightly though until she quit squirming. She stuck her thumb in her mouth and with her other hand she twirled a loose brown curl around letting her head grow heavy against the boy's shoulder. The little boy fell asleep against the fountain rocking the child in his arms. She wriggled free then gave his head a couple gentle pats with her tiny hand. She then tottered away to find her next adventure. She hoped he would have a good nap so he wouldn't yell anymore. Lash was a very cranky little boy.