
DARK_PARDISE: The_Deadly_Fate

"After being sentenced to life imprisonment, I Exzi, a young Liberian mix drexan was offered an unholy deal by the the demonic deal maker. The devil appeared like an angel offering me a second chance of eternal life, but such deal came at a high price, First I have to die, then transmigrate to the eternal prison realm of Gan'drrakah, where I have to partake and win a deadly tournament known as the Fate of Life. But I had my own plan for going. Would you accept it, if it was offered to you? I did. My name is Exzi Ron, I'm a half human half drexan, I was chosen by the divine realm " Heaven to be it's champion in the fate of life. I asked you all to journey with me, in to my dark paradise. You will experience miraculous adventures.

Master_Of_My_Arts7 · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: A Blood For Blood Law (Part 2)

"He's not responding," Rivyn said as she continues to draw a magical symbol on the wall.

Maize was also drawing on the wall opposite Rivyn.

"Let me try Lu Chen. Aziz might be at the whore house." Maize said.

She had the same bracelet as the others. It was their way of communicating with one another over a long distance. She placed her right pointer finger on the crystal of her bracelet, chanted, and then she called the name of Lu Chen. The crystal started to glow, it glow for a while, and then it went off.

"Lu Chen is not responding either, and that's very strange, he always responds no matter what he's doing." Maize said.

"I'm worried they might get him into trouble," Rivyn said.

Maize smiles and turns to Rivyn, "I thought don't you care what happens to him, but it seems that you are worried, after all."

Rivyn stops, she faces Maize.

"What about you? What's going on between you two?"

"What are you talking about?" Maize smiles in awkwardness.

"I notice how you defended him earlier. Anyone would think he's your boyfriend."

"Who cares what anyone thinks?"

Rivyn saw a glimpse of her smirk she was trying to hide.

"You like him." Rivyn smirks.

"I don't hate him." Maize still tries to hide her smile.

"She likes him," Se-ri said, relaxed on the sofa with her legs comfortably crossed on the table.

She had on ack leather pants, black underwear with a short black leather jacket over it, she had on her comfortable leather boots.

Aiko was uninterested in their conversation, she just kept drawing with her glow maker in her notepad, she was teaching Big vibe who sat opposite her at the dining table, how to draw. They were drawing ann each other, and it seem like a big vibe still has a lot to learn, after all, he had only eight fingers.

"He's only been here a day, how can you fall for him already?"

"I don't think I'm the first."

"Nope, I'm sure you're the only girl who will fall for him overnight."

"I think he made my heartbeat this morning when I saw him alive and shirtless."

"Rivyn, you can't be denied he's hot."

"Did he bewitched you two?"

The conversation reaches the point that it interested Aiko, she pauses her drawing for the moment and turns to the others in the living room.

"I also like like brother Exzi very much," Aiko said.

"Kid, you can't like like him and called him your brother," Se-ri told Aiko.

"How did he bewitched you all?"

Maize stood quietly, briefly. " His eyes. The way he looks into my soul." She said as the words softly rolls down her tongue, she placed her hand back on the wall and continues drawing the symbols. Her mind was clouded by her morning fantasy with Exzi, Rivyn also recall hers with him in the pool.

"How does he do that?" Rivyn whispers.

Aiko got through with her drawing, while big Vibe was still suffering on his. Aiko placed the marker on the table and took her drawing to Se-ri. She took a vivid look at the drawing and smiles.

"Good kid, I still don't believe how you manage to draw big Vibe good looking."

Big vibe hissed.

"Sister Rivyn. Why do you hate Exzi? he even saves our lives." Aiko asked.

" I don't hate him, Aiko, I just don't trust him. I think he's hiding something." Robyn said.

"I don't know him, but I would love to get to know him, he doesn't seem bad at least in my eyes." Maize defended Exzi.

"You should make him your boyfriend since you seem madly in love with him."

"I plan to." Maize told her.

"Like a sister to you, I would advise you not to fall for him just yet." Rivyn advice her with much concern for her safety.

"He plans to join the tournament." Maize told her.

"I know," Rivyn answered.

"That's good, he can help us win."

"Maybe we could bond." maize thought out loud.

"How about Yu Tu, he's a great fighter. And we know him." She still doesn't think Exzi would be the best fit for the guild.

"I like Yu Tu, but there's something I can't grasp about Exzi, and I want to figure it out. But Maize thought otherwise.

