
The Young Man

Chapter 13: The Young Man

Gray was asked to leave once again. 

Deeply disappointed, he didn't get to spend more time with this gorgeous woman he saw in his dreams not too long ago and to have the opportunity to ask her a couple of questions. There was so much that he felt like he had to ask her. The young man was forced to go back into town. Not everything was lost, after all, this was only number two of him being here in this small and modest town.

Time for plan B, I guess… he thought to himself as he made it into the heart of the town: The main street where most of, if not all, of the restaurants and little shops were. Gray opted to go into a local diner. Some kind of tavern. He sat down at a table and wasted no time to open a long series of books he had brought with him. The young man was working. There was no time to waste. He already had three books wide open on the table. He was looking at all of them. He also had a notepad opened with a pen in his hand. He was working hard to solve a mystery that has been haunting him ever since he began dreaming about this place… About this town… About her. He only sat down at a table in the corner of the diner and began taking notes of everything that had happened to him since yesterday. Since the day he arrived here. Everything that happened in such a short amount of time, it couldn't be a mistake. If he were to list all the things he dreamt about that he had seen here so far, the list was going to be quite extensive. Listing all the elements he remembered from his dreams that came to life: This was exactly what he was going to do. 

Let's see: Everything that I remember from my dreams… The town itself. I saw it in my dreams. Her. I saw her. Multiple times. She was more or less the same as she was in my dreams. Except that she was much kinder in real-life. In my dreams, I wasn't exactly certain what she wanted me to do. Yesterday, Ravana. Um… No. That's not right. I mean, Moth Woman, as she just called herself. Nah! Ravana, it is to me. Ravana was extremely kind to me as we first met. In my dreams, I remember her chasing me or something like that. What else? What else do I remember? Oh, yeah! The monster! I remember the monster from my dreams. He was similar. Not exactly like that, but similar. In my worst nightmare, he was of a red color, and it seemed like his skin was made of some kind of rock… Some kind of diamond or something like that… he began brainstorming and writing down everything he could remember from his dreams. 

"So, what can I do for you, honey?" he heard this voice in his mind. It was her voice. It was Ravana's voice. She spoke to him in his mind. He even managed to see her as he momentarily shut his eyes. She was right there. Standing. No. Not standing. She was walking right toward him. Slowly walking. Taking her time. Seductively swaying her hips from side to side. She was clearly attempting to seduce him, which surprised him because she recently asked him to leave her place. The young man didn't sleep enough last night, or at all. It felt like he was still sleeping. Still recovering. Day-dreaming. 

"What? What are you saying?" he asked out loud, confused. Hearing her voice again like this, aroused him a bit in the diner. His cock grew underneath the table. More confusion grew inside of him.

"What do you want me to bring you?" the same voice changed. It wasn't Ravana. It wasn't her at all. Gray opened his eyes again. He woke up. He looked up and saw a cute waitress standing right next to him at his table. Staring at him, deeply confused. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll have a coffee or something…" he asked.

"Very well. Coming back in a sec," she replied to him.

"Uh. Hold on. I have a question for you," he told her.

"Yeah?" she turned her back around and smiled at him.

"Do you know anything about monsters in this town?"

"What?" she chuckled. "Monsters?" she asked him. 

"Yes. Look. I know this sounds crazy. Anything strange happens in this town from time to time? Strange phenomena?" The young man was so desperate that he was willing to ask anyone about the kind of paranormal events that he suffered through yesterday. Combining that with his weird dreams, he felt like he was going crazy. 

"Um… Not really… There is an old legend about a man-bird or something like that. I heard my parents mention that a few times, but nothing more than that."

"Does it look like this?" Gray showed her a drawing in his book. It was a creepy drawing of a dark form with wings and two, big, red eyes. The adorable waitress was taken aback by it at first.

"I don't know. Maybe. I'm getting your coffee," and just like that, she left, almost as if she couldn't stand to look at that drawing for too good. Suspicious. Suspicious, to say the least. 

"Hey, you!" and exactly as the waitress left him and that he was about to go back into his books for more studying, he was interrupted by another voice, which was coming from a nearby table.

"What?" Gray asked as he first heard the man's voice. He looked up. There was a man getting up and walking up to his table.

"You should leave our town. There is nothing for you here."

"I am just looking for something," he replied to him.

"I said: Leave this place!" The man insisted and pulled on his collar, bringing him up to his feet and threatening to hurt him if he didn't leave. He was about to punch Gray in the face when Gray accidentally pushed him back to pick up his book from the floor, which had fallen to his feet. The tall and hulking man was accidentally projected to the other side of the table and came down crashing on another empty table. Everyone in the diner looked at Gray. Frightened of him at first.

"I'm sorry…" with no idea what to do, Gray picked up his books and the rest of his things and left, running. He almost came face to face with the cute waitress on his way out. 

"Hey, your coffee is ready!" the waitress told him.

"Next time maybe…" he told her. 

Hello and thanks for tuning in to read this new chapter. If you wish for me to continue writing this book, please leave a comment and tell me to do so. Encourage me to do so, otherwise, I would feel like prioritizing other projects. Please let me know if you want me to keep writing this book. Thank you.

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