
I'll Take Them All Out

Just like that, as the Doclet Army was ready to move forward, Raze appeared from the air swiftly and landed in the center of the mess, calm as ever.

Originally, Rayna didn't want Raze to come at all, fearing that the situation would worsen with him there. However, since it looked like they were about to fight anyway, perhaps the person in question could calm matters down.

'We don't quite know what will happen if someone from Pagna breaks the pact. If the Divine warriors will descend from the sky, if something later will happen, or what, but it would be best to avoid all of that.'

As Raze walked forward towards the king, an even greater worry appeared in Rayna's mind.

'Does Raze even know about the consequences of breaking the pact? He is originally from the world of Alterian…'

The king and Marcel, sitting on their high horses, were looking down at Raze. The descriptions of the man known as Dark Magus matched.