" If Exzi is going to be part of the guild so will Yu Tu. He's asked first and I can't turn him down for someone we just met.

"Aren't you the same person who said we can't be more than eight because it will be hard to let anyone go when the tournament begins?"

"But Yu Tu has helped us a lot and do you know how he will feel when I tell him, he loses to a newbie we barely know," Rivyn said.

"What is your problem with Exzi. You were the one who brought him to the guild." Maize couldn't understand why she was so against Exzi joining the guild.

"If you doubted him, why did you bring him sister Rivyn?" Aiko asked.

"Maybe she was bewitched by his good looks and muscular body." Se-ri said."

"I didn't know what he was."

"So what is he? enlightened us, please. I know there's something you're not telling us. So spit it." Maize asked her.

An image of Exzi dark eyes appear in her mind, it made her shiver." His eyes were like death.

"All I can say is that, if he stays with the guild, death will always knock on our doors," Rivyn said.

They arrive at the apartment building the girl lives. They banged on the first door they saw. A fat man opens the door.

"Hello, Do you know her?" Exzi asked.

"I'm sorry, I don't. Check the other apartments, someone might know her." The man said.

They ran to the next apartment. But the owner slammed his door as the door before they could ask him.

"Exzi, she's not breathing." Lu Chen said sadly.

They went from floor to floor banging on doors, until they met an old lady on the sixth floor who recognizer her,

"Biyu. What happened to her?" The old lady asked as she weeps softly.

"Some men beat her. Do you know where she lives?"

"She lives on the ten floors in apartment eighty-six with Mr. Park," The old lady said.

"Thank you, mam."

Exzi saw that they still had four more floors to go and the Biyu wasn't breathing.

"Exzi, I don't think she will make it. We don't even have healing crystals with us." Lu Chen said.

"So unless he has a healing crystal, she will be forsaken," Aziz added.

Exzi quickly thought of a way to get up quickly.

"Aziz, Lu meet us up as fast as possible."

"What are you going to do?" Aziz asked.

Exzi held to her arms tightly as her blood rolls down his neck. He place his body in a position to run, took a deep breath, and super speed up the stairs. Aziz and Lu Chen were yet again stunned by what he could do. They follow him at fast as they could.

Exzi reach the apartment and banged on the door.

A fifty-six year's old man open the door, he walked with a cane due to a leg injury that cause him to be paralyzed for life.

"Biyu. What happen to you?" The man asked with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"It was a group of pet keepers that tried to take her away," Exzi explained.

He lay her down on a soft gray sofa. Her blood stained the Sofa. The man couldn't stop shedding tears, he held her hand gently, kissing it softly. Frustrated that his disadvantage makes it difficult to protect her.

"That damn Masashi. I want to rip his head off, for what he's done to my Biyu." The man knew him well.

"You know him?" Exzi asked the man.

"Yes, and this isn't the first time that he had abuse her." The man said.

"Do you have any healing crystals?" Exzi asked him.

"No. We ran out"

Exzi look around the room and he noticed that they barely had anything, and they were just getting by. The apartment was beautiful and comforting, it had an exquisite interior. He thought of calling Calexiel for help, but he remember what Calexiel said about not being able to interfere with the fate of others. Exzi knew he had no other choice but tried what he's more afraid of, healing her himself. He didn't want to review that he can heal others but he couldn't bear to watch her die. But he was mostly scared because every time he had tried to heal someone that is at the point of death, they died. His mind was overwhelmed with thoughts.

"Stand back, I might be able to help her," Exzi said nervously.

"What are you going to do?" Mr. Park asked him curiously.

"How are you going to help her?" Aziz was also curious.

"What you going to see you can't tell a soul about it. I'm not sure if this will work, but if I don't try, she will die." He was determined to keep his secret from many people as he could.

He knelt next to Biyu and placed both of his shivering hands on her chest, he close his eyes. His body shivers when an image of a dead 9 years old girl is on the hospital bed. He pushed through the painful memories and prayed an angelic prayer with deep faith, like the ones Calexiel says. Exzi started to his energy and slowly transferred it to Biyu body and it slowly started to heal. When they were Biyu face shocking them. They couldn't believe what Exzi was doing. It was impossible in Gan'drrakah. They've never seen anyone healed another person before, not ever the healers.

"How are you doing that?" Mr. Park asked.

"What are you, bro?" Aziz asked.

"Not even the fallen Angels can do that. So how are you doing that?" Lu Chen said as he watch Biyu heals.

