
Strange Doctor ~●

WHITE ANGLE CITY HOSPITAL is the best in its field with many advanced technology and high knowledgeable doctors... it's the one of the main reason... which make WHITE CITY... count in tops...

Inside the hospital 2 people came... one is full white haired old man in suit... and other is a handsome man his dark red hairs with black shade..which attract many gazes.... he was wearing a tore shirt soaked with blood... people noticed a small hole in his back...

" excuse me... how can we help you? " a nurse with white uniform till on her knees and white stockings ... with slightly uneasy face looking at his crimson shoulder....

" can you please call the doctor... there is bullet in my shoulder... it's annoying me... " I looked around there aren't many people in the lobby... all looking at my way...

" Ahh... What.. bullet... " hearing him she stunned how can he walk completely fine.. if not for his bloody shirt... no one can tell he is wounded...

" is there any problem miss " Mr.lin said... " is there not anything please call someone who can take out the bullet... little Feng I go and finish the paper work... at counter... and brink you new clothes... wait here for my return... " .... saying this he left...

" please come with me... " I followed that nurse... on a 2nd floor... on the way.. eeveryone looking at me... thou I ignored them... we reached a clinic room... after knocking at the door.... an middle aged lady voice came... " come in " .... we entered... I see a tall lady standing near the window looking outside with a black bun on his head wearing doctor long coat... drinking something... ' coffee I think ' ... she have some wrinkles on her face... but they can't hide her beauty....

she looked at him for a while... then said to sit down on a round chair .. . nurse left without saying anything... " so who shot a gun at young men like you... " she asked drinking her coffee.... " You don't have to worry who shot me is already dead " ... I replied plainly... and looked at a name plate on her desk... ' Dr.Kim '

hearing him she didn't said anything.. just silently watching outside with same look... " you killed him "

i gaze at her... slim mature figure... her calmness give me slightly sense of same feeling I saw that purple haired lady....

' EVA is there something different about her '

she quickly replied

[ yes... her aura match that lady we saw at restaurant... but I can say they are different but some same aura. ]

' is she also strong like her ' I asked curiously

[ no, she is not that strong... but still stronger than you]

' what... how can I already meet 2 people stronger than me... its annoying me.. '

[ I want to test her... try to get her DNA ]

after listening EVA I put aside my thoughts ' alright '....

" yeah..." I answered her... until now she already finished her cup... " take out your shirt " she said ... and come at me...i do as she said...

her deep.black eyes are calmly staring my body and a slight smile on her lips... ' she looks really attractive ' I thought I my heart...

" you have pretty good muscles "... I smiled in return... she take a Sharp blade and clean it in a liquid... then use a cotton to clean my wound...and use small blade to take out the bullet... I don't feel any pain.. I can clearly feel the movement of her hand... she take out the bullet in few seconds... its seems like she is skilled one..after she stiches my wound and bandage me .after I going to get up then suddenly I felt something moving on my chest... I see her long fingers... moving in a circular motion... then they came downwards slowly till my belly button... ' Damn till now she is calm women.. now she became seductive... ' .... I keep my gaze on her face... my eyes lock.... then I feel her face coming closer and a soft touch I found on my lips... like someone licking... ... ' This is..... This is... is she sexually assaulting me... its my first kiss.. .. dammit you women... ' I can fell her movement... I feel angry...

i grab her bottom tightly... and start giving response.... with my sudden attack she try to get away... like I'll let you go.... I stand up and make our bodies hug... I put my hand on her head and another one keep rubbing her butt... I slapped her butt cheek... she shiver slightly... and i feel pain on my tongue.... I slapped her again and again keep rubbing her bottom.... after a while she stopped biting.. and keep kissing.... dont know how much time have passed....

* uuffff * * huff * * haaaahhhh *

long breathing sounds can be heard now... her hair is in mess.. so her clothes... I can feel. the area covering her butt is torn....

then I slowly left her.. feeling if I continue more i loose my virginity another minute... I sat on chair..

" hhhuufffff hhuuuffffff * I breath greedily.... so it's feel like this...

i see her face.. her lips are looking now more large.. and clothes are in mess.. I feel I got overboard... but it's you who provoked me...

" ufufufu.. ara it's your first time.. isn't it.... but you should little gentle you know " she giggled and take out new some clothes from a bag... I sighed... I don't want to know why she kissed me... now she said anything.. I slapped her many times but she didn't get angry...

" yeah but don't say you don't like it " I said take tissues cleaning lipstick marks on my face...

"well if I say I don't like it.. I'll be lying myself " she talked and enter a attach bathroom...

after a while she came newly dressed in long one piece dress with same white coat...

" My name is Li Feng " I said as she give me a cup of coffee and one for herself drinking at the same spot near the window...

" Kim ShiRan... your treatment is over and.. I think someone is waiting for you. " she back to her same calm look like nothing happened... then I heard knocking on the door...

" Dr.Kim i'll like to meet you again... " pick up my shirt and wave at her and go outside...

" hmm.. " she looked at the closed door then place her hand on her butt caressing slowly... " what a mean boy.. " she said angrily but a small smile replace her anger.. and she keep looking outside at the bustling road...

I see Mr.lin standing outside.... with a new shirt in hand... " is your wound okay " he asked rubbing my back... " yeah mr.lin I hope it'll heal fast.. I don't want an ugly mark on my body " ..... well coz of particles I can heal every injury of my body like nothing happened.. but I have to pretend pissing off...

" it's just a minor problem... late i give you M-21 recovering cream... its made by your grandfather... I can heal your scar completely in few weeks... now wear your shirt.... "

i surprise my grandpa make some recovering cream... why I don't knew about this.... well nevermind... it's good for me.... I start wearing my shirt.... " I already contact your school.... and asked for 1 week leave for your proper recovery in time... " .... when I heard him.... "W-WHAT there is no need to take leave.... i am.fine you know.. . " ..... " it's not my decision it's your grandpa.... now take care of your wound in time.. and your grandpa said he'll call you later... "

.... hearing this I can't say anything...

we reached at home.... after eating dinner... I wash my body cleanly and sit in front of PC start playing some games...