
A Bounty?

The carriage had stopped in its tracks even though it had yet to meet its destination, and there was a good reason why. Not even Raze could blame the horses for not wishing to move any further because there was a strange feeling about the entire place.

The carriage had been traveling somewhat up a mountain for a while and eventually came upon level ground. The green and forest-like area that was around them before had disappeared, and now the ground was a hardened black, made out of some type of rock.

When the three descended from the carriage, the horses lifted up their front legs and quickly turned around, running off with the carriage heading back in the direction they had come from.

"Well, if that's not a warning that we shouldn't be here, then I don't know what is," Simyon said. "Maybe it's the fact that this place looks even creepier than Raze's face at times."