"Whatever you are, thank you so much. My name is Mr. Park." Mr. Park expressed his gratitude.

Exzi felt dizzy and weaker, his head fell on Biyu. Lu Chen tried to pick him up but he stops him, he pull out more energy into Biyu to heal her fully. After a few minutes, he lost consciousness and fell flat on the cold metal floor, but he still held on to Biyu hands tightly with his left hand.

"Exzi! Exzi!" Aziz shouted.

They ran to him to see what had happened to him and he wasn't breathing. They all panic, their focus was on Exzi, briefly forgetting Biyu who was not unconscious.

Aziz bracelet crystal started to glow again. Aziz knew instantly who it was, from the symbol that appear on the crystal.

"Fuck it's Rivyn, what am I going to tell her." Aziz panic.

"Maize tried me earlier when we were running with Biyu so couldn't answer. But you have to talk to Rivyn or she's going to kill you in training." Lu Chen told him.

Aziz hesitated before answering the call on the crystal by chanting. A holographic image of Rivyn appears.

"Where are you guys?" Rivyn asked.

"Hey Boss, what's up."

"Where are you guys?"

"We are sightseeing. I hope you didn't let Exzi get into any stupid fights."

"Of course not, Don't you trust me boos?"

"No I don't, you make it impossible for me to trust you. I want you guys back in before sunsets or we are leaving without you."

"Yes, Boss."

Biyu opens her eyes and saw Mr. Part standing and took in a deep breath. When Mr. Park saw her, he was very delighted. His eyes burst with tears of joy, happy to see Biyu alive.

"Biyu. Thank God you're alive."

Rivyn overheard Mr. Park in the background.

"Who's Biyu? Aziz, where are you guys." Rivyn was curious.

"Hey boss, we will be back in time." Aziz ignore her question, he chanted and ended the holographic call. He turn to Exzi who was still unconscious.

"At least he saved her," Aziz said.

Biyu turn and saw Exzi laying unconscious on the floor. She quickly remembers him saving her, she got off the sofa and knelt beside him and try to wake him up.

"What happens to him?" Biyu asked.

"He's fell unconscious after healing your wounds." Lu Chen answer.

"Let's place him on the sofa," Biyu said.

They pick him off the ground and place him on the sofa. Biyu notices a deep sword wound on his stomach.

"He's wounded," Biyu said.

"What are you talking about? let me see." Aziz saw the ripped in his jacket, he took off Exzi jacket and saw a deep sword wound.

"Why is he not healing? I don't understand." Aziz was panicking.

"I think he uses his healing energy to heal her, instead of himself." Lu Chen explains, he was calmer than Aziz was.

"Why would he do that, is he stupid?" Aziz was furious.

"Why did he choose to save me and not himself? Now he might die because of me." Biyu started to weep softly.

"It's not your fault Biyu, don't cry, please don't cry." Me. Park hugged her tightly.

"I would also like to know, so let's hope he wakes up and answered that question," Aziz said.

They sat silently for like an hour, waiting and hoping that Exzi wakes up. They were all unaware of Exzi stomach that heal up fast. Exzi took a deep inhale as he open his eyes, he coughs. The others rush to him when they saw him awoken.

"Exzi, thank God you're alive bro or Rivyn was going to kill me," Aziz said with a feeling of relief.

Exzi sat up, he became overjoyed when he saw Biyu alive. Mr. Park walked to Exzi and held his hands gently and thanked him.

"I don't know what I would have done if biyu had died. I would probably kill myself. I don't know how to thank you." Mr. Park told him.

"It's okay, just take care of her," Exzi said.

"Thank you Exzi. I owe you my life." She said to him expressing her deep gratitude. Biyu said with a soft voice, her wounds were healed but her body hasn't regained its full energy.

"Don't think about that, you don't owe me anything. Just take care of yourself, okay." Exzi said.


"Exzi we got to go, or Rivyn and the others are going to leave without us," Aziz said.

"Mr. Park, we will be leaving now. We got somewhere to be."

"Thank you Exzi, you and your friends are welcome to come by anytime." Mr. Park said.

They left Mr. Park's house and saw that the sun was already set, and darkness was creeping in. They head straight to the guild, It took them at least an hour to get back, they arrived at night time. When they reach and enter Exzi saw unfamiliar symbols drawn on all sides of the room.

" Where have you guys been?" Rivyn asked furiously.

" I told you sightseeing, and we also did some exploring along the way." Aziz sold her In a sly tone.

