
This will stop him...

"Keep your eyes closed until I say you can open them if you want to stay alive!" Raze shouted back again.

Whether one closed their eyes or opened them, it didn't matter. Either way, Raze's lightning magic spell would still hit them.

The reason why he was telling the others to keep their eyes closed was that no one was to know about magic, so all of those who had seen Raze use his magic, well, it meant now he had more than one reason to get rid of them.

From above, Alba and Froma had seen everything leading up to this moment.

"That move, it's exactly the same as what the Light Faction Elder used when we were fighting him, and he can use it as well, why didn't he use it before?" Froma asked.

There were strange things that happened in the world of Pagna. Things that Alba didn't know about, but in order to keep her relationship up with the Dark Magus, she didn't ask.

Both of them, they were using strange things. Powers she had never seen before.