
A Deep Punishment (Part 1)

The general public was in uproar over recent events that had occurred in Alteiran. Every news channel, every broadcaster, every guild, and everyone who was anyone was talking about one large event that had occurred, wherever possible.

They were talking about the recent arrest of Jake Dove. The reporters covered in detail what had occurred, that Jake Dove had been arrested for the murder of his wife and child. The full details hadn't come out, as the case had yet to go to trial and it was only a recent event.

However, it was presumed that illegal substances had been used, and in a rage from the substances, Jake had murdered both members of his family.

It had shocked people because Jake on his broadcast had been seen as a likable person. He was a personality that was quickly gaining popularity. Not only that, but people were truly believing that he was making a change in his books and was fighting for the lower star mages with his breakthrough theories.