"Don't lie to me, who's Biyu?"

"Oh, that..." Aziz tries to explain but was cut off by Rivyn because she knew he was going to lied.

"Lu, who's Biyu."

"She's someone that we saw dying in the market and saved her." Lu Chen said.

Rivyn didn't doubt a single word Lu Chen said.

"Don't tell me you guys took him to the whore house." Maize was upset that they took Exzi to sleep with other women because she has a crush on him.

"We took him to three actually, but don't worry he didn't sleep with any of them. It seems that Exzi has standards." Aziz's personality made Exzi find him entertaining to be around.

"What do you mean we? we took him, I just tag along because I had nothing else to do." Lu Chen didn't want to get him included in his scolding.

Rivyn walked slowly to Exzi, she soots a stain of blood on his jacket, she wiped it off with her fingers. She shows it to him.

"Who's blood is this?"

"Biyu." Exzi answer nervously.

"Lu, Did he get into any useless fights?" Rivyn asked Lu Chen because to her he was more trustworthy than Aziz.

Lu Chen hesitates for a minute before answering.

"No, he didn't get into any useless fights." his sarcasm wasn't helpful, but luckily Rivyn didn't catch on.

"One more thing, Yu Tu is also joining the guild. No debates." Rivyn exercises her authority as head of the guild.

"Ain't you same person who said..." Aziz tries to remind her but was cut off.

"Yes I did, but if Exzi is joining, so is Yu Tu. If you guys don't want Yu Tu to join us then Exzi has to go." Rivyn had already made her decision and the was no overruling it.

"So you don't want me a part of the guild?" Exzi feelings were hurt by her words.

"Yes. I don't want you to be a part of the guild." Rivyn said coldly

"Why?" Because you are not one of us. When we get wounded, our body can't heal itself. We don' have tattoos that glow, and we don't have darkness inside of us. So I don't want your kind among us."

"And what kind am I?"

"The kind that only brings death to our doors.

"That's enough Rivyn. Why are you all saying that to Exzi?"

"The way he slaughter those men last night, he was a monster," Rivyn said.

Tears set in his eyes, as he endure a deja vu of the worst moments he face growing up different on earth. Hunting memories came back to him at once, memories he had tried so hard to bury. Hurtful memories of his childhood appear in his mind.

Exzi stood in the middle of his fourth-grade class surrounded by students shivering with fear, calling Exzi a monster, throwing books at him, afraid that he might hurt them. Exzi stood crying with no friends to protect him, even the teachers were afraid of him. because of this he always had to change schools and change names.

Another memory came in and the other faded. In Junior high of another school, Exzi was pushed off the school rooftop by students that bullied him every day, for being different. He drops to the solid cement ground and is in the middle of a cars party. The other students panic when they say Exzi lying twisted on the ground, some hearts were filled with sorrow and some with relief. But when he started to heal, everybody became terrified as if they had seen a zombie. They all ran away in terror calling him a freak.

Other memories came flashing in, these were all memories of abuse, torture, hatred had to endure from people, always feeling like an outcast. But he thought Gan'drrakah was different, he thought he wouldn't have to feel that way ever again, but sadly, his past caught up to him.

"I thought you were different, but I guess you just like them." Exzi was sad and disappointed that he would be judge by the girl he just started like.

Right at that moment, Yu Tu enters, a twenty-six years old Chinese swordsman with long black hair, dressed in a black leather outfit. He is admired by the women of the city for his good looks. He has excellent fighting skills, he was a hunter for hire.

"Hey, guys what's going on?" Yu Tu asked.

"Hey Yu Tu, perfect timing. From today you are officially a member of the Rivyndan guild."

"Finally, I thought you guys were never going to let me joined the guild, looking at how many fighters you rejected. Thank you for accepting me, I promise to give it my all." Yu Tu was content to finally be accepted into the guild. But the was a strange mood in the room, that he notice.

"Who's this?" Yu Tu asked.

"His name's Exzi, and he's also a new member of the guild." Maize clarified.

"I came to warn you guy, I saw at least sixteen western pet keepers heading your way so I came as fast as I could. They are still asking for your address. So we need to leave now.

"Did you say, western pet keepers? what are they doing all the way here in the south? and why are they looking for us?"

"They found me." Aiko panic.

"They came for me. Please don't let them take me back, sister Rivyn. I don't want to go back there." Aiko ran to Se-ri and held right unto her arm. With eyes full of tears, she fell into a state of panic. She felt like her past came back to hunt her. Every night she had nightmares about being in a western pet house, how they abuse her and raped her repeatedly.

"They didn't come for you, Aiko. They are coming for him, the newcomer. After humiliating them in the streets, they came for blood."

"What did you do? Didn't I tell you not to get into any useless fights? And Lu, I thought you said he didn't get into any fights?" Robyn was furious. Exzi actions proved her point, why she didn't want to be a part of the guild.

"I didn't lie, it wasn't a useless fight. He saved someone." Lu Chen tried to defend Exzi's actions, but Rivyn wasn't willing to listen to him.

"What a hero. Now maize, do you believe me when I said he will only bring death to us." Rivyn was proving her point.

"I'm going to make things right," Exzi said.

"How are you going to do it? Are you going to do beg them to forgive you?" Rivyn was sarcastic.

"If that what it takes, I will," Exzi said furiously.

"You are stupid. Maybe that's how things work in kasaban, but not here. In Gan'drrakah it's a blood for blood law." Rivyn told him.

As they were preparing to leave they heard someone yelling from outside.

"I know this your guildhall, Newbie. You can't start a fight and not finish it.

The voice would very familiar to Aiko and it terrified her more. She couldn't forget the voice of one of the men who raped her.

"It's him, he's one of them. I know that voice, it's him. Please don't let him take me brother Exzi." Aiko shivers as her heart pound so fast that she could go in shock if not careful.

Exzi now realizes that Aiko was once kept in the pet house, he could tell from her expression that she was raped and beaten there.

"Don't worry Aiko, I won't let them take you. I promise." Exzi knew what he had to do, to keep his promise, even if he didn't want to do it.

" Come out or we are going to come in," Masashi warned Exzi.

"I'm going out alone, lock the door behind me, and don't come out no matter what happens.

"Exzi I'll come with you." Maize offered to help.

"Thanks, Maize, but this is my fight, I have to do this on my own," Exzi told her.

"You're a member of the Rivyndan guild, so you don't have to do this alone." Maize told him.

He held her cheeks with both hands, and rub her face gently with his fingers. She could feel the warmth of his hands. He looked into her eyes and smiles.

"It's going to be okay. You still have a strawberry I need to bite." Exzi said.

He walked outside, Rivyn locked the door as Exzi instructed. Everyone was worried about Exzi safety except for Rivyn and Yu Tu.

Maize ran up to her room and got a large piece of glass, she came back down and place the glass on the door, and chanted a spell. The glass made the door transparent from the inside, only those looking through the glass can see what is happening outside. Maize was anxious to see what will happen to Exzi.

"I'm here, so let's get this over with." Exzi walked up with his hands up like he was caught by the cops.

"You a great fighter, I give you that." Masashi had not been humiliated or beating in a long time, and not by a newbie.

"You're not so bad yourself." Exzi reply with a compliment.

"But I will have your head." Said Masashi.

"Can't you let this slide, as gratitude for spearing your lives earlier?" Exzi said.

"You should have killed us, then we wouldn't have bothered to come looking for you, because dead men take no vengeance," Masashi said.

"I want you to bring me his head." He instructed his pet keeper to attack, with brute force.

They strike with swords at Exzi who stood with his sword ready to defend himself.

He knew that this fight was going to be difficult to survive since he didn't intend to kill anyone. All they planned to do was to let them beat him up in public as he did to them, and just maybe that will satisfy them to leave him alone. So he had to get rid of their swords and let them beat him up physically without killing him.

It was night time and the neon lights brighten the streets with colors. The street was clear of all business people, they locked themselves in their stores, afraid to be caught in the middle of a bloodbath, so only the warriors and hunters could be seen on the street. Thunder sounded from the sky warning of rain, the fight had started and it was intense, Exzi only goal was to stay alive. He received a slash to the face that scare Maize that watching from inside, her heart was now beating eighty bpm. There were sparks everywhere from the rub of swords on the iron ground and walls.

Exzi fought till he achieve his first goal by disarming his opponents, now he stop fighting back and let himself get beaten. The pet keepers brutally beat him till he couldn't wake up. He was justly there in anguished, bleeding from all holes of his face except his eyes.

"Why isn't he fighting back. We need to help him. Rivyn we need to help him." Maize insisted on going out with tears rolling down her eyes. She couldn't see him in pain anymore.

"We can't." Rivyn opposed.

"They are going to kill him." Maize said with a heavy voice.

"Have you forgotten that his body can heal itself? I bet he doesn't even feel pain." Rivyn tried to relieve her of her worry.

"You're wrong. He does feel pain just like every one of us here." Aziz told her.

"When we went to the weapons shop, we cut him to test how his skin heal itself and how fast it took to fully healed, that was when we realize that every wound inflicted on him, pains him the same way it does. And when his body is healing itself, he feels even more pain." Lu Chen explained.

"So the pain that he's feeling right now, is unbearable even for him," said Aziz.

Rivyn heart started to pound faster, she didn't realize that Exzi felt pain like them or he could die. she started to feel guilty about how she treated him.

Masashi laughed when he saw Exzi bleeding on the ground, He didn't understand why Exzi stop fighting back but it wasn't of much concern to him, he got what he wanted after all.

"Pick him up," he commanded his men to stand Exzi up to strike the final blow.

They stood Exzi up as order, he was badly beaten with his face cover with blood. He got beaten more than he originally plan to, Masashi took out his sword and slash Exzi a couple of times to the chest, bleeding him more, he choked on his blood. He felt miserable but he had to endure it for the guild. He had to prove Rivyn wrong.

Masashi strikes the final blow, a stab through the chest that drops Exzi to the ground. Masashi had finally kill Exzi. A portal opens in a distance and three mysterious figures came out riding huge crawlers. The people on the street got on their knees the moment they saw the mysterious figures. They halted and watched the fight from afar.

As the pet keepers were leaving Maize couldn't take it anymore and go outside, the others follow behind her. They ran to the Exzi that was lying unconscious on the ground, they tried to pick him up when Masashi spotted Aiko hiding behind Se-ri. He recognizes her instantly.

"Aiko, I see you," Masashi shouted, panicking Aiko.

Aiko held on tight behind Se-ri, hiding from him. Rivyn stood in front of Se-ri and Aiko, ready to defend her guild member. The rain started to fall.

"Aiko, you can't hide from me. Did I ever told you, you were my favorite pet?" Masashi has now found a new target.

"You've already killed the man you were looking for, now leave," Rivyn told him furiously.

"Looks like I'm going to have new pets in my house."

Rivyn and the others stood their ground ready to fight to protect Aiko. The pet keepers picked up their swords and head for them.

"Kill the men, I want the girls," Masashi orders his men.

As they were attacking them, Exzi lifted off the ground, like the was no gravity to hold him. His eyes turn black, he stood in the middle of the pet keepers and the Rivyndan guild. His back faces the guild while he faces the pet keepers as his wounds healed before their eyes.

"I will give you one chance to live, take it and go." Exzi offers them mercy.

"Kill them all." Masashi was now overtaken by rage.

"I see you chose death. I forsake you all."

Exzi used his speed, strength, and hands to savagely kill them, he made sure to kill them in the worst way possible and left Masashi for Aiko to be punished. After beating him up, Exzi tosses him to them.

"Aiko, put an end to your nightmare," Exzi told her.

Before Masashi could alter a word, Aiko came from behind Se-ri, she took out her blade and slice his throat fast with no hesitation. Rivyn was shocked by Aiko's actions, Aiko was filled with rage and hatred for him, she stabbed him repeatedly, Rivyn tried to stop her but Aiko couldn't stop. All she thought about at that moment was how she was raped by him repeatedly and how she was treated like an animal instead of a human.

Exzi eyes were fixed on the three mysterious figures that sat on their huge crawlers. They started to ride ahead as the rain drips, the people were still kneeling, even the Rivyndan guild was on their knees. Only Exzi was left standing, he wouldn't bow to anyone. They came closer till they were only a few feet away from Exzi. Their faces were still cover with their hood, so Exzi couldn't see their faces.

"What do you want?" Exzi asked them.

"Come with us." Said one of the mysterious figures, it was a voice of a woman.

"Or else?" Exzi asked.

"Your friends wouldn't live to see the rain stop." The woman threatens him.

"I will follow you Under one condition," Exzi told her.


"No harm must come to them." That was his only concern and request.

"Fine. You have my word. Now let's go."

The portal reopened and Exzi along with the mysterious figures walked in without saying goodbye to them, disappearing from the guild into unknown danger.

He had briefly forgotten his reason for going Gan'drrakah all he thought about was the safety of the guild. Sad that he might not see them again. The guild watch him disappeared as they stood defenseless. Will they see him again? they all